Rotary Club of Hanover Changes Meeting Locations

Due to the fact that The Markets on Broadway is changing their focus and purpose,  The Rotary Club of Hanover, at it's regular meeting on January 7, 2025, voted to change their regular meeting location.   The new meeing place will be as follows:

Location - Hoss's Steak and Sea House
                  1180 Carlisle St
                  Hanover, Pa 17331

Time:         11:45 am to 1:15 pm

 Dates:  Meetings will be held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month

Process:       One can choose to go through the line and order and take it to the meeting room or, alternately, go directly to the meeting room and order off the menu via table service. Each member will pay for their own meal.

NOTE:  The Rotary Club wishes to thank The Markets on Broadway and Elizabeth Johnides and her staff for their hospitality during the years we spent at that location.  Thank you Liz and best wishes for your next business venture.

Rotary Club of Hanover Changes Meeting Locations Warren Risk 2025-01-07 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club Of Hanover Finalizes Two Club Grants

Article regarding finalization of 2 Club grants posted at the request of Peg Sennett


   For the 2023/24 Rotary year, Hanover Rotary supported a Club Grant to provide six park benches for the YWCA Early Learning Center Playground, part of the Borough of Hanover Wirt Park.  


 n  Pictured are Rotarians assembling the benches and kids enjoying both the new playground equipment and the benches. The benches are embossed with ‘Rotary Club of Hanover’.

In the current 2024/25 year, Hanover Rotary partnered with Main Street Hanover, sponsoring a grant to purchase equipment enhancing event registration and processing payments, along with a speaker system to be used for community and internal meetings, improving communication and inspiring support for Main Street Hanover. The equipment is labeled with Rotary stickers. 

 In support of Main Street Hanover, Rotarians helped decorate downtown Hanover for the Christmas season.





Rotary Club Of Hanover Finalizes Two Club Grants Peg Sennett 2024-12-05 05:00:00Z 0

Items documenting the History of the Hanover Rotary Club

Peg Sennett has assembled, organized and secured safe storage for a number of items that depict the History of the Hanover Rotary Club.



Items are stored at the office of Past Club President Mark Riggs, HCM Wealth Advisory Group, 40 York St., Hanover, Pa.



Nine (9) volumes of Rotograms, 1936 – 1976

Rotary Golden 50th Anniversary, club history 1936 – 1955

Blue Book of club history 1936 – 2004

Original Charter, 1936

Historical documents: plaques, photos, articles, 50th Anniversary album.

Six (6) plaques listing names of 180 Rotary Club of Hanover Paul Harris Fellows

Two (2) plaques listing Club Presidents from 1936 – 2004



Three (3) cast metal Rotary Wheels

Large canopy

Banner stand

Two (2) banners

Movable display panels (attached banners can be trashed)

Insulated blankets

Rotary aprons, tote bags, insulated lunch bags, sun glasses. 

Items documenting the History of the Hanover Rotary Club 2024-07-28 04:00:00Z 0

Latest  Update on Operation Braveheart

NOTE: This article is being shared at the request of Dr Jess Socrates as the latest update on Operation Braveheart in the Philippines.  Dr Jess has spearheaded this Rotary Project which has helped so many children experience a better life.  Thank you Jess for keeping us current on this tremendous project.

Operation Braveheart III continues to facilitate the repair of indigent patients' heart defects.  This is my EIGHTH report for Operation Braveheart III. I am sending with this email a collage of the eighth set of eight patients that Dr. Jonas repaired from March to April 2024. Five of the eight patients are children, three are adults. 6 PDA's and 2 ASD's.
The first patient, (Francis J.) was seen by Dr. Jonas in his recent trip to Marawi where he repaired 4 patients. The family had to raise funds for the trip to Manila.
The last patient on the collage (Baby Boy Balidog)  was born pre-term at 30 weeks age of gestation to a 30 year-old mother with preeclampsia and overt diabetes. The baby presented with respiratory distress at birth and was admitted to the NICU, to be managed as a case of Neonatal Pneumonia. 2D echocardiography showed a large hemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus. His short existence so far has been spent in the hospital because of severe congestive heart failure. Thanks to all our supporters and ROTARY, this baby boy will now have a very good outlook for a long and healthy life.This is the smallest patient to have PDA catheter closure in the country - 1,090 grams He is the second Braveheart patient that Dr. Jonas implanted a Piccolo devise on. This is used specially to repair small infants with a large PDA. I sent a special report on the first patient last June 2023..
In addition to the most recent collage of patients, I am also attaching a photo and tribute to Dr. Jonas. The Philippine Society of Cardiac Catheterization and Intervention recently presented him with their:"Distinguished Service Award."  Operation Braveheart is blessed to have a dedicated and committed physician volunteer. Dr. Jonas is the reason why Operation Braveheart has so far facilitated the transcatheter repair of the hole-in-the-heart defects of 220 indigent patients who did not have the financial means to undergo repair. 
Operation Braveheart continues to accept donations so we can sustain this project even after Braveheart III funds get depleted. If you care to, please write out your donation check to: Works of Mercy and on the memo line, write "OPERATION BRAVEHEART." Mail your check to:
26 Emerald Lake Drive
Palm Coast, FL 32137
As of today, Operation Braveheart has facilitated the transcatheter repair of 220 patients.
Thank you very much for your continued support.

Jess Socrates, M.D., Coordinator Operation Braveheart


Latest Update on Operation Braveheart Jess Socrates 2024-05-05 04:00:00Z 0

Update #4 on Operation Braveheart

Jess Socrates has provided yet another update from the Philippines on Operation Braveheart.  You will recall that this project provides heart operations on children to improve their physical health and life.  Jess's report and pictures of the latest group of children who received this treatment are shown below.

                                       Hello Operation Braveheart supporters!!
Update intro for email1.jpg
Operation Braveheart III continues to facilitate the repair of indigent patients' heart defects.  This is my FOURTH report for Operation Braveheart III. I am sending with this email a collage of the fourth set of eight patients that Dr. Jonas repaired from April 2023 to July 2023. Five of the eight patients are children, three are adults. 5 PDA's, two VSD's and one ASD.
Operation Braveheart continues to accept donations so we can sustain this project even after Braveheart III funds get depleted. If you care to, please write out your donation check to: Works of Mercy and on the memo line, write "OPERATION BRAVEHEART." Mail your check to:
26 Emerald Lake Drive
Palm Coast, FL 32137
As of today, Operation Braveheart has facilitated the transcatheter repair of 186 patients.
Thank you very much for your continued support.
Jess Socrates, M.D., Coordinator Operation Braveheart
Update #4 on Operation Braveheart Jess Socrates 2023-07-27 04:00:00Z 0

Highlights from our Meeting on 5/2/23

Two highlights from our meeting on Tuesday May 2, 2023 at the Markets on Broadway were:

Our Speaker, Cindy Janczyk, Penn's Youth
And induction of a new member, Matt Leyes, Bartlett Tree Co.  Pictured are Kathi Fuhrman, President, Matt Leyes, Warren Risk, Sponsor

Highlights from our Meeting on 5/2/23 Kathi Fuhrman 2023-05-02 04:00:00Z 0

Rotarians Volunteer at Race Aid Station

On Sunday April 29, Rotarians Kasey King and Warren Risk volunteered on behalf of Hanover Rotary to hand out water and gatorade at an aid station on the race course in Gettysburg.  Despite the pouring rain and chilly temps 1200 runners participated in the race in Gettysburg.  Runners chose from a variety of distances - 1 mi, 5mi, 10mi, half marathon, and marathon - to test their abilities.  We ended up soaken wet and cold but it was worth it.
Rotarians Volunteer at Race Aid Station Kasey King 2023-05-02 04:00:00Z 0

Rotarians Visit Hanover Historical Museum

On April 25th our club membership enjoyed a guided tour of the Hanover Historical Museum. Docent, Ken Weiler, was a wealth of information, generating both memories and many questions from the group. The museum professionally displays Hanover history and was too much to take in with just one visit. Everyone in attendance agreed that a return visit is necessary. If you missed this experience, or need to learn more after your first tour, visit the Museum located in the Carriage House behind the Warehime-Myers Mansion, 205 Baltimore St. Admission is free, donations are welcome. Hours: Wednesdays 10-3 and Saturdays 12-3.  
Rotarians Visit Hanover Historical Museum Peg Sennett 2023-05-02 04:00:00Z 0

Special Report from Jess Socrates

         Special report on a 10 year old girl with Atrial Septal Defect
Update intro for email1.jpg
Thank you very much for everyone's kind and encouraging comments about Camp Braveheart. These are well appreciated and strengthen my personal resolve to continue Operation Braveheart even after Rotary funds are exhausted. We can make this happen with everyone's continued support.
Friday, February 10, 2023 was an extra-special day for me in the Philippines. Before our anticipated trip, I asked Dr. Jonas to schedule a patient for repair while I was there. I wanted to touch base with him again and to bring some Rotarians and an undergraduate student over to experience transcatheter repair live.
Together with three fellow Rotarians from the Rotary Club of Makati Southeast, we spent the morning at the cardiac cath lab in the Philippine General Hospital.(PGH) Past President Emmie picked me up in my hotel. She had experienced this before. The other two, Juliet and Maria came separately for a first time experience with transcatheter repair. Dr. Jonas del Rosario had to delay the 10 year old girl with Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) because of an emergency. He had to open up a blocked hole in a newborn baby's heart. He explained to us that transcatheter intervention not only SEALS holes in the heart defects but also opens up blocked holes.
SOFIA, the scheduled Braveheart III patient, is a 10 year old girl from Pampanga (about two hours from PGH). Her mother, Wally, an unemployed preschool teacher, is a single mom. For the past four years, she had been actively and desperately seeking the help of doctors and medical institutions in the Metro Manila area. While in one of these hospitals, she noticed the name of Dr. Jonas listed on the directory. She bravely contacted Jonas who offered to see her and Sofia right away. To her pleasant surprise, Jonas scheduled Sofia for repair the next week. She couldn't believe it. After 4 years waiting and hoping, her daughter will finally be repaired immediately after she consulted with Jonas. It was sort of a shock and too soon for her to process that she started having second thoughts.
When I met Sofia and Wally at the PGH cardiac cath laboratory, both expressed fear and hesitation. Because of the delay we were able to have a lengthy conversation with Sofia and Wally. Transcatheter repair is not without possible complications. I assured Wally that Dr. Jonas had done thousands of these procedures and was the most skilled interventionist with the longest experience in the Philippines. Their fears were allayed when Jonas came in to tell them not to worry, everything will turn out fine.
Atrial septal defect (ASD) is a more complicated condition for repair. The device Jonas uses costs double the amount that is spent for the usual Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA). But thanks to all of you, our donors and the Rotary match, we have funds available for the device that Jonas will use to cure Sofia.
Sofia had to be anesthetized to allow the insertion of a tube through her mouth and down her esophagus in order for Jonas to visualize in computer monitors the condition of the defect with a TEE (transesophageal echocardiogram). Apparently, about 30% of ASD's can not be repaired with this procedure. Jonas had to insure that he had enough tissue for the device to be properly implanted and permanently secured. The device has to securely latch onto the soft tissue surrounding the septal defect for this to work. Otherwise, an open repair has to be done. Dr. Jonas came back to us with the good news and explanation that indeed, Sofia's ASD was amenable for repair. 
We watched the procedure from beginning to end. Also present were three other Rotarians, an undergraduate Biology (PreMed) major from UP Diliman and a third year medical student, my PHI fraternity brother who had been helping out with patient photos and demographics all along. We were all eyes during the procedure, concentrating on the TV monitors to view the catheter inserted, the device carefully deployed, accurately positioned, checked several times before finally released. The device placement must be perfectly done because once the device is released from the catheter, it can no longer be adjusted. The same applies to PDA closure.
There were four other physicians assisting in the procedure. When I asked them if they were willing to volunteer in the future when Jonas can no longer do this, they all replied without hesitation and in unison with a resounding YES. This made me feel confident that Operation Braveheart can continue long after the Rotary grant money is all spent.
After photos and goodbyes, we made a courtesy call to Dr. Gap Legaspi, Director of the Philippine General Hospital. Dr. Gap has been supportive from the start of this project. He allowed Operation Braveheart the access and use of the Cardiac cath laboratory at no cost. I reminded Dr. Gap that Braveheart III is the last Global Grant from Rotary but I am personally committed to continue the project even after Rotary funds are exhausted. Because of this, he intends to institutionalize Operation Braveheart in PGH so this courtesy can be extended after he leaves office and indefinitely. 
A week later, Sofia and her Mom Wally, no longer apprehensive, joined the Camp Braveheart celebrations.
Sofia's ASD repair is the 21st for Operation Braveheart III.
As of today, Operation Braveheart has facilitated the transcatheter repair of 180 patients (34 were ASD's).
Thank you very much for your continued support.
Jess Socrates, M.D., Coordinator Operation Braveheart
Special Report from Jess Socrates Jess Socrates 2023-03-21 04:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Awards

On Tuesday January 10 the Hanover Rotary Club Foundation Chair, Bob Miller, presented Paul Harris Awards to 3 members.  This was the first one for Brandon Gething and both Doug Becker and Ken Wenger are multiple award recipients. 

Pictured from left to right are President, Kathi Fuhrman, Brandon Gething, Doug Becker, Ken Wenger, and Foundation Chair, Bob Miller.
Paul Harris Awards Bob Miller 2023-01-12 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Inducts New Member

On Tuesday January 3, 2023 the Hanover Rotary Club welcomed a new member.  Her name is Kyla Bull.  Kyla's sponsor is Heidi Wrights.  Pictured below from left to right are Kathi Fuhrman, Club President; Kyla Bull, new member; Heidi Wrights.  
Rotary Inducts New Member Warren Risk 2023-01-07 05:00:00Z 0

Second Update on the 3rd Operation Braveheart Project

Jess Socrates recently shared the following information on Operation Braveheart:
 Hello Peg and Warren - please share with Hanover Rotary Club I!
         Merry Christmas to our Operation Braveheart supporters!
 Email Header.jpg
Operation Braveheart III continues to facilitate the repair of indigent patients' heart defects.  This is my SECOND report for Operation Braveheart III. I am sending with this email a collage of the second set of eight patients that Dr. Jonas repaired from October to December 2022. Seven of the eight patients are children, one is an adult. Note that in addition to the 5 PDA's and two VSD's, Dr. Jonas also repaired a patient with a Right Coronary artery fistula, an abnormal connection between the right coronary artery (that supplies blood to the heart) and another blood vessel or heart chamber. 
You will notice on the collage that one of the children has a cleft lip that needs to be repaired. 
On our visit to the Philippines this February 2023, my wife Luz and I hope to get together with some of the children  who have been repaired. Together with our Rotary partners in the Philippines, the Rotary Club  of Makati Southeast, we plan on a get-together with as many of our Braveheart children as possible in the Plenary Hall of the new Henry Sy Medical Science Building at the UP College of Medicine. We have been granted permission to use this hall. It is situated on the same campus as the Philippine General Hospital where the patients' hearts are repaired.
As of today, Operation Braveheart has facilitated the transcatheter repair of 188 patients.
Thank you very much for your continued support.
Jess Socrates, M.D., Coordinator Operation Braveheart
 Hello Peg and Warren - please share with Hanover Rotary Club I!
         Merry Christmas to our Operation Braveheart supporters!
Second Update on the 3rd Operation Braveheart Project Jess Socrates 2022-12-13 05:00:00Z 0

Volunteer for Junior Achievement

From member Ralph Jodice, here are JA volunteer opportunities coming up!  If you have questions, contact Ralph.
Dear Rotarians,
There are multiple JA volunteer opportunities over the next 4-5 weeks.  Please see the chart below.  If you are interested just click on the link below.  As always, any questions, please let me know. 
Thanks for your continued support of JA and our local students...Ralph 
Volunteers Needed
Harrisburg Area
Trinity High School
Hershey Middle School
Lancaster Area
Marticville Middle School
Penn Manor High School
Penn Manor High School
Manheim Central Middle School
Ephrata Middle School
York Area
New Oxford High School
West York Area Middle School
Spring Grove Area High School
Hanover High School
Red Lion Area High School
Red Lion Area High School
Southern Middle School
Eastern York High School
Volunteer for Junior Achievement Ralph Jodice 2022-11-08 05:00:00Z 0

Update On Operation Braveheart

Fellow Rotarians,  Below is a message from Jess Socrates, former Hanover Rotarian, who spearheaded the Operation Braveheart Project in the Philippines for many years.  Braveheart III is running and have served 8 children thus far.  Below is his update.
Hello Peg and Warren,
Sharing with you progress of Operation Braveheart III. More to come later. We anticipate to repair over 100 patients. 
Hello to everyone. Luz and I were in Hanover last Wednesday (missed the Tuesday meeting). I met up with Mike Hockenberry in the hospital.
 Email Header.jpg
Operation Braveheart III is now up and running. This is my FIRST report for Operation Braveheart III. I am sending with this email a collage of the first eight patients that Dr. Jonas repaired from August to September 2022. Six of the eight patients are children, two are adults. Note that in addition to the 3 PDA's, Dr. Jonas also repaired 3 patients with ASD and 2 with VSD. We anticipate to see more ASD's and VSD's in the future since PDA closures are now also being performed on charity patients at the National Children's Hospital.
Our #8 patient in the collage, Sky B. is a 3 year old boy with two synchronous heart defects: PDA and VSD.  Sky was a patient of the cardiac surgery service and was scheduled for open heart repair.  When Dr. Jonas found out about this, he advised the doctors in charge that he could repair both of Sky's heart defects by transcatheter procedure. The 100,000 pesos from a benefactor allocated for Sky’s open heart surgery paid for the VSD device instead.  Braveheart paid only for the PDA device.  Sky was spared from open heart surgery. Dr. Jonas repaired both defects by transcatheter procedure at the same time.
As of today, Operation Braveheart has facilitated the transcatheter repair of 182 patients.
Operation Braveheart continues to accept donations so we can sustain this project even after Braveheart III funds get depleted. If you care to, please write out your donation check to: UPMASA and on the memo line, write "OPERATION BRAVEHEART." Mail your check to:
UPMASA Treasurer
2304 Kossuth St
Lafayette IN 47904 

Or you may donate through the UPMASA website.
Thank you very much for your continued support.

Jess Socrates, M.D., Coordinator Operation Braveheart


Update On Operation Braveheart Jess Socrates 2022-10-25 04:00:00Z 0

UPMC Baby Shower

Dear Rotarian,
     UPMC Hanover will be hosting a Baby Shower event on October 22, 2022 from 9am-1pm.  
If you are aware of expectant mothers or those planning a pregnancy, please encourage registration for this event.
Michael Hockenberry
VP Operations
UPMC Hanover
UPMC Baby Shower Mike Hockenberry 2022-10-18 04:00:00Z 0

Virtual Death Cafe - Hospice & Community Care

Good morning.
The Your Life, Your Wishes Committee – promoting The Gift of Conversation is having a Virtual Death Café on Thursday, October 20, 2022.  We would like to invite you to this friendly conversation to increase awareness about death and to make the most of your life.  Please contact Tammy Gobrecht for more information and hope to see you virtually on October 20.
Best regards,
Tammy Gobrecht
Hospice & Community Care
235 St Charles Way, Suite 250
York, PA 17402
Referrals:  1-844-422-4031
Mobile: (717) 844-3957
York Office Phone: (717) 793-2113
York Office Fax: (717) 885-0813
New Picture (3)

Virtual Death Cafe - Hospice & Community Care 2022-10-14 04:00:00Z 0

Jessica and Friends Rock On Fundraiser

The Rotary Club of Hanover supported Jessica and Friends Rock On fundraiser. Hanover Rotary members rocked in rocking chairs at the Markets of Hanover while patrons passed by and made donations. $356 was raised in the donations bucket.  Jessica and Friends provide faith based services and support for adults with autism and intellectual disabilities and their families. They seek to be a community which affirms the worth of all people, supports personal growth and wholeness, advocates for community and church inclusion, and provides opportunities for spiritual growth and service. 

Pictured here are Peg Sennett, Ellie Rebert, and Ralph Jodice.
Jessica and Friends Rock On Fundraiser Ralph Jodice 2022-10-10 04:00:00Z 0

Rotarians Volunteer at The Little Theatre

The Hanover Rotary Club has stepped up to assist the Hanover Little Theatre by volunteering to park cars at their performances.  Two of the volunteers are pictured below:

Kathi Fuhrman and Rick McKee
Rotarians Volunteer at The Little Theatre Dale Brubaker 2022-10-10 04:00:00Z 0

First Quarterly Social At The Markets

Hanover Rotary held their first quarterly social event at The Markets on Broadway on Thursday 9/15/22.  A portion of the proceeds went to Roots For Boots.  Some of the participants are pictured below:

Kathi Fuhrman, Terry Gingrow, Deb Stambaugh, Sharon Kebil-Whislet, Chris Helt, Warren Risk and Liz Johnides.  Not pictured Jessica Waltersdorff
First Quarterly Social At The Markets Kathi Fuhrman 2022-10-10 04:00:00Z 0

UPMC Blood Screening

Dear Fellow Rotarian,
The next UPMC Hanover Employee and Community Blood Drive will be held on Thursday, November 10, 2022.
This event will be held at St. Mark Lutheran Church at 129 Charles Street in the Community Room.  St. Mark Church is located just north of Allegheny Avenue near the hospital campus.
Please share the attached flier in your place of work, with family, and others that might be interested in participating.
Michael Hockenberry
VP Operations
UPMC Hanover
UPMC Blood Screening Mike Hockenberry 2022-09-15 04:00:00Z 0

Upcoming Events

The Hanover Rotary Club is hosting one upcoming event:

Casino Night - Friday November 18, 2022 at The Markets on Broadway Featuring live music by The Willys  and  Benefiting the Hanover Rotary Community Impact Fund  
Upcoming Events Warren Risk 2022-09-06 04:00:00Z 0

New Member, Heidi Wrights, Inducted

The Hanover Rotary Club is happy to announce that a new member was inducted into the Club at today's regular meeting.  Heidi Wrights is now a member of the Club.  Heidi is the Bank Manager at Traditions Bank on Eisenhower Dr.  Mike Kelly is her sponsor.  
Welcome Heidi to the Club and we look forward to working with you in Rotary service to the community.
Pictured below from left to right are Kathi Fuhrman, President; Mike Kelly, Sponsor;  Heidi Wrights, new member.
New Member, Heidi Wrights, Inducted Warren Risk 2022-08-30 04:00:00Z 0

Clair Doll, York County Human Resources Director

Our speaker today at our regular Club meeting was Mr Clair Doll, Human Resources Director for York County.  His power point presentation can be viewed on our website under the "Downloads" section>
Clair Doll, York County Human Resources Director Warren Risk 2022-08-30 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting June 21, 2022

President Brandon conducted the meeting and Tammy Miler led the Pledge and Prayer.
ATTENDANCE: 25 members were present which represents 34.72% of our membership.
             YOUR DUES TO P.O. BOX 18 HANOVER, PA 17331.
50/50 DRAWING:  Chris Neri got to draw a card and won her $5.00 back!  The pot for next week is $575.
PROGRAM: The speaker originally scheduled for today had to cancel due to patient caseload.  In place of his presentation, Brandon conducted a round table discussion to get information from members to help guide our incoming Board and officers.  Each table discussed two questions related to our Club. - What things that were lost due to the pandemic would you like to see us return to; and What new programs or services would you like to see the Club do in the coming months and years.   Some of the responses included:
Programs that were lost that you'd like to see us revive -
Grow membership
Revisit growth with the community
Lost Tastefest
Lost Sports Night
Lost Pancake breakfast
Lost Trunk Sale
Lost  Members
Lost Philantrophy
Lost College Night
Community Service Projects
Ruth's Harvest

New programs to pursue -
Re-emphasize Polio and it's call to action
Eduction - Revive Career/College night; trades?
Craft Beer Event
Outdoor Project - tree planting - continue
Social Media emphasis
3rd Tuesday - non-profit speaker - start in July
2nd Tuesday - Roots for Boots (volunteer)
Fall Fundraiser
Band n' Brew for RotarySpring Fundraiser
Outdoor luncheon, weather permitting
Tastefest - future event 2024
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM:  Brandon Gething, outgoing President's remarks
Rotary Meeting June 21, 2022 Warren Risk 2022-06-22 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting June 14, 2022

President Brandon opened the meeting at 12:25 pm  and Shanna Hollich led the Pledge and Prayer.
ATTENDANCE: Members - 
                             Guests - Kitty Kurz, guest of Scott Kurz;  Alex Hayes, Rotarian from Gettysburg Club
50/50 DRAWING: Guest Kitty Kurz got to draw a card from the deck.  The pot is up to $467.
          - Karen Nelson - KIWANIS Blueberry sale - 10 lb box for $35- ORDER DEADLINE Monday June 20th. Order at :
          - Shanna Hollich - Author Event Monday June 20 6:30 - 8:00pm In the Bare Center at the Library.  Featured author is Mary Alice Monroe.
          - Scott Kurz - Seats and Feets campaign to collect skivvies and socks for the kids at Hoffman Homes for Youth donate Mon to Friday 8 - 5 through the end of August
          - Dale Brubaker - 9 Rotarians have signed up to volunteer for Roots 4 Boots Military Share today at the Markets.  You will be notified of the next opportunity.
             YOUR DUES TO P.O. BOX 18 HANOVER, PA 17331.
PROGRAM:  Steve Plumlee talking about his company - Certified CIO
Steve employs 13 people on his Team.  The company provides Managed Services to companies that outsource their IT programs.  Their focus is on manufacturing firms and medical providers.  They protect their clients from security attacks on their IT systems.  
Steve told us that phishing is the most common type of attacks.  Especially watch if there is an urgency indicated by the text or email.
These attacks steal confidential information like passwords 

Steve  then took questions from the group.
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAMDr. Todd Zeno  -  Diabetes and Foot Care and Wound Management
Rotary Meeting June 14, 2022 Warren Risk 2022-06-14 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting June 7, 2022

President Brandon opened the meeting at 12:25 pm and John Bailey led us in the Pledge and Prayer.  John also provided us with a short history of the Pledge.
ATTENDANCE: 32 members were present which represents 43.24 % of our membership.  There were 2 guests - Pete Miele, speaker and Rotarian from the Gettysburg Club; and Kendall Swift, guest of Kathi Fuhrman.
          - Christy Lucas - reminder that the Military Share Program will be held next Tuesday here at The Markets.  Volunteers are needed help with the lunches and food distribution.  You can come in before the Rotary Meeting or after from 1:00 to 3:00pm.
          - Brandon Gething -  when Brandon leaves his position as President on July 1, he has volunteered to head up the Club's fundraising efforts.  He expects to have a meeting in the early Fall to plan fundraisers and would like members to agree to help out with planning and administration of events.  If would like to serve on this committee please talk to Brandon.  (THANK YOU BRANDON FOR STEPPING UP TO TAKE ON THIS MUCH NEEDED EFFORT)
BIRTHDAY WHEEL FOR JUNE:  Several Rotarians with June birthdays spun the wheel and many members had to "pay up".
50/50 DRAWING: A total of $66 was raised today 1/2 going to the Foundation and 1/2 going to the 50/50 pot.  Mark  Riggs won the right to draw a card from the deck of 51 cards plus the 2 jokers.  No one won the "pot"so the amount in the "pot" next week will be $404.  A card will be drawn from the deck of 50 plus 2 jokers next week.
PROGRAM: Pete Miele, Executive Director of the Seminary Museum and Education Center - "The Civil War: Inside and Outside"
The Seminary building was built 31 years prior to the battle of Gettysburg and as such is the only museum in Gettysburg whose facility was there while the bullets were actually flying and the battle flags waving.  
As a way of introduction to the Seminary Museum and Education Center,  Pete told us an interesting and intricate story about the building and it's relation to the battle of Gettysburg.  He started the tale with Samuel Simon Shmucker, a Lutheran minister who at one time lived in New Market, Va, inherited 2 slaves from his father-in-law, and eventually ended up as the first head of the Lutheran Seminary in Gettysburg.  He was increasingly torn between slavery and anti-slavery feelings, especially after the admittance of the first African American student to the Seminary.  He wound into his story Buford's Union troops getting pushed back to the walls of the Seminary on July 1. With each account he told us personal stories of the people involved.  This led into the Seminary being used as the first hospital during the battle lasting for the next 2 1/2 months until they opened for classes in September.  
The Seminary survived the battle and the war and tons of stories to tell.  If one visits the Museum and Education Center these stories and many more will be revealed.  Pete gave an intriguing talk about the history of the Seminary leaving many of us wanting to visit the facility.  
Rotary Meeting June 7, 2022 Warren Risk 2022-06-07 04:00:00Z 0

Rotarians Volunteer for Gardening Project

Several Rotarians volunteered for a gardening project at the You First Personal Care Home on Frederick St on Friday May 27, 2023.  Rotarians included were chief arborists, agricultural experts, landscaping masters, lawn gurus Brandon Gething and Chris Helt, and Walt Maust, and Kathi Fuhrman and her son.  
Rotarians Volunteer for Gardening Project Warren Risk 2022-06-01 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting May 31, 2022

President Brandon opened the meeting at 12:25pm and Barb Rupp led the Pledge & Prayer.
ATTENDANCE: 38 members were in attendance which represents 52.05% of our membership.  We also had a total of 6 guests - Brianna Miller, Student of the Month;  W. Robinson, M J McClusky, Ashley Crouse, all members of the Uptown York Rotary Club; Vaughn Crouse Speaker, and member of the Uptown York Club; and Rasheeda Martin of the North York Rotary Club
50/50 DRAWING: Terry Gingrow sold tickets and conducted our first 50/50 drawing.  Tammy Gobrecht won the chance to draw a card from the deck.  $177 was earned.  1/2 the money goes to the Foundation and 1/2 is added to the pot of $250.  The pot for next week's drawing will be $338.
Dale Brubaker - sent out an email sign-up to support Roots for Boots Military Share on June 14, here at the Markets.  You can work in the morning before the Rotary meeting or in the afternoon after Rotary 1:00 to 3:00pm or for as long as you can stay.  It takes about 30 people all together to make it work efficiently.  
Dale Brubaker - last Friday several Rotarians worked on the garden at You First Personal Care Home on  Frederick St - Chief landscapers and lawn experts Brandon Gething and Chris Helt along with Kathi Fuhrman and her son and Walt Maust.(see article below).
Our speaker, Vaughn, was originally from Pottsville, went to York College, graduated with a degree in Sports Management, worked as a first responder and then as business development coordinator for Adams Co Winery, and now for York Co tourism.
Vaughn explained the economic impact of tourism in York Co - up to $1 billion annually prior to covid.  They are building up toward that figure now post-covid.  
He shared several initiatives with us including:
 - York Co, PA "Have It Made Here" - publicizing products made here
 - Tourism Grant Program - granted $2.5 million in grant funds since 2017
 - Sports Tourism - in 20/21 $20 million was realized in direct benefits encouraging sports here for example volleyball, swimming, and wrestling
 - Group Tours  - which helps to fill hotel rooms as well
 - York Co Cultural trails - 2 have been developed thus far, African American Excellence and Women Power.  Several more are planned including Hispanic Heritage, LGBTQ, and Military Heritage.
 - Destination Envy - using social media like LinkedIn, Facebook, and TicToc

The organization is the official tourism representative for York Co.  They are dedicated to maximizing tourism expenditures and economic impact in the County.
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM - Peter Miele, Seminary Ridge Museum and Edu Ctr  - It Began Here: The Civil War Inside & Out
Rotary Meeting May 31, 2022 Warren Risk 2022-05-31 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting May 24, 2022

President Brandon opened the meeting at 12:25 pm and Kristin Warner led the Pledge & Prayer.
ATTENDANCE: 35 members were in attendance which represents 47.3% of our membership.  4 Students of the Month were present as guests of the Club.
STUDENTS OF THE MONTH: The 4 Students of the Month were asked to share their experience at Rotary meetings this past month.
- Dale Brubaker - there are sign-up sheets on the tables for you to volunteer for the gardening project 5/26/22 3 - 4:30 pm at the Personal Care Home on Frederick St.
- Terry Gingrow - introduced a new fundraiser - 50/50 Tickets - tickets will be sold at each meeting at the registration table.  50% of the $$ will go to the Rotary Foundation and 50% goes to the fundraising project.  A card will be drawn from a deck of cards.  Members will have a chance to win $$ as the "pot" grows.  The point is to encourage members to attend meetings and to raise $$ for the foundation.

- Karen Nelson - it is not too late to buy blueberries from the Kiwanis sale.  You can order on-line.
- Brandon Gething - the Rotary Club of North York is having a Beer/Wine/Spirits tasting event with local brewers and distillers presenting their products.

PROGRAM: Christy Lucas, Roots For Boots Military Share 
Some things we learned today:
          - They serve to change lives
          - The organization is run 100% by volunteers and are funded entirely by the community - no Gov't dollars
          - They assist not only veterans, but active duty service persons as well
          - Some of the things R4B provides include - paying rent, utilities; pay for or do home repairs, and clean-up; referral to other community services; trac chairs, ramps for home access.
Military Share is one of the programs run by R4B.  The program provides food for veterans and active duty service persons.  In 2018 they began serving 8 veterans and now they are serving over 150.  They have been at several locations but due to the number of clients they are now working out of the Markets on Broadway on Tuesdays.  They partner with the Central Pa Food Bank  to provide food.  There are other Military Share programs but this one is special.  Some pror=grams just hand out non-perishables when the vets stop by.  Christy's program will deliver food to those who are disabled and cannot come in; her program also goes beyond non-perishable foods and has perishables to give;  Christy's program also provides a lunch to the volunteers and the veterans on Tuesdays which allows for critical fellowship time .  The Tuesday Military Shares take 30 volunteers to run smoothly, most of whom are veterans themselves.  This is an opportunity for Rotarians to volunteer once a week on Tuesday after our regular Rotary meeting.  
Roots4Boots is a truly incredible program that Christy has started from scratch, and the Military Share endeavor is filling a true need.  Well done Christy!  We are prod of the work you do!

Rotary Meeting May 24, 2022 2022-05-26 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting May 17, 2022

President Brandon called the meeting to order at 12:25 pm and Ralph Jodice led the Pledge & Prayer.
ATTENDANCE: 30 members attended the meeting which represents 41.10 % of our membership.  We also had 8 guests - 4 students of the month; Noel Soisson, guest of Justine Trucksess; speakers Sully Pinos, Marlena Schist, & Keely Bluett.
Karen Nelson - Kiwanis Club Blueberry sale fundraiser
Terry Gingrow - Dues payments.  There has been some disruption in dues notices to members and in members' payments of dues.  If you have not gotten a recent notice of quarterly dues payments of $220, please make payment to the Club at:  Rotary Club of Hanover,  P.O. Box 18, Hanover, Pa 17331 and let Terry know that you did not receive an invoice.
Secondly, if another entity pays your dues - i.e. the company or organization you work for - PLEASE BE SURE TO NOTIFY THAT ENTITY OF THE CORRECT ADDRESS TO USE FOR PAYMENT - Rotary Club of Hanover P.O. Box 18, Hanover, Pa 1733.  Apparently checks are still going to our old billing address.
Dale Brubaker - Volunteer opportunities.  1) gardening at Personal Care Home on Frederick St.  Dale sent an email to you to sign-up.  2) Roots 4 Boots - Food Bank on Tuesdays once /month here at The Markets On Broadway.
Barb Rupp - YWCA Fundraiser at The Bridges Golf Course - 9 Hole ParTEE,  June 9, 2022 1:00 pm.  You don't have to have your own clubs, shoes, etc or even know how to play golf!!!!  
PROGRAM: Sully Pinos, Exec Dir, BLOOM Business Empowerment Center; Marlena Schist, Manager BLOOM Programs; Keely Bluett
In 2020, together the County of York, The City of York, the Downtown York Business Improvement District, the York County Planning Commission and the York County Economic Alliance partnered with nationally known Fourth Economy Consultants to help align stakeholders around a common vision and develop a countywide strategic Action Plan.  This is a 10 year County-wide plan for economic development with goals to Create opportunities for all people - Fuel the engines of prosperity- Enhance York County's sense of Place.  Some of the projects and initiatives we heard about included:
- Hanover Theatre redevelopment for public use
- Trail Towns - providing support to businesses located along the Rail Trail
- Workforce Development
- County-wide Broadband WiFi
- Support to women & minority owned businesses through the BLOOM Business Empowerment Center
Rotary Meeting May 17, 2022 Warren Risk 2022-05-19 04:00:00Z 0

Club Members Who Have Resigned  This Year

Several Club members have asked that we list members who have left the Club for any one of a variety of reasons this year.  When we haven't seen someone for a while we often wonder where they have been and are they ok, etc.  Consequently here is the list given  to us by our Secretary, Kelly Rebert:
Alicia Bowman 6/16/21
Carol Hinkle 6/22/21
Rina Houck 6/24/21
Paul Stevenson 6/30/21
Jess Socrates 7/1/21
Erin Smith 7/29/21
Matt Guthrie 11/10/21
John Danehy 1/1/22
CArol Connor 3/9/22
Ruth Shaffer 3/9/22
Melissa Leathery 3/15/22
Jason Shoe 3/29/22
Joel Solomon 
Kevin Clark
Austin Carroll 4/14/22
Club Members Who Have Resigned This Year Warren Risk 2022-05-19 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting  May 10, 2022

President Brandon opened the meeting at 12:25pm.  Jessica Waltersdorff led the Pledge & Prayer.
ATTENDANCE: 32 members were in attendance which represents 43.84% of our membership.  Guests included 5 Students Of The Month; and Joey Blankenship, grandson of Bob Miller.
1) Bob Miller introduced his grandson Joey Blankenship.
2) Dale Brubaker -Reminder that a volunteer activity to serve Roots 4 Boots begins today.  Volunteers will be working in the food bank for Veterans here at the Markets beginning at 1:00pm.  There will other opportunities to volunteer in future weeks.(See pictures below).
    Dale Brubaker - another opportunity to volunteer will be to help with gardening at the Personal Care home at 337 Frederick St, Hanover 5/26/22 3:00pm.
3) Chris Neri - Author Event at Guthrie Memorial Library, Thurs May 19 from 7-9:00pm  in the Bare Center - "The Lost Summers of Newport" featuring Beatriz Williams, Lauren Willig, Karen White.  To register call 717-632-5183 or go to the library.
4)  Karen Nelson - Kiwanis Blueberry sale, 10 pound box for $35.  Order deadline is Monday June 20th.  Delivery is Monday June 27 from 12:00 noon to 7:00 pm at South Western H.S.  Order at
5) Terry Gingrow - Please support Delone Interact "Sleep Out For Homeless"  next Friday.
6) John Gerken - shared information about the Charter Mtg for our Club in 1936.  Rotary International President attended to present the Club #4000.
ROTARY MINUTE: Bob Kalinoski shared his reason for being a Rotarian as well as the objects of Rotary.  
Rotarians volunteering in the Roots 4 Boots food bank today at The Markets are pictured below.
Rotary Meeting May 10, 2022 Warren Risk 2022-05-10 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting May 3, 2022

President Brandon opened the meeting at 12:25 pm and Mary Kay Bernosky led the Pledge and Prayer.
ATTENDANCE: 32 members were present which represents 43.24% of our membership.  Guests included 6 Students of the Month for May; Tammy Myers, Rotarian from Gettysburg; Melissa Fowble, guest of Kathi Fuhrman; Jen Stetter, attorney at Barley/Snyder and guest of Mary Kay Bernosky; Michael Butera, speaker, Ash and Donovan Beltz friends of speaker.
STUDENTS OF THE MONTH: Brandon asked each of the students to introduce themselves and tell a little about themselves.
BIRTHDAY WHEEL: One of the Students spun the Birthday wheel for May.
- Terry Gingrow -  Trying to clear up billing issues due to a change in clerical help and establish credit car payments for dues.
- Dale Brubaker - Volunteer opportunities for Roots 4 Boots on Tuesday, May 10 here at the Markets and 1x mo thereafter.   Also gardening help needed at You First Personal Care Home on Frederick St.  Contact Dale if interested.
- Bob Kalinoski - scholarship awards are underway.
- Sharon Kebil-Whisler - Mobile Mammogram screening will be available at the Markets on May 7, 2022 8:00am to 4:00pm by WellSpan Health
                                      - Friday 9:00 am to 6:00 pm and Saturday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Just in time for Mother's Day and better Spring weather... shop Hope for The Future's PLANTER SALE at The Markets at Hanover. Enjoy a variety of beautiful cash and carry plants and flowers. Proceeds support Pledge The Pink to support breast cancer research and testing.
- Jessica Waltersdorf - social activity - ride the Ale Trail.  We have one bus and can add a second if there is enough interest.
- Walter Kovlinski - Support Delone Interact - will be having a fundraiser for the Homeless on Friday the 13th.  Please stop and talk to the students and donate. 
PROGRAM: MIRNA WILDASIN - MICHAEL BUTERA - Hanover Area Council of Churches
Mirna introduced Michael Butera who spoke about his association with the Council of Churches.  Michael gave a personal, moving account of his early life and support he received from HACC.   As a youngster he experienced a difficult life including being in placement, his family being evicted from their home, being hit by a car and resultant injuries, and living in shelter at HACC.  He feels that had it not been for HACC he would not be here with us today.  At age 15 Mike found music as his passion in life.  He has since had success in the music field and feels good about helping other artists in the area and HACC.  He has hosted several events to showcase their talent.  He donates $$ to HACC and needy families in the area.  He credits HACC with turning his life around.
Mike founded RIOYC - Rub It On Your Chest - as a slogan for people to stand up for themselves.

We appreciated Mike's honesty and sincerity in telling his life's story and wish him continued success in his career.
Rotary Meeting May 3, 2022 Warren Risk 2022-05-03 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting April 26, 2022

President Elect Kathi Fuhrman opened the meeting at 12:25pm and Ken Wenger led the pledge and prayer.
ATTENDANCE: 26 members were in attendance which represents 34.62% of our membership.  We had the 8 April students of the month as guests.
STUDENTS OF THE MONTH: Kathi asked the 8 students to tell us about their experience in Rotary this month. They each received a 4 Way Test coin.
Donna Haar - the Hanover Garden Club has a perennial sale on May 7th at St Mark's Church.
Greg Staub - there is still time to register for the upcoming District Conference.
Ralph Jodice - there is a Junior Achievement opportunity coming up on May 12 at New Oxford Interm School.  Contact Ralph for more details.
Bob Kalinoski - the Scholarship Committee will be reviewing applications from students.  If you would like to participate, contact Bob
Terry Gingrow - there have been some problems with our billing due to the changeover in the folks doing the billing.  We will get it straightened out so please bear with us.
Kathi for Dale Brubaker - there are 3 opportunities to volunteer coming up.  Contact Dale for more info.

PROGRAM:  Deb Stambaugh Polio Plus  
Pa.Polio Survivors Network - Information and Inspiration for Polio Survivors and Their Families.; Deb Stambaugh, Central Pa Coordinator; or 717-969-5049
Deb showed a video which portrayed the current status of the fight against Polio and where we stand now.
Deb also shared the following after the video:
- The vaccine information cards are the result of the Partnership with The Rotary Clubs of Pa, Survivors of a Vaccine Preventable Disease, and The Vaccine Education Center at The Children's Hospital of Pa (CHOP)
- According to Dr Paul Offit, MD at CHOP, this partnership is bringing a new twist to the message - "VACCINES WORK!"
- The information is now available in several languages in addition to English: Spanish, Hindu, Mandarin Chinese, Russian,  Persian(Dari).
- Other opportunities that the network offers include : an in-person support Group for Survivors; a Zoom Support Group that meets Monthly; a Monthly Newsletter that is sent in the USA, Canada and abroad; a private Facebook Page "Bruno Bites" offered thru Dr Richard Bruno; there are 3 Dr's on their team that write articles for the Newsletter along with Survivor Stories.
Finally, Deb emphasized that their project has been endorsed by the PA Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics and the PA State Immunization Coalition.
Thank you, Deb, for keeping us updated on this most important effort.
Rotary Meeting April 26, 2022 Warren Risk 2022-04-28 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary District Conference May 6 & 7

The Annual Rotary D7390 Conference will be held Friday, May 6 & Saturday, May 7, 2022 at the Best Western Premiere (800 East Park Drive, Harrisburg, PA 17111). There are several registration options available.
The Four-Way Test Speech contest finale will be held on Friday, May 6 from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. A reception with heavy hor's d'oeuvres will immediately follow the conclusion of the contest. 
On Saturday, May 7 you can either choose the "Grow Rotary" track or the "Leadership" track. You will stay with the track you choose throughout the day. The Leadership track will feature "managing change and conflict" and "creating high performing teams". Grow Rotary will focus on creating a culture of engagement, ways for clubs to attract and retain members, promoting the public image of your Club, and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. 
If you have questions, please do not hesitate to ask! Have a great day!

Melissa Kopp-Smith
Rotary District 7390 Executive Secretary
515 South George Street
York, PA 17401
Phone: 717-854-7842

Rotary District Conference May 6 & 7 Greg Staub 2022-04-21 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting April 19, 2022

President Brandon opened the meeting at 12:25 pm and Chris Helt led the Pledge and Prayer.

ATTENDANCE:  34 members were in attendance which represents 45.95% of our membership.  We also had 8 guests who are the April students of the month.
          - Dale Brubaker - announced a Club service project that will start on the 2nd Tuesday immediately after our meeting here at The Markets.  Volunteers are needed for a variety of activities to support  the Military Share program of Roots 4 Boots.
          - Tammy Gobrecht - announced "Virtual Movie Night"on Wed April 20, 2022 6:30 to 8:30 pm. The event is "Consider the Conversation 2" and a Panel Discussion  It is free.  This is the second chapter in a series of films exploring how we want to live at life's end.  Email
          - Tammy Gobrecht - The Wellspan Mobile Mammography Unit will be at The Markets at Hanover on May 7, 2022  Call 717-466-2666 to schedule an apt.
          - Greg Staub - you still have time to register for the District 7390 Conference May 6-7, 2022 - Together We Grow Rotary.  It will be hellcat the Best Western Premiere, 800 East Park Dr, Harrisburg, PA
          - Bob Kalinowski - spoke to us about Scholarships that we will be able to sponsor this year.
          - Warren Risk - Austin Carroll has recently resigned from Rotary.  He was a Sergeant At Arms for the Club along with Wendell.  We need one or two people to join the Sergeant At Arms Committee to help set up and take down each week and assist Wendell.
          - Brandon Gething - invoices went out last week. Some people indicated that they did not receive an invoice.  Contact Terry if you have a question about your billing.
                                         -  Children's Aid Society auction is scheduled for April 26, 2022; New Fairview Church of the Brethren, 1873 New Fairview Church of the Brethren Rd, York, Pa 17403;  Virtual Auction on-line bidding starts 4/23/22 at 12:01 am and ends on 4/25 at 7:00 pm
PROGRAM: Steve Plumlee, Classification Speech
Steve began by sharing some things about his early life and upbringing starting in Baytown, Tx just south of Houston.  He included a funny story about beer that you will have to ask him about.  His family moved to Maryland, and Steve graduated from Penn State with a degree in Media studies.  While at PSU he started doing some IT work on campus and he also realized shortly after taking a job in a video production company that he was not so enamored with corporate filmmaking.  He worked at a Gateway Computer store and moved onto an IRB company involved medical records handling via technology. In 2005 he moved to Baltimore earned various IT certifications and eventually relocated here in Hanover and began his own IT support business.  He has new interests in the management portion of a company like team building, goal setting, personalized attention to clients etc.  He focuses his support to clients on making sure that the technology fits the business and that they aren't sold products that they really don't need or aren't suited for.  He has a Team of 13 serving 70 clients.  He has seen a dramatic increase in the number of hacking attempts from Russian entities trying to access his clients and even himself.
Away from Steve enjoys anything NOT TECH related like mountain biking, snow boarding and he is putting a garden.  

Steve gave us an insightful view into his career thus far and did it in a light-hearted, laid-back manner.
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM: Rotary Fellowship Meeting 
Rotary Meeting April 19, 2022 Warren Risk 2022-04-20 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting April 5, 2022

Past President Chris Helt opened the meeting at 12:25 and Steve Plumlee led the Pledge and Prayer.
ATTENDANCE:  27 members were in attendance which represents  35.53% of the membership.  We also had 5 students of the month as our guests'
STUDENTS OF THE MONTH: Chris asked the Students of the Month to introduce themselves.  They were William Coulson and Olivia Wetzel from SouthWestern, Matthew Stoops from Spring Grove, and Brian Moore and Jana Rohrbaugh from Delone.
Bob Miller - announced that the Littlestown Fish & Game is having a kids fishing day on May 1.  Kids up to age 15 can fish from noon to 2:00pm; anyone can fish from 3:00 to 5:00.  Must bring your own rod and bait.
Greg Staub - registration for the District conference May 6 & 7 is now open.  Themes are Leadership and Membership development.  See article in RotaGram.
Ralph Jodice - Ralph told us about his recent JA presentation and what it meant to the kids and to him.  He highly recommended it to the group.
PROGRAM: Mark Albright - Rotary Classification Speech

Mark began by telling us a little about his personal life beginning with early years in York. He graduated from Penn State with a degree in electrical engineering.   He has a wife and three children, the youngest is in High School.  

Mark's work career has followed an interesting path and has been guided by coincidence, networking, and taking advantage of opportunities when they presented themselves.  He began in Instrumentation, which led to flowmaster companies, engineering design and sales, and eventually starting his own company in automation instruction.  Some projects they worked on include automated snow making at White Deer; automating studios at NPR ; and waste water flow.    He eventually took a job in Denmark with a Danish firm, and then moved on to a little known province in Brazil where he founded a company providing consultation to local companies to prepare products for sale in the US.  His Rotary networking contacts were instrumental in getting started with the companies down there and making it very successful.
At the end of his very informative and entertaining talk, Mark told us two things that we need to know about him: 1) his social skills stink and 2) he has a rare facial recognition syndrome, so be understanding if you see him in public and he doesn't recognize you.
Rotary Meeting April 5, 2022 Warren Risk 2022-04-05 04:00:00Z 0

Junior Achievement Activity

The Rotary Club of Hanover’s, Ralph Jodice, taught the Junior Achievement Program, Our Nation, to both of Mrs. Sherry Chroniger’s 6th grad social studies classes at St. Teresa of Calcutta in McSherrystown. JA Our Nation is 5 classes teaching students about the free market economy, innovation, careers, getting and keeping the job, and the linkages of today’s global economy. Junior Achievement has in-class programs available for grades K through 8 and day long programs for 9th through 12th grades. For grades K through 8, JA produces and provides complete, easy to follow lessons plans for each grade. The 9th through 12th programs are developed and managed by experienced professionals, and you are there to assist and help facilitate the program. All are fun, rewarding and educational. Check them out at  Have your club join in the JA fun today! 
Junior Achievement Activity Ralph Jodice 2022-04-01 04:00:00Z 0

UPMC Blood Drive

Dear Fellow Rotarian,
This is a friendly reminder of the next UPMC Hanover Employee and Community Blood Drive on Thursday, May 19, 2022.
This event will be held at the Eichelberger Professional Center at 195 Stock Street, Suite 119 on the ground level, East Entrance.
Please share the attached flier in your place of work for those that might be interested in participating.
Participants can register at the link pasted below
Michael Hockenberry
VP Operations
UPMC Hanover
P.S.  Thank you for your engagement in the program provided by Dr. Sabrina Martyr.  I think the question & answer format made for a very informative presentation.
UPMC Blood Drive Mike Hockenberry 2022-03-31 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting March 29, 2022

President Brandon opened the meeting at 12:25 pm and Karen Nelson led the Pledge and Prayer.
ATTENDANCE: 36 members were in attendance which represents 46.75% of our membership.  We had 10 guests including our speaker, Dr Sabrina Martyr; UPMC employees Linda Campbell and Dr Benjamin Zigmond; MaryKay Kelly, guest of Mike Kelly; and 6 students of the month.
STUDENTS OF THE MONTH: Brandon asked the 6 students of the month to share what they learned by attending Rotary this month - Josh Huston, Hanover; Makenna Mummert,  and Christopher Nield, Delone; Abigail Zeigler, Caleb Kraft, Spring Grove; Alvin Lin, SouthWestern.
- Christy Lucas - Roots for Boots has an event this weekend at Tri-Co south of Hanover.
- Christy Lucas and Brandon Gething - today is VietNam Veterans day - please remember all those brave men and women who served 
PROGRAM: Dr Sabrina Martyr, Md - UPMC Medical Oncology and Hematology
Dr .Martyr is a medical oncologist and hematologist with UPMC Hillman Cancer Center.  She is certified in hematology, medical oncology, and internal medicine by the American Board of Internal Medicine.  Dr Martyr received her medical degree from Howard University of Medicine and completed her residency at the University of Maine, Jackson Memorial Hospital, followed by her fellowship in Hematology and Oncology at the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health.  Dr Martyr's clinical interests include benign and malignant dermatology conditions, medical oncology, multiple myeloma, lymphomas, and hemoglobinopathies.

Dr Martyr entertained questions from the group such as:
- How has the pandemic affected treatments?
- Why does chemotherapy hurt our healthy cells swell as cancerous cells?
- How long does a patient undergo treatment?
- Screenings pick up some cancers but not all, what does the future hold for screening more cancers?
- How close is a cure for cancer and eradication of cancer?
- How do you decide on a course of treatment?
- What is immunotherapy vs chemotherapy?
- Is immunotherapy used in a preventative way ?
- How much do you attribute nutrition to causing cancer or as helping to cure cancer?
- Social work aspect of dealing with the healing process.
Dr Martyr did an excellent job of answering questions in an informed and caring manner.  We much appreciated having Dr Martyr in to talk about cancer with us.
Rotary Meeting March 29, 2022 Warren Risk 2022-03-29 04:00:00Z 0

New Member Induction

President Brandon inducted our newest member, Matthew Connors, into Rotary membership on Tuesday March 15, 2022.  Mike Hockenberry is his sponsor.  Matthew works for the UPMC Foundation.  "Welcome Matthew.  We look forward to getting to know you".

New Member Induction Warren Risk 2022-03-23 04:00:00Z 0

Register for the Upcoming District Conference

Please consider registering for the District 7390 Annual Conference as per this invitation from Melissa Kopp-Smith Executive Secretary, District 7390.
Dear Rotarian,
The Annual Rotary D7390 Conference will be held Friday, May 6 & Saturday, May 7, 2022 at the Best Western Premiere (800 East Park Drive, Harrisburg, PA 17111). There are several registration options available.
The Four-Way Test Speech contest finale will be held on Friday, May 6 from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. A reception with heavy hor's d'oeuvres will immediately follow the conclusion of the contest. 
On Saturday, May 7 you can either choose the "Grow Rotary" track or the "Leadership" track. You will stay with the track you choose throughout the day. The Leadership track will feature "managing change and conflict" and "creating high performing teams". Grow Rotary will focus on creating a culture of engagement, ways for clubs to attract and retain members, promoting the public image of your Club, and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. 
If you have questions, please do not hesitate to ask! Have a great day!

Melissa Kopp-Smith
Rotary District 7390 Executive Secretary
515 South George Street
York, PA 17401
Phone: 717-854-7842

Register for the Upcoming District Conference 2022-03-23 04:00:00Z 0

Register for the Annual District Conference

The following email is from Melissa Bruck(Kopp).  Please consider registering for the District conference on May 6 & 7.
Dear Rotarian,
The Annual Rotary D7390 Conference will be held Friday, May 6 & Saturday, May 7, 2022 at the Best Western Premiere (800 East Park Drive, Harrisburg, PA 17111). There are several registration options available.
The Four-Way Test Speech contest finale will be held on Friday, May 6 from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. A reception with heavy hor's d'oeuvres will immediately follow the conclusion of the contest. 
On Saturday, May 7 you can either choose the "Grow Rotary" track or the "Leadership" track. You will stay with the track you choose throughout the day. The Leadership track will feature "managing change and conflict" and "creating high performing teams". Grow Rotary will focus on creating a culture of engagement, ways for clubs to attract and retain members, promoting the public image of your Club, and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. 
If you have questions, please do not hesitate to ask! Have a great day!

Melissa Kopp-Smith
Rotary District 7390 Executive Secretary
515 South George Street
York, PA 17401
Phone: 717-854-7842

Register for the Annual District Conference Melissa (Bruck) Kopp - Rotary District 7390 2022-03-23 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting March 22, 2022

President Brandon called the meeting to order at 12:25 pm and Steve Plumlee led the Pledge and Prayer.
ATTENDANCE: 34 members were in attendance which is    %  of our membership.  We had 8 guests including our speakers, MaryKay Kelly and John Quashnoc, and 6 Students of the Month from Spring Grove, Hanover, and Delone.
     - Tammy Gobrecht - Virtual Movie Night, sponsored by Your Life, Your Wishes Wednesday April 20, 2022, 6:30 to 8:30pm Second in a series of films exploring how we want to live at life's end.
     - Kathi Fuhrman - volunteers are needed for New Oxford's flea market on the square.  See Kathi for more details.
     - Brandon Gething - there are 2 openings on the Board for next year and the position of Vice President is open. We are also seeking someone(s) to take over the RotaGram. See Brandon or Kathi if interested
PROGRAM: Barb Rupp, MarKay Kelly, and John Quashnoc - SouthWestern School District Organization for Excellence Connection
Dr. Rupp introduced the program as a combination of three different initiatives within the District all aimed at benefiting the students.  She spoke about the concepts of a Tradition of Excellence, Students First, Vision/Mission Focused, and a Mustang Mentality of "Whatever It Takes".
MaryKay explained the first two initiatives - 1) The Alumni Association which focuses on graduates of the District ; and 2) Dollars For Scholars Program which provides scholarships for students.

John Quashnoc then spoke about the third component , The Foundation.  He explained that there are two main parts to the Foundation - 1) serving the needs of current students through the offering of Grants for which teachers can apply.  2) Hall of Excellence - honors graduates of SW who have gone on to lead exemplary lives, made significant achievements or accomplishments.  The outstanding graduates are role models for current students to look to.  They show what a SW education can do for students.
Barb then wrapped-up the program showing how these three initiatives combine to put kids first, and continue a culture at SW - The Mustang Way!
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM: Dr Sabrina Martyr, UPMC Hillman Oncology Clinic
Dr. Sabrina Martyr will be providing a program regarding her Hematology/Oncology practice in the UPMC Hillman Oncology clinic located in the Medical Office Building on the UPMC Hanover hospital campus.
Dr. Martyr will provide information on her practice and welcomes a dialogue about today's challenges in cancer treatment as well as advances in the field.
Rotary Meeting March 22, 2022 Warren Risk 2022-03-22 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting March 15, 2022

President Brandon opened the meeting at 12:24pm and Ellie Rebert led the pledge and prayer.
ATTENDANCE: 29 members were in attendance which is 37.18 % of our current membership. A total of 7 guests were present including Chad Myers, Rotarian from the York Club and  6 students of the month.
NEW MEMBER INDUCTION: Matt Connor was inducted into membership.  Michael Hockenberry is his sponsor.
- Bob Miller mentioned an upcoming chicken dinner fundraiser on 4/2.  See Bob for details.
- Terry Gingrow - reminder us of the new address to mail in our quarterly dues.  He also said that credit card payments are available to us.  See Terry for details.
- Paul Berg - mentioned pictures that we received from Jess Socrates concerning the piggery we helped sponsor in the Philippines. (See below)
- Greg Staub - the Braveheart III project grant has been approved. 
PROGRAM: Lindsey Mackie - Byrnes Health Center 26 years of Health Education
Highlights from her presentation include:
- The center, located on S. George St in York, opened in 1995 with the purpose of delivering health education to students.  They began with 2 theaters and now have 5.  All programs back them were held at this facility and students from area school districts traveled there.  They have provided 7.75 million Health Ed programs during these past 26 years.
- Currently they offer 52 programs for students and 30 for adults.  Teams travel out to schools and organizations to deliver programs.
- They also provide on-line programs, like vaping and social and emotional health, to reach more people.  They also provide Webcasts.
- They provide programs to a large area way beyond York Co, to neighboring counties, States and even into Canada.
- Looking to the future they are completing much over-due updates to 2 existing theaters and adding a new theatre - Human Health and General Health/ Social and Emotional Health; adding STEM workshops.  
Rotary Meeting March 15, 2022 Warren Risk 2022-03-21 04:00:00Z 0

Piggery Project Update

The following words and text are from Jess Socrates:
Peg (cc Warren), 
I'm excited to show you these pictures from the St. Martin project. These have all been uploaded to our on-line report. I am just now waiting for the Financials from my Rotary partners before the report is finalized. Should be done before the April 5 deadline.

Piggery Project Update Jess Socrates 2022-03-21 04:00:00Z 0

 Rotary Club Meeting March 8, 2022

President Brandon brought the meeting to order at 12:30pm and Bob Miller led the Pledge & Prayer.

ATTENDANCE:  33 members which represents 41.25% of our membership.  We also had 7 guests including Thomas Senseney, guest of Chris Helt; and 6 February Students of the Month - 2 each from Hanover, Spring Grove, & Delone.
     Scott Kurz shared his perspective of being a member after 10 years in Rotary.
     Greg Staub, District Gov - Called our attention to a recent email that we received from Rotary International regarding the Rotary Disaster Relief Fund for the Ukraine
     Crisis, and encouraged us as individual members to contribute if we could.
PROGRAM: Carrie Nace - Lobbyist in PA State Government

     Carrie began by addressing the students of the month to realize just how important networking is to their future careers.  She told us how networking helped her with her
     own job changes and career moves to get to where she is today.
     Carrie told us how important the role of a lobbyist is with Government.  State representatives cannot possibly know every facet of every bill that is being proposed and all
     the effects that a Bill may cause if it is passed - not passed.  It is her belief that lobbyists, as a whole, are not bad people or not performing a negative service even though
     they may have that reputation.  She is very proud of the many things she has helped to get passed into law and they are things that help the community.  Her firm
     represents individual companies and collective associations as well and they cover a wide spectrum of issues.  Some of the things that has and is working on include:
     Health Care Workers, Broadband Availability, Fair Compensation for Farmers, Farmland Loss due to Solar Development, Withstar Institute for Cancer Research, and Pork
     Carrie addressed many questions from members at the conclusion of her formal remarks.   

Thank you Carrie for providing us some insight into this vital role of State Government.

Rotary Club Meeting March 8, 2022 Warren Risk 2022-03-09 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Foundation - Disaster Relief for the Humanitarian Crisis in Ukraine

The Rotary Foundation Disaster Relief Fund for the Humanitarian Crisis in the Ukraine
Please support this effort if you are able.
Dear Fellow Rotarian,

As one of the world’s largest humanitarian organizations, Rotary has made peace the cornerstone of our global mission. We are deeply concerned about the Ukraine crisis and need your help.

Rotary is made up of people of action, especially in difficult times. In response to the deepening refugee crisis, The Rotary Foundation Trustees have decided to prioritize contributions made to the Disaster Response Fund until 30 April 2022 to support disaster response grants for districts affected by these events. These expedited disaster response grants can be used to supply water, food, medicine, shelter, and clothing.
Half a million people have fled Ukraine and are in dire need of emergency aid. The United Nations estimates that number of refugees could grow to as many as 5 million people displaced. Rotary clubs in Europe and around the world have stepped up their relief work, some working on the ground to help displaced families.

With your donation to our Disaster Response Fund, we can support communities and help rebuild lives during this tragic time.


John Germ
Trustee Chair, 2021-22
The Rotary Foundation
Rotary Foundation - Disaster Relief for the Humanitarian Crisis in Ukraine 2022-03-03 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting March 1, 2022

President Brandon called the Meeting to order at 12:25pm and Dale Brubaker led the Pledge & Prayer.
ATTENDANCE: 35 members were in attendance which represents 43.75% of our membership.  We had 7 guests who are our March Students of the Month
STUDENTS OF THE MONTH:  Brandon asked each student to introduce themselves to the Club
REMEMBERING JOEL SOLOMON: Warren Miller sent a representative from the funeral home to share the obituary for Joel Solomon, a long time member, and Club President, District Governor who passed away on Wed 2/23/22 at the age of 83.
     Terry Gingrow - there will be a fundraising meeting today right after the meeting
     Paul Berg - Paul gave his thoughtful perspective on the current conflict between the Ukraine and Russia.  Three things to watch are the changes in Putin; China's reaction; Germany's reengagement in Nato.
BIRTHDAY WHEEL: February birthday people got to spin the wheel
PROGRAM:  Jessica Waltersdorff, Classification Speech
Jessica told us that she was born in Baltimore, Md and is the oldest of 3 siblings.  She spent her early years in Carroll Co.  In High School she played many sports, and was involved in several activities.  She graduated from Francis Scott Key H.S.  She attended Washington College in Chestertown, Md and played NCAA Div III lacrosse.  After 2 yrs she transferred to Towson Univ.  Around this time she got a pilot's license and was accepted to Commercial Flight School.  She did not attend.
In terms of family, she has a husband, Matt, and 3 children ages 6 and under, all boys.  Her in-laws, the Waltersdorff, operate a large chicken farm in Spring Grove.  Her father was killed in a bicycle accident at the age of 51.
Jessica works as a Business Banker at M&T bank. She serves as treasurer of the Board of the YWCA in Hanover, volunteered with the York Co Food Bank, and was a member of the Western Md Lacrosse Officials Association.
She ended by saying that she draws her inspiration from her parents and in-laws and has a need to give back to the community.  That is why she joined Rotary.  And we are very fortunate that she has joined our Club!!! 
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM: Member Carrie Nace, The Life Of A Lobbyist
Rotary Meeting March 1, 2022 Warren Risk 2022-03-01 05:00:00Z 0

Regular Rotary Meeting 2/22/22

President Brandon opened the meeting at 12:22pm and Melissa Plitt led the Pledge & Prayer.
ATTENDANCE: 36 members were in attendance which represents 45.68% of our membership.
                                7 guests were in attendance, all February students of the month
ANNOUNCEMENTS: There were no announcements today
STUDENTS OF THE MONTH:  Each of the students told us what they gained from their experience with Rotary.
PROGRAM: Kasey King , Classification Speech
Kasey began by telling us us a bit about her early life growing up on the west side of York.  She participated in ballet, gymnastics and swimming and attended schools in York City, West York and Dallastown.  She left home at age 16 and took care of herself.  Her parents instilled within her a very strong work ethic and sense of responsibility and accountability.  She now works as a realtor.
By age 20 she purchased her first house and had a child a year later.
At this time Kasey was working a blue collar job and had a set routine - get -up, go to work, come home to eat, sleep then get up the next day and repeat it all again.  In the ensuing years she began working her "up the ladder" through hard work and diligence.  Life outside of work changed for her as well.  She entered a triathlon on a lark, began working out at the Y, was introduced to Tough Mudders events, increased her workouts at the Ybecoming a gym rat, entered Spartan Racing events.  She excelled at these and was definitely "hooked".
She joined Rotary essentially with a desire to help others.
On more of a personal note, we found out that she married in 2018, has 3 teenagers in her home, along with a german shepherd.  She organizes a hiking group with events 2x per month on various rails in the region.
Kasey's story is one of grit and determination to succeed in life, both professionally and personally.  She is quite an inspiration and will bring much to Rotary!
Regular Rotary Meeting 2/22/22 Warren Risk 2022-02-22 05:00:00Z 0

Regular Rotary Meeting Feb 15, 2022

President Brandon opened the meeting at 12:20pm and Tammy Miller led the Pledge and Prayer.
ATTENDANCE: 30 members were in attendance which represents 37.50% of our membership.  
                             9 guests were in attendance including: Pat Gerken, guest of John Gerken; Diane Stahl, guest of Bert Elsner; 7 students of the month for February.
There were no announcements this week.
PROGRAM: John Gerken, The History of the Hanover Rotary Club
John gave an interesting, at times amusing, delightful talk as only John can do!  John gave us an encapsulated history of our Club and told stories that very few of us could remember or identify with.  Some things John shared include:
- How our CLub got started in 1935 by a small group of men and the York Club was our sponsor.  John's father became an early member of the Club.  The group wanted the Club number, assigned by RI, to be #4000 but it did not happen.  That first Club met at Trinity Church on York St and was an evening Club.  At the time RI only accepted males as members.  John told us that there was something known as the 5:30 Club which meant that members met at 5:30pm before the official meeting for "beverages" then the real Rotary Meting began at 6:00pm or so.
- Over the years our Club at a variety of locations - Trinity, Lyric Band Bldg, Richard McAllister Bldg, Red Barn(Patty & John's) on Westminster Rd. , Elks, BayCity, La Cucina, Bay City again and now The Markets on Broadway.
- Our Club supported many projects over the years like Bldg on Moul Field, Gazebo on the Square, hndkcp ramp and heart monitors at the library, Camp Tuckahoe docks, donation of books to kids, Rotarians reading to school kids, and tours through area Businesses
- Some of the fundraisers included an auction in Harrisburg of items collected from the Hanover Area, Travelogue, Sports Nite, Hole-in-one Golf Tournament, and more recently TasteFest.
- Our CLub used to be a very social Club as well sporting 2 Bowling Teams - Rotary #1 and #2., organizing trips to family events like baseball games, plays, race course, wine tastings, ladies nights, fashion shows, Christmas parties for the kids & grandkids complete with presents.  There were also occasional meetings with the Littlestown and Gettysburg Clubs.
- In 1959 RI relaxed the rules regarding admitting females as Rotarians and John feels that was one of the best things that Rotary ever did.  Women have brought new perspectives, new ideas,& new visions to Rotary.  Katherine Gault, an attorney from Gettysburg was our first female member and Chris Neri was our first female President.
- Throughout his presentation, John told funny stories Ken March, 50th Anniversary Celeb at the Elks and 52 ties, Irving Hostetler and his 5 sons, and Bowling league shirts for Rotary #1 inscribed with "Arrogant In Vicory - Insufferable In Defeat".  

John ended with a message for our students in attendance which was to give back to their communities no matter where they live and no matter what vocational field they end up in.
At the end John received a well - deserved standing ovation from the Club!!!  WELL DONE JOHN!
Regular Rotary Meeting Feb 15, 2022 Warren Risk 2022-02-17 05:00:00Z 0

2nd Annual Foundation Gala and Fundraiser

Fellow Rotarians
I am reaching out to you and asking you to support the Zones 28 and 32 Second Annual Foundation Gala and Fundraiser to be held virtually February 23 at 8 PM Eastern Time. Let us make sure District 7390 is well represented at the Gala.
It will be an event of amazing proportions.  Zones 28 and 32 represent 43 districts in Canada, France, Bermuda, and the northeastern United States.  Some have asked about the time of the event; with 7 time zones involved, 8 PM for those of us in the Eastern time Zone will fit our schedules.  If you cannot participate in the live event, a recording of the Gala will be available.   
The Gala will be packed with messages from Rotary leaders including Jennifer Jones, Rotary International President Elect, updates on Foundation programs, and entertainment by such groups as the One Voice Children’s Choir.  I have heard Jennifer Jones speak a number of times.  She is a compelling speaker and such a delightful person; you will enjoy getting to know her.
Your Gala ticket of $120 includes a TRF contribution of $100.  Your gifts will be a fully credited donation to TRF and you will receive a charitable tax receipt and related Paul Harris Fellow points. District 7390 and your club will receive full credit toward Foundation Goals. 
All donations to TRF will be distributed 75% going to the Annual Fund and 25% going to the PolioPlus Fund.  The portion credited to the PolioPlus Fund will be matched 2 to 1 by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. 
Last year the Gala raised $200,000 for the Foundation.  As Foundation advocates in District 7390, let us help hit a new high this year.
You can celebrate Rotary International’s 117th birthday, raise funds for The Rotary Foundation (TRF) and have fun on Wednesday, February 23, 2022. 
Your continued support of TRF is greatly appreciated.  The humanitarian work of TRF allows us to Serve to Change Lives.  Thanks in advance for supporting TRF. 
Yours in Rotary Service,
Anna-Mae Kobbe, Ph.D.
District 7390
District Rotary Foundation Chair

2nd Annual Foundation Gala and Fundraiser 2022-02-08 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting Feb 8, 2022

President Brandon opened the meeting at 12:27 and led the Pledge & Prayer.
ATTENDANCE: 27 members were in attendance which is 33.33% of our membership.
                              Guests included our speaker, Dr Russell Greehholt; 7 students of the month
     - Peg Sennett - Peg is looking for suggestions of local organizations to apply for a Rotary Grant.  Thus far the YWCA and the Council of Churches have been suggested.  There is one week left to give suggestions to Peg.
     - Terry Gingrow - the Fundraising Committee will meet right after today's meeting.
PROGRAM: Dr Russell Greenholt - Conewago Valley Foundation for Education
Dr Greenholt, former Superintendant of Conewago Valley School District now retired, told us about the reason for an Education Foundation, and what they have accomplished with it.
He gave us a condensed history of State funding for public education between 1992 and 2015.  Essentially in 1992 the State established that they would provide an established amount of money per pupil.  The legislation stated that the State would pay for 50% of the education cost.  By 2015 the State had frozen the formula maintaining 1992 numbers despite any subsequent changes in enrollments. Thus 60% of the districts had stagnant or negative growth while 40 % saw increased student population growth.  In areas of the State like south central Pa, the student enrollments rose significantly yet funding levels were frozen.
When he was working at Conewago Valley he set forth a 10 yr plan for the district - Equity - Relevance - Technology.  There were vast technology needs in the District along with other upgrades but not enough money to accomplish it all.  They decided to involve local businesses in the Community via an Academic Booster Club.  Russell approached the Board with an idea to build a 25,000 sq ft Technology Center to teach job skills transferrable to local businesses.  They worked to get local businesses involved, and found them very open to the idea.  They were successful in raising over $6 million and in-kind support and resources.  It became a matter of local pride to become involved and to be part of the project.  The center was constructed and is now successful in teaching state of the art high level technical skills to students.
The Foundation also provides Teacher Grants, Tours, ground breaking ceremonies, in the District.
Dr Greenholt gave an excellent presentation explaining what the Foundation is and what it is providing for the students and the Community.
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM: John Gerken will speak about The History of the Hanover Rotary Club
Rotary Meeting Feb 8, 2022 Warren Risk 2022-02-08 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting Feb 1, 2022

President Brandon called the meeting to order at 12:25 pm.


Pledge and Prayer by Ralph Jodice

Rotarians with February Birthdays were called forward and spun the wheel


               37 Members were present which is 46.25% of our membership.

               Guests included 4 students of the month; Matt Connors, guest of Mike Hockenberry and prospective member; Patty Hegberg, guest of Tammy Miller



HAPPY DOLLARS :  Christy was happy to see her former student Chase Hoffman who is now at Delone

                          Ralph announced that his grandson won the pinewood derby

PROGRAM:   Our own Greg Staub, District Governor was our speaker

He remarked that he doesn’t usually get a standing ovation before he’s even said anything!!

Greg stated that this Rotary year has been challenging but asked us to focus on the positives and the “why” of Rotary, leveraging the resources of all Rotarians

Also focusing on our local clubs and fellow Rotarians. 

He discussed the Rotary Foundation that returns 50% of the contributions made back to the donor clubs for district grants. 

Also as we emerge from the pandemic, we must position rotary as a way for business and community leaders to restart their public lives as we restart our economy.

Rotary International President Shankar Mehta has asked us to-

“Each One Bring One”.  Each Rotarian should make an effort to introduce Rotary to a friend.

In our District 7390 our biggest challenge is to develop a new generation of leaders. The new Mentorship Committee will identify those young leaders and make them aware of the opportunities that Rotary offers. Greg has asked that our club identify and send at least one or more young Rotary Leaders to our District conference in May. (5/6 and 5/7/22). The theme will be “The Future of Rotary” and the leadership team from our club should also attend as our club’s voice. 

Finally, Greg asked that we support Polio Plus by joining the Polio Plus Society, participating in events like Pints for Polio and the Ride to Eradicate Polio or create our own Polio Plus fundraiser. 

He also thanked his fellow Rotarians for all they do for Rotary.






Rotary Meeting Feb 1, 2022 Chris Neri 2022-02-01 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary International Convention

Houston, Texas
4-8 June, 2022
Limited time only: Save on the 2022 Rotary International Convention 

In response to questions and concerns raised by members worldwide, we are pleased to announce that the Rotary International Board of Directors has confirmed that the 2022 Rotary International Convention will be an in-person event 4-8 June in Houston, Texas, USA. We are excited to offer a special registration rate of US$495 through 28 February. 
In addition, the Board has determined that all participants, including Rotary International preconvention participants, must either be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 (as defined by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) OR provide a negative result from a COVID-19 test taken no more than 72 hours before their arrival at the convention. Check for updates as we continue to determine what safety protocols are necessary, based on the current CDC recommendations for safe gatherings.   
Don’t delay, because this special registration offer expires 28 February. You’ll have the opportunity to cancel for a full refund, minus a $50 per person administration fee, until 30 April. 

Rotary International Convention Greg Staub 2022-02-01 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Students of the Month

Our February Students of the Month are:
Delone-Faith Warehime and Chase Hoffman
Hanover-Kaitlyn Zeigler and Allie Lake
Spring Grove- Hailey Wolf and Austin Crites
South Western - Maddie Lehker and Eric Li
Rotary Students of the Month Barbara Rupp 2022-02-01 05:00:00Z 0

Regular Meeting January 25, 2022

President Elect Kathi Fuhrman opened the meeting at 12:25 pm and Mary Kay Bernosky led the Pledge and Prayer.
ATTENDANCE: 32 members attended the meeting which represents 40% of our membership
          Guests included our two speakers from the YWCA; 6 students of the month; Rob Connolly, guest of Bert Elsner
          Ralph Jodice - Junior Achievement STEM program at Hanover Schools was cancelled due to COVID concerns.  Other JA activities will continue.
                                - Ralph and his wife Judy let us know that there are 2 places in York to donate very good clothing - Just For Tomorrow and Closet To Careers.  Ralph will
                                  send out ore specific information to members via email.
PROGRAM: Janise Bankard and Lauren Souders - Hanover YWCA -eliminating Racism, Empowering Women
           The YWCA promotes Peace, Justice, Freedom, and Dignity for All
          Janise and Lauren spoke about Programs offered to the community by the YWCA.  They now have two locations - Hanover and Gettysburg - and serve all residents of York and Adams Counties.  One of the new Programs they have started is a sensory room for kids who need a quiet, safe place to relax, and calm down.  Lauren shared information about the following services:  Power Breakfasts, Mom's Mixers, and Walk A Mile In Our Shoes.  They operate an advocacy Hotline 24/7 and have 10 people on call to respond.
The YWCA provides legal advocacy to help with protection from abuse orders, and the court process involved.  They also help with medical advocacy liasion with Doctors and hospitals if needed.  They do crisis counseling and make referrals to various community agencies; referrals to local shelters in out even out of county if necessary to keep the client safe.  They also develop safety plans with clients and children and even help find a temporary shelter for family pets if required.  Housing, both temporary like a few months and transitional, like up to a year can be an issue and the YWCA assists with that.  Sometimes transportation is needed so clients can get to legal services or medical services or even to get back to the client's original home area, and the YWCA will arrange for that too. 
The YWCA will do Community education and prevention programs if asked so people know what they do, who they help, and what services are available.  They also operate a food pantry that clients in need can access.
Our community is fortunate to have the YWCA providing these services for people in the area to access when their lives are disrupted by tragic events like abuse.
Regular Meeting January 25, 2022 Warren Risk 2022-01-26 05:00:00Z 0

Suggestions for Grants

From Peg Sennett for all Club members:
Hanover Rotarians, it is that time of year to identify a club grant for the Rotary year 2022/23. 
The Hanover Rotary Board has authorized a Club Grant for the next Rotary year. Value of the grant can be up to $5,000. The project must be sustainable. For example, in years past we have provided a freezer for Windy Hill, range/oven for Council of Churches, lift truck for New Hope Ministries, benches for Hanover Borough. 
If you have any suggestion, the Humanitarian Committee will be happy to pursue/investigate. If you currently work with/support any non-profit in town, ask them if they have a need. In order to meet the District 7390 deadline, the Humanitarian Committee must receive any suggestions for a grant by February 15th. 
Please submit suggestions or leads to: 
Peg Sennett
Suggestions for Grants Peg Sennett 2022-01-19 05:00:00Z 0

Regular Meeting January 18, 2022

President Brandon opened the meeting at 12:26pm and Rick McKee led the Pledge and Prayer.
ATTENDANCE: 23 members were in attendance which represents 28.75 % of our membership
                              We had 6 guests which are students of the month from Delone, Hanover, and Spring Grove
                          Barb Rupp - wanted to acknowledge the following members for showing up to un-decorate the gasebo - Bob Miller, Terry Gingrow, Warren Risk
                          Rick McKee - gave a remembrance of his father who would have been 100 yrs old today
PROGRAM: Ralph Jodice,  Rotary Club of Hanover Charitable Fund
Ralph used a power point presentation to explain why we have a Charitable Fund and how it works.  Please refer to the "Downloads" section of the website to view the Powerpoint Presentation
           President - Ralph Jodice
           Secretary - Peg Sennett (Chair of the Humanitarian-Grants- Committee
           Treasurer - MaryBeth Hockenberry
           Director - Doug Becker (Chair of the Community Grants Committee)
           Director - Chris Neri


Regular Meeting January 18, 2022 Warren Risk 2022-01-18 05:00:00Z 0

UPMC Blood Drive

Taken from an email sent by Mike Hockenberry:
Dear Fellow Rotarian,
The next UPMC Hanover Employee and Community Blood Drive will be held on Thursday, February 3, 2022 from 8am-7pm
This event will return to the Eichelberger Professional Center at 195 Stock Street, Suite 119 on the ground level, East Entrance.
In a recent communication from the Central Pennsylvania Blood Bank, they shared that for the first time during the COVID-19 pandemic, supplies of type O blood have reached critical levels.  Other Blood types are limited to a 5-6 day supply.
We need your help in replenishing blood supplies for all blood types.  Please share the attached flier in your place of work and encourage others that may be able to donate to do so.
Visit to register.  Click on the Upcoming Blood Drives tab, enter the 17331 zip code, enter the start & end date of 2-3-2022 and choose the UPMC Hanover Hospital option.
Happy New Year and stay safe!
Michael Hockenberry
VP Operations
UPMC Hanover
UPMC Blood Drive Warren Risk 2022-01-12 05:00:00Z 0

Regular Meeting Jan 11, 2022

President Brandon brought the meeting to order at 12:25 pm and Rick McKee led the Pledge and Prayer.
ATTENDANCE: Members - 26 members were in attendance which represents 32.10% of our membership
                              Guests - 6 students of the month attended; Jared Lawrence, guest of Chris Helt; Carey Plumlee, guest of Steve Plumlee
     - Ralph Jodice - a Roots for Boots event is going on in the Markets today.  Please stop over and see what they are doing.
     - Dale Brubaker - UPMC Blood bank Feb 3, 2022 8:00am to 7:00pm  (See separate article below from Mike Hockenberry.)
     - Terry Gingrow - for those interested, you can now begin charging your quarterly dues to a debit or credit card.  Please contact Terry for the required form to use to
        initiate this process.
PROGRAM: KRISTIN WARNER -  Classification Speech
Kristin is one of our relatively new members and she told us a bit about herself through her Classification Speech.  These are some of the things we learned:
 She was born and grew up near Shiloh outside of York.  She attended West York schools and graduated from York College with a degree in Marketing.  During her time t York she realized she liked non-profits and did a lot of volunteering while there.   Initially she worked for an organization providing support to small and medium-sized businesses related to exporting.  Her organization then became associated with the World Trade Centers Association located in Harrisburg.  After some time she lost her job there due to downsizing.  She used this time away from structured, formal employment to assist her ailing mother, provide Youth ministry, and did free lance marketing involving websites, marketing plans, etc.
She then worked for a non-profit insurance company and through that experience eventually joined New Hope Ministries as their Gifts Officer. A former Rotarian, Brent Toomey, used to hold that position.  Kristin explained more about New Hope Ministries and their expansion in the area.
In terms of her personal life Kristin shared that she is married to her husband Jim and they have three children and a chocolate lab.  She enjoys cooking, smoking meats outdoors, hiking and family activities.
Kristin gave us a very interesting view of her life and work and several members asked questions for more information.  Thank you Kristin.  We are happy to have you as part of the Club!
Regular Meeting Jan 11, 2022 Warren Risk 2022-01-10 05:00:00Z 0

Tornado Disaster Relief

Adopted from the District Newsletter:
Five tornadoes ripped into Kentucky and multiple states overnight Saturday, December 11, 2021. The storm originated in Arkansas and touched down in Missouri and Tennessee before making its way into western and central Kentucky.
Our District, 7390, has a long history of helping communities devastated by natural disasters. We have gathered funding and volunteers to provide relief supplies, building materials and volunteers to rebuild homes, and funding to re-establish libraries. 
In Kentucky there are immediate needs: homes have been destroyed, Christmas trees and presents lost, employment ended. District 6710 in western and central Kentucky has started a Disaster Relief drive.
MONETARY DONATIONS can be made to:
Additionally, D6710 is collecting GIFT CARDS for food, gas, etc., to support displaced disaster victims. Please send only gift cards for major retailers or Visa, Master Card gift cards.
Gift Cards can be sent to: DG Gail Story, 2215 Outer Circle Drive, Crestwood, KY 40014.
We are sending you this information now since there are immediate needs and you may desire to make a donation before year end.
As D7390 has done in the past, we will continue to monitor the extent of recovery needs. We will keep you informed as specific projects may develop that require financial support or the need for volunteers to restore homes.
If you have any questions/recommendations, do not hesitate to contact: Peg Sennett, 717-630-8281,
Tornado Disaster Relief Warren Risk 2022-01-08 05:00:00Z 0

Regular Meeting January 4, 2022

President Brandon opened the meeting at 12:26 pm and Donna Haar led the Pledge and Prayer.
    - Members - 30 members were in attendance which represents 37.5 % of our membership of 80 people.
     - Guests of the Club - 5 students of the Month for January
                                      - We also had a guest from Steve Plumlee's company.
     - Brandon (from Barb Rupp) - the volunteers who helped decorate the gazebo or ANY other Rotarians are asked to help tear down this Saturday am at 8:00 am.  Meet at the commercial Bldg downtown.  This should not take long.
     - Warren Risk - we are looking for someone or a couple someones to take over the RotaGram.  I will show folks how to do it and be available if they need assistance.  It is not all that time consuming and it is a good way to stay up on Club happenings.  This will NOT include management of the website, only the RotaGram.  Please contact Warren if interested or if you have questions.
STUDENTS OF THE MONTH INTRODUCTIONS: Each of the 5 students present introduced themselves to the group.
JANUARY BIRTHDAY WHEEL: two Rotarians with January birthdays spun the birthday wheel.
PROGRAM: Shanna Hollich -  Director of the Guthrie Memorial Library.- Classification Speech
One of our newer members, Shanna Hollich, gave her classification speech and told us a bit about herself.  Here are so things we learned.
Shanna was born in Germany where her father was in the U.S. military later worked for the Dept of Defense. She was there with her family for 3 months but due to circumstances there she was not able to obtain dual citizenship.  They returned to the U.S. to live in Annville, Lancaster, Co. where she spent her early years.
She said she was always a good student and involved in school activities like sports & music.  She attended and graduated from Brandeis University in Waltham, Mass.where she graduated with a degree in Philosophy and Linguistics.  She decided against going for a PhD and moved to Pittsburgh where she was a legal assistant for a short time still trying to determine what she wanted to do.  While at home she ran across a poster that she made when she was in Kindergarten where she had written "When I grow up I want to be a librarian".  So she listened to her 5 year old self.  After a short stint in Va she obtained a Masters of Library Degree from Rutgers Univ.  
Shanna has worked at every library level from private & public school libraries to Wilson College & now to Guthrie. 
Shanna lives in Gettysburg with her husband and dogs and cats.  She is a professional musician playing the French Horn and Trumpet. She likes knitting and crocheting and of course reading.  She is also pursuing a second Masters degree, this time in data management.  She also does on-line teaching in copyrighting.
Shanna likes to keep busy and is looking forward to getting involved in Rotary.  She appreciates all the support Rotary has given to the library in the past.  She made a very good presentation which generated several questions from the members.
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM:  Kristin Warner - Rotary Classification Speech
Regular Meeting January 4, 2022 Warren Risk 2022-01-05 05:00:00Z 0

Grant Writing Training Program

As adopted from an email from Melissa Kopp-Smith, District Executive Secretary -
A District Grant Training session will be held Monday, January 10, 2022 from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. Register today to complete this annual training so your Club can apply for $2500 in District funds to use for a service project! 
Grant Writing Training Program Warren Risk 2022-01-05 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Students of the Month - January 2022

We are very happy to announce and meet the following Rotary Students of the Month for January 2022:
Hanover High School
          - Anna Chen
          - Sydney Delong
Delone Catholic High School
          - Olivia Snyder
          - Gage Wildasin
SouthWestern High School
          - Jalyn Rigsby
          - Evan Grove
Spring Grove High School
          - Olivia Pitzer
          - Drew Miller
Rotary Students of the Month - January 2022 Warren Risk 2022-01-05 05:00:00Z 0

Regular Meeting December 21, 2021

President Brandon opened the meeting at 12:00 noon explaining that we were changing the order of events a bit by having the business meeting first then enjoy lunch and fellowship afterward.  Brandon led the pledge and prayer.
ATTENDANCE: 36 of our 80 members were in attendance which represents 45% of our membership.  We had 9 guests including 5 students of the month; Ross Hockenberry, guest of Mike Kelly; Savannah Albright, guest of Mark Albright; Chad Myers, and Matthew Connors both guests of Mike Hockenberry.
STUDENTS OF THE MONTH: The 5 students present each told us what they learned from their experience at Rotary over the past month.
     Peg Sennett - presented Craig Aiello with his clock signifying years of membership.
                         - shared that there is a method to send money to tornado relief in Kentucky which she outlined in an email sent to us this week and copied below.
PROGRAM: We heard from SouthWestern director earlier this week that they were forced to cancel their holiday performance today due to the numbers of students who are ill.  This was disappointing news as we always enjoy these programs however we certainly understand the situation.  We wish that all the students and staff get well soon and have a very Merry Christmas!
In place of our regular program, we thoroughly enjoyed fellowship time with our lunch.
We wish that everyone has a wonderful holiday and experiences the true joys and meaning of Christmas!
Regular Meeting December 21, 2021 Warren Risk 2021-12-21 05:00:00Z 0

Regular Meeting Dec 14, 2021

Rotary  meeting-    12/14/21


         Members - 36 members were in attendance which represents 44.56% of our membership.

         Guests included 6 students of the month for Dec.; Amanda Steininger, guest of Jessica Waltersdorff


Barb Rupp made an announcement about needing additional volunteers at Santa’s Cabin.  If anyone is interested in helping contact Barb Rupp.

Chris Neri announced that she was asked about the number of books that we have donated to the children’s library.  We started in July 2007 under the presidency of Jim Balthaser and have to date donated approximately 675 children’s books!

Bob Miller announced that the Gettysburg Times will be starting a weekly Hanover Times initially as a free paper. They are looking for freelance writers.  More details to follow.

Brandon opened today’s meeting as a Business Meeting:

He mentioned that 5 new members have joined our club in the last 6 months.

Also the Fund Raising meeting that was held after last week’s meeting was productive. A suggestion was made to possibly hold a dinner as a fund raiser for our club to offset community requests that come in to our club. Any additional ideas are welcome and appreciated.

Kathy Fuhrman presenting the slate of officers for the upcoming year of 7/1/22-6/30/23. Approved as submitted.

     President                                                 Kathi Fuhrman
     President Elect                                        Jessica Waltersdorff
     Treasurer                                                 Terry Gingrow
     Secretary                                                 Kelly Rebert
     Vice President                                         Vacant
     Immediate Past President                        Brandon Gething
    Board/ Lane Chair New Generations       Mary Kay Bernosky
    Board/Lane Chair - Club Service             Warren Risk
    Board/Lane Chair Community Svc          Christy Lucas
    Board/Lane Chair Int'l Service                 Paul Berg
    Board/Lane Chair Vocational Service      Jessica Waltersdorff



Terry Gingrow, Treasurer presented the budget for 7/1/21-6/30/22 which was approved by the Board at their last meeting.  If you would like a copy of the budget, please contact Terry directly.

NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM - HOLIDAY PROGRAM AND MUSIC PROVIDED BY THE MUSIC DEPT OF SOUTHWESTERN SCHOOL DISTRICT.  Please let us know if you are going to bring a guest to this meeting.

Regular Meeting Dec 14, 2021 Chris Neri 2021-12-15 05:00:00Z 0

Regular Club Meeting 12/7/21

President Brandon opened the meeting at 12:24 pm and Bob Miller, in full uniform, led the pledge and prayer.
ATTENDANCE: 28 members were in attendance which is 35.89% of our members.
     Guests included 6 Students of the month for Dec; speakers - Doug Mastriano & Leah Krichten; Joan Miller guest of Bob Miller; Frank Fuhrman, and Janise Bankard, guest of Kathi Fuhrrman.  (Mark Albright and Kasey King are both members now but not on the members list yet)
     Brandon -  Ralph Jodice is still looking for volunteers to attend classes in area schools as part of Junior Achievement.  Talk to Ralph if you are interested.
     Brandon - there will be a meeting immediately following this Rotary meeting open to all members to discuss fundraising ideas for the Club.
     Bob Miller - a Pearl Harbor remembrance ceremony will be held at 2:00 this afternoon at St Matthew's Lutheran Church.  It is open to the public.  Bob will be participating as part of the Honor Guard.
STUDENTS OF THE MONTH: Students for December each told us a bit about themselves - school attended, school activities, and future plans.
INDUCTION OF A NEW MEMBER: Brandon inducted Mark Albright into membership with the Club.  Terry Gingrow stood in for Mark's sponsor, John Bailey.
BIRTHDAY WHEEL:  Those members who have Dec birthdays were invited to spin the wheel to see who would have to pay dollars to the Club.  "Fines" subsequently assessed on the unlucky members were paid to our Treasurer.
PROGRAM:  Statem Senator Doug Mastriano,   State Legislature Update
Doug has had along career in the Army and comes from a military family.  After his service career he felt compelled to enter politics to put and keep our country on the right track after seeing so many things that need to be addressed. Throughout his talk he wove in facts and incidents from different military conflicts and leaders including WWII, Pearl Harbor, and the Civil War.  Through these stories he emphasized values important to him so we would better understand where he stood on various issues.
He also emphasized that he would like to see both parties work together to solve problems rather than be so polarized.  Neither party is ALL right or ALL wrong but they to come together for the good of the State and ALL people in the State.  "Harrisburg" is often unaware of and out of touch with what life is like for average residents throughout the State.  The legislature should be here to serve people, not the other way around.
Some of the current issues in the Legislature he discussed included -1) Election Reform.  After the last Presidential election many people have lost faith in the system being a fair one and we have to restore that faith.  Voter I.D. ,transparency,  mail-in ballots and poll watchers all need to be addressed.. 2) Examining and possibly changing the Governor's Emergency Powers, particularly in the wake of the Covid Pandemic. 3) Energy Production in the US as a whole and specifically in PA.  We have the 2nd largest natural gas resource in the country.  We are reaping rewards for this production as many other energy producing States are. 4) Taxes - i.e. cigarette, gasoline and property taxes.  Not only  these high but often are not going towards the stated purpose of the tax.  5) The Gen Assembly has automatic pay raises while average citizens do not. 6) Capping insulin costs.  
We appreciated his time to come and speak to us today.
Regular Club Meeting 12/7/21 Warren Risk 2021-12-08 05:00:00Z 0

Regular Meeting 11/30/21

President Brandon opened the meeting at 12:25 and Bob Miller led the Pledge and Prayer.
     Members -  36 members were in attendance which represents  44.30 % of our membership
     Guests - 6 students of the month; our speaker Karl Pietrzak; Mark Albright, prospective member; Rebecca Countess, Haley Rohrbaugh, Beth Keva guests of Club from the CGA law firm
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Brandon announced that he'll be arranging a date and time for a meeting of the Fundraising committee once he hears from those wishing to be part of the group.
STUDENTS OF THE MONTH: Mary Kay Bernosky explained the significance of the 4 Way Test and presented coins to each of the students.  Brandon then asked each student to share their impressions of Rotary over the past several weeks.
LONGEVITY PRESENTATION: Peg Sennett presented awards to two additional Rotarians - Walt Maust, 50 years and Mary Kay Bernosky, 11 years.
BADGE PRESENTATION: One of our newer members, Austin Carroll, has agreed to assist Wendell with the Sargent At Arms duties.  As such he was given a special badge to signify his position.  The Club gave Austin and Wendell a round of applause for their work week in and week out.
PROGRAM: Karl Pietrzak,  President of Destination Gettysburg
Destination Gettysburg is the official marketing agent of Gettysburg.  They include Hanover in their efforts.
Karl emphasized several points:
  Advocacy - for tourism industry in the Region
  Audience - there are several different types of tourists including leisure, Groups, International, Educational.  3 -4 million travelers per year.  They want to attract younger
                     visitors and are having some success in lowering the average age now to 51 yrs old.
  Marketing - they utilize social media (FaceBook, twitter, TicToc, billboards, and print media
  Adams Co Pour Tour - there are 20 partners including brewers, distillers, and vintners
  Adams Co Crop Hop/Stop - the tour provides an agricultural experience especially for those unfamiliar with all types of farming, crop growing, farm animals and farm life.
                   They have held 563 tours since the spring
  Tourism - data from 2019 shows that tourism create 5300 jobs; brings in $753 million in revenue; and $80 million in tax revenue.  Tourism in the US is rebounding and
                 predicted to keep increasing
  Covid - they are rebounding from the effects of covid over the last year and a half. 2019 data show they are up 54% from March of 2020 to March of 2021.  They keep an
               eye on covid trends for planning and to provide safe experiences for all visitors.
The presentation was well received and we are glad to see that things are beginning to return to normal especially for small business and tourism in the region.
Regular Meeting 11/30/21 Warren Risk 2021-12-01 05:00:00Z 0

Rotarians Decorate Gazebo At Wirt Park

Several Rotarians showed up to decorate the Gazebo at Wirt Park.  I attached a pic from this past Saturday @ Wirt Park. We had 9 helpers, we were able to complete the project in about 2 hours.
 Pictured from left to right are - Barb Rupp, Ellie Rebert, Rick McKee, Rhonda Ramos, Kasey King, Chris Helt and son, and bob Miller.  Not pictured are Terry Gingrow and Jessica Waltersdorf.
Addendum from Chris: Good morning - thank you for coming out to decorate the Wirt Park Gazebo! Barb received a phone call that our snowflakes did not withstand the wind this weekend. We will have to come up with another more wind resistant idea for the gazebo next time. We just wanted to let everyone know that helped out incase you drive by and see they are not up, it was the wind.
Rotarians Decorate Gazebo At Wirt Park chris helt 2021-11-28 05:00:00Z 0

Rotarians Decorated the Gazebo Saturday Nov 20, 2021

Chris Helt shared the following information regarding the Club's effort to decorate the Gazebo at Wirt Park:
I attached a pic from this past Saturday @ Wirt Park. We had 9 helpers, we were able to complete the project in about 2 hours.
        Pictured above from left to right: Barb Rupp, Elinor Stough, Rick McKee, Rhonda Ramos, Kasey King, Chris Helt and son and Bob Miller.  Not pictured are Terry Gingrow and Jessica Waltersdorf.
Rotarians Decorated the Gazebo Saturday Nov 20, 2021 Christopher Helt 2021-11-22 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting Nov 16, 2021

President Brandon opened the meeting at 12:28 and Mike Hockenberry led the Pledge and Prayer.
                            GUESTS - 7 students of the month; Cindy and Mike Winter, guests of Bert Elsner; Kasey King, prospective member.
Dale Brubaker - there are 8 people signed-up to help decorate the gazebo this Saturday morning. If anyone else is interested please come out and join us!
Bob Miller - mentioned that as previous chair of the foundation he was going through various things and found several items -pins, medallions, etc - that members who have contributed to the Foundation & Paul Harris, may wish to have.  See Bob after the meeting.
Bob Kalinoski - told us he met John Kramb recently.  Bob encouraged us to contribute to the Foundation and Polio Plus via and it will be matched.
INDUCTION: Brandon inducted Kasey King into membership.  Kathi Fuhrman is her sponsor.
At our Nov 16th meeting, anniversary clocks and clock plates were awarded to Rotarians who have achieved significant anniversaries with Rotary in the year 2020. Normally 2020 recognitions would have been awarded  last year, but were postponed until now because of COVID.  
Those Rotarians receiving a clock after being a Rotarian for 5 years were: Craig Aiello, Jason Duvall, and MaryKay Bernosky who also had previous membership in the York Club.
The Following Rotarians receiving updated plates for previously issued clocks. Updated plates are awarded every five years so that the anniversary clocks can be kept up-to-date. Those recipients are:
Kelly Rebert for 10 years of membership. Donna Haar and Greg Staub each achieved 15 years. Bob Miller reached 20 years. Christine Neri 30 years. Moe Noel 35 years, and Walt Maust 50 years. Additoinally, Jess Socrates, who moved to Florida and now belongs to the local Passport Rotary Club (they meet via zoom) has achieved 15 years in Rotary, his clock plate is being mailed to him.
Congratulations to these eleven Rotarians for their years of dedication and membership in Rotary. 
Peg Sennett
167 Primrose Lane
Hanover, Pa 17331
Cell: 717-630-8281
Pictured from left to right: Moe Noel, Bob Miller, Greg Staub, Donna Haar,  Kelly Rebert, Jason Duvall, Brandon Gething, Peg Sennett
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM: Mariana and her host family - Exchange student from Guatemala
Rotary Meeting Nov 16, 2021 Warren Risk 2021-11-19 05:00:00Z 0

Junior Achievement Volunteers Needed

Ralph Jodice, Chair of the Junior Achievement Committee, has sent the following request for volunteers to Club members:
Well it has been two years since we have had the opportunity to Serve our community through Junior Achievement.  Well, that it now over.
Junior Achievement (JA) will be conducting a STEM Summit at Hanover High School on 17 Feb 2022, and they are looking for volunteers.  
These STEM Summits are developed and orchestrated by JA.  There are designated experts who lead each experiment or activity.  As volunteers, we assist with those experiments or activities.  You don't need STEM expertise to volunteer.  You just need to be willing to give of you time and efforts to make this a great day for the students.  The STEM Summits start around 8 AM and end by 3 PM.
Interested?  Of course you are!  You are a Rotarian who is committed to Service Above Self. 
Contact me ( or 703-436-4378), and I'll put you in touch with JA.  
Junior Achievement Volunteers Needed Ralph Jodice 2021-11-19 05:00:00Z 0

Passing of Bert Elsner's wife Joyce

FYI - Received from St Matthews Church this am.

Hello Friends,
It is with great sadness I have to share that our friend and fellow singer Joyce Elsner passed away on Tuesday at about 1:30pm. I was at their house playing hymns on the piano for the hour before she died. She left this world surrounded by family and friends hearing the beautiful words and notes of hymns she held so dear. Joyce hosted many choir picnics at their cottage, was always cheerful and kind, rang in our bell choir, offered piano and organ music with Nancy and me plus her fine work with the Duo Times Two piano quartet. Joyce sang in our choir for more than 50 years and helped our Music Ministry, church and community in so many ways. She freely offered the gifts God gave her and made a difference in the world. Her obituary can be found on the Wetzel Funeral Home site and I think will be in the paper this week. Her funeral service will be held at church on Saturday, November 20 at 1:00. The family will see people on Friday evening at the funeral home and at church before the service on Saturday. Joyce will be deeply missed and I know added much to my life. 
Please hold their family in prayer. If you wish to send a card the address is 241 Charles Street, Hanover. 
Passing of Bert Elsner's wife Joyce Risk 2021-11-12 05:00:00Z 0

Physicians Recognized

This email is being forwarded on behalf of Jess Socrates.  It announces that 2 doctors who have been instrumental in Operation Braveheart are being recognized for their work:
I sent this email to District Leadership. OK to share with Club.
I am sharing this good news with my fellow Rotarians.
Drs. Jonas del Rosario and Gap Legaspi, both my PHI fraternity brothers, were given a National Service Award in the Philippines. Both are instrumental in the continued success of Operation Braveheart. Jonas as you all know is our volunteer physician; Gap as the Director of the Philippine General Hospital continues to make the Cardiac Cath laboratory available for us.
I was interviewed by the Civil Service Commission for almost an hour regarding Jonas. Then, I was asked to submit a video endorsing him. This is a National award with many nominees, months of scrutiny before the final selection was made. The other candidates were from different professions but the two PHI doctors stood out. Really feel good about being involved in this. All because of Operation Braveheart.  
Thank you Rotary for supporting Operation Braveheart.
-Jess Socrates, Coordinator Operation Braveheart
Physicians Recognized Jess Socrates 2021-11-12 05:00:00Z 0

Regular Meeting Nov 2,  2021

President Brandon opened the meeting at 12:25 and Dale Brubaker led the Pledge & Prayer.
ATTENDANCE: Members - 28 members were in attendance which represents 35.9% of our membership
                             Guests - included 7 students of the month, and 2 prospective members, Kristin Warner and Kasey King
STUDENTS OF THE MONTH: Students of the Month from Delone, Southwestern, Hanover, and Spring Grove introduced themselves by telling us the activities in which they are involved in school and their aspirations.  Once again, a very impressive group.
Dale Brubaker - reminded us to volunteer for the service project to decorate Gazebo for Xmas. Sat Nov 20.  An email to sign-up was sent out.  If you still want to volunteer please contact Dale or Barb Rupp.
Deb Stambaugh - The Polio fundraiser raised enough money to enable 2800 kids get vaccinated from polio.
Greg Staub  - two upcoming District events - and a webinar Nov 10, 5:30 to 6:30 New member Chat about the Big Picture of Rotary: Rotary Means Business
Bob Miller - reminded us that it is Election Day today and we should vote.
PROGRAM: Ross Hammond - Hearing Loss  
Unfortunately, Mr Hammond informed us that he felt there was not enough time for him to deliver his presentation.  He suggested that we reschedule his program to another date.  President Brandon then concluded the meeting!
Regular Meeting Nov 2, 2021 Warren Risk 2021-11-02 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting October 26, 2021

President Brandon opened the meeting at 12:25 and Liz Johnides led the Pledge and Prayer.
ATTTENDANCE: 28 members were in attendance which is 36.36% of our membership.  Guests included Mark Albright, Rotarian transferring his membership from his Club in Brazil; Kasey King, prospective member; 8 students of the Month.
Deb Stambaugh - Polio fundraiser - Pints for Polio had a small turnout last weekend but everyone had fun.  If you still have any money to donate, please get it to Rick McKee.
Dale Brubaker - Service Project - please consider helping to decorate the gazebo at Wirt Park on Nov 20th at 8:00 am
Barb Rupp - Santa's Cabin will be open this yearn the weeks prior to Christmas.  They are looking for volunteers to greet/manage the visitors.  You can sign up on the borough website.  There will be a separate mailing coming out to you on this.  There will be a Santa's parade this year.
INDUCTION: Brandon Inducted Shanna Hollich into membership.  Shanna is the Director of the Guthrie Memorial Library and her sponsor is Chris Neri.
STUDENTS OF THE MONTH - each of the 8 students gave us their impression of their month with us.
PROGRAM: Shanna Hollich - Guthrie Memorial Library 
Shanna has now been at her new position as Director for about 2 months.  Instead of focusing on data about the library like the fact that it is the 2nd largest library in York Co., she wanted to talk about the "people aspect" of what the library offers.  The library is so much more than just books.  It connects people with information and resources.
She shared some of the stories about those that are using the library which is a cross-section of our Community - young and old, wealthy and poor, leisure readers and researchers.  She gathered the stories as she walks around the library and people ask her - "Do you work here?"  
Some of the things the library offers that we may not know about include: a lending collection of board and video games; Book Club and writing workshops; Robotics; partnering with Community organizations; sensory story times; Project with Codorus Park; Career development; small business how-to start-up.
She demonstrated the advantages of using the library rather than just a straight an internet search.
On Nov 8 & 9 Shanna will conduct Community its Interest Forums at the library to gain customer insight into where the library should go from here.  Currently they are having a fundraising raffle of a quilt.  You must enter by Friday to have a chance of winning it.
Thank you Shanna for sharing the "human side" of the library.
Rotary Meeting October 26, 2021 Warren Risk 2021-10-26 04:00:00Z 0

Regular Meeting Oct 19, 2021

Brandon started meeting at 12:25. Rick McKee did Pledge & Prayer
ATTENDANCE: 33 members (42.31% of our membership), 8 students, 3 guests - Kasey King, realtor with Iron Valley who wants to join, Stephen Schutte of Shentel Business,   and Mark Albright, who has submitted his transfer request.
NEW MEMBER INDUCTION: Kristin Warner was inducted as a new member. Her sponsor is Ruth Shaffer
Bert Elsner - announced because of his 49th year in Rotary and his 85th bday on Friday he donated a check to the Club's Charitable Fund
Dale Brubaker - announced that he's looking for volunteers to help decorate our gazebo that has been moved from the Square to Wirt Park for Christmas on Sat. Nov 20th.
Brandon Gething - Tammy Miller will replace Kim Hackett on the Board as Kim's job responsibilities won't permit her to continue to serve.
Tammy Miller - announced that she is conducting a Hiring Fair at the Winding Hill  Senior Center on Oct. 26th, from 1:00 to 5:00 pm.

Today’s video program was presented by Hanover Rotarian Deb Stambaugh and entitled “Polio - What Is This Terrible Disease?”

Deb’s video explained that the last case of polio was discovered in the U.S. in 1971 and was completely eradicated in this country in 1979. However, we learned that polio can actually attack twice as has happened to Deb later in her life. That is called Post Polio Syndrome and it can strike at any age and in many different ways. The fight to conquer polio has come a long way from Dr. Jonas Salk and his work at the U. of Pittsburgh where he developed the first polio vaccine in 1953 followed by Dr. Albert Sabin of NYU who developed the oral polio vaccine several years later. The vaccines have gone from shots and sugar cubes that many of us “old timers” remember to now just getting a simple drop on the tongues of young kids in developing countries. The acceptance of vaccines from that time until today has completely changed thanks in part to what people are reading on the Internet, progress? At this point, through the Global Eradication Program, Rotary’s focus is on Afghanistan as the last country in the world where polio still exists, wonder why? And from his time serving in our embassy there Paul Berg told us that the Taliban actually supports the vaccination of the young children in Afghanistan but not in Pakistan where there’s a different tribe of Taliban, interesting. Thanks Paul. When Rotary is successful in eradicating polio it will be the second disease to be eradicated in the world, the first was small pox. As Deb explained, through the efforts of the Rotary Foundation’s partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to establish the Polio Plus campaign in 1985 any gifts to Polio Plus through the Foundation will be tripled by the Gate’s Foundation. Just make your check payable to the Rotary Foundation with Polio Plus in the memo line of your check and they will take it from there. Just see Deb if you have any questions. Deb also wanted to remind us that October 24th is World Polio Day and to help acknowledge that Hanover Rotary is sponsoring a fundraiser at the Public House at The Markets on Broadway this Sunday 10/24 from noon to 2:00pm with 10% of all the drinks sold will go to Polio Plus then matched 3:1 by the Gates Foundation.                                    Great program Deb, well done! 

NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM - Shanna Hollingsworth, Guthrie Memorial Library
Regular Meeting Oct 19, 2021 Terry Gingrow 2021-10-22 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting Oct 12, 2021

President Brandon opened the meeting at 12:27 and Donna Haar led the Pledge and Prayer.
Attendance: 27 members were in attendance which represents 35.53% of our membership.  Guests included 7 students of the month; Mark Albright, Rotarian from a Club in Brazil; Jessica Waltersdorff, prospective member and guest of the Club; and Kasey King, Iron Valley Realty guest of the Club.
Deb Stambaugh - Rotary is sponsoring a fundraiser here at The Markets, Public House in conjunction with National Polio Day from 12:00 to 2:00pm.  10% of all drinks sold will go to the Polio cause and then matched 3x by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Bob Kalinowski -  Bob agreed to take over the Chair of the Foundation Committee.  He encouraged us to attend the Annual Rotary Foundation Dinner. You must register by Nov 9
Tammy Miller - Spring Grove will be having a hiring event held at Windy Hill On The Campus Tues Oct 26, 2021 from 1:00 - 5:00.  Please share this info with any potential employers and those looking for employment.  Tables for employers are free.
Dale Brubaker - York Co Literacy will be making a video promoting literacy at Hickory Falls.  They are looking for families with kids in K through grade 5 to participate in the video.  Please call Dale if you would like to participate.
Brandon Gething - Glenn from the Ale Trail invited Rotary to be among the first to experience his new Hanover Brewery Bus Tour.  Brandon wanted to know if there is enough interest in the Club to participate.
Induction of a New Member:
Brandon inducted Jessica Waltersdorff into Rotary membership.  Jessica's sponsor is Kathi Fuhrman.
Program:  John Gerken - Immigration
Our own John Gerken spoke to us about his experience as a 1st generation immigrant.  He feels strongly that our country would not be what it is today without the people who immigrated here.  He gave us there are 4 types of immigrants and shared various statistics like over 1 million immigrants have come to the US this year, and there are 44 million foreign born individuals living in the country, and there are 200,000 immigrants in Pa.  
John then told us the story of his family immigrating here from Germany.  His father came here in 1926 and then his uncles and a friend by 1929.  He relayed how each of them got started in various careers through hard work and sacrifice and learned the language by being immersed into our culture.  His father became known for making furniture in New York City and through a roundabout way re-settled here in Hanover in the furniture business.  
John told a story which was a microcosm of thousands of stories that played out during that time and years since.  The whole example showed how our country developed piece- by- piece, family -by-family through the years.
Next Week's Program:  Deb Stambaugh - what is this disease called Polio?
Rotary Meeting Oct 12, 2021 Warren Risk 2021-10-12 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting Oct 5, 2021

President Brandon opened the meeting at 12:25pm and Christy Lucas led the prayer and pledge.
ATTENDANCE: 29 members attended which is 38.16% of our membership.  We had 1 visiting Rotarian, Mark Albright from Brazil; 1 prospective member,      ; and 6 students of the Month
Mirna Wildasin - HACC is coordinating a Hanover clean-up day Oct 16 at 9:00 am.  They are asking for all area Clubs to volunteer to help with the project.  Go to to sign up.
Deb Stambaugh - Oct 24 is World Polio Day.  Please support the fundraiser on Oct 12 from 12:00pm to 2:00pm at The Markets at Hanover where a % of all proceeds will go to Polio Plus.
Carol Connor - True North is conducting a fundraiser at The Markets.
BIRTHDAY WHEEL:  Brandon had the Oct birthday people spin the Birthday Wheel.
Olivia Keefer
Savannah Ford
Dylan Staub
Annabelle Biggins
Ben Wyrick
Brooke Shaffer
Jamie Coppersmith
Hannah Mackie
PROGRAM: Glenn Smith - York Co. Rail Trail
History - Glenn began with a brief history of craft beer in the U.S. beginning with Native Americans making it from corn; tracing it to the beginning of an upsurge in 1990; to the present time where we have 8700 breweries in the U.S.
Economic Impact - adds $82 Billion to the economy as well as 580,000 jobs.  PA with 400 breweries is 5th most in the Country.  PA breweries create $6.3 million annually for the State which is 2nd in the nation; Pa produces 3.6 billion barrels per yr which is 2nd highest in the country;  York Co. alone has 26 breweries and growing.  
Ultimate Craft Beer Experience - 10 million people per year go on brew-cations.  In 2010 York was beginning  re-vitalization process.  The brew culture became part of that initiative.  In 2019 Glenn created the York Co Ale Trail experience.  They offer 2 types of tours, a walking tour of York breweries and a brew bus tour throughout the County.  Along with beer tasting, and seeing the brew process, the tours are led by knowledgeable guides who talk about beer and the history of York. 
Future - They plan to continue the tours, and the virtual gift boxes and will soon add a Hanover Brewey Tour to their offerings.
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM: John Gerken on Immigration
Rotary Meeting Oct 5, 2021 Warren Risk 2021-10-05 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting Sept  28, 2021

ATTENDANCE:  32 members were in attendance and we had 1 guest, our speaker Cathy Bollinger from YCCF.
PROGRAM: Cathy Bollinger,  York County Community Foundation, "Embracing Aging"
Grants to nonprofits serving people age 50+
Free Services
Dismantling Ageism 
Age Equity Audits
Consultations, Facilitation and Presentations
Improve Livability - York County’s Age-Friendly Plan
New Resource – Coming in 2022:  TroveStreet
Rotary Meeting Sept 28, 2021 Warren Risk 2021-10-04 04:00:00Z 0
Operation Braveheart on the Internet Jess Socrates 2021-10-04 04:00:00Z 0

Painting Shed At Meyers Park

Attached is a picture of the painting crew Chris Helt, Steve Plumlee and Ralph Jodice at Myers Park this past Saturday.  Thanks guys for completing this project!!!
Painting Shed At Meyers Park Ralph Jodice 2021-10-04 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting Sept 21, 2021

President Brandon opened the meeting at 12:25 and Tammy Miller led the pledge and prayer.
ATTENDANCE: 28 members in person and 1 member our speaker, Torren Ecker, virtual
                              2 guests, Shanna Hollich, Director of the Library, guest of Chris Neri;  Jessica Waltersdorff, 
Dale Brubaker - HACC clean up day Nov 16, 2021 - sign up if you would like to volunteer.  You received a separate mailing this morning with all the details.
Dale Brubaker - paint the shed project needs your help.  This Saturday beginning at 10:00 am.  You received a separate sign-up sheet for this project.
Deb Stambaugh  - Pints for Polio will take place on World Polio Day, Oct 24, 2021.  It will be held at The Markets.  10% of all proceeds received will go to Polio Plus and then that amount will be tripled through the Gates Foundation.
Chris Neri - see Chris or go to the library to buy lottery tickets for the library fundraiser.  There are 2 chances to win per ticket.  There will be a winner every day. 
Carol Conner - True North will hold a fundraiser Oct 7, 8 at The Markets.
PROGRAM: State Rep. Torren Ecker, Legislative Issues
Past President and Current State Representative Torren Ecker shares a legislative update to our club and answers some great questions from our membership about key issues affecting our communities. 
80% of the Bills passed are done so in bi-partisan manner and most are unanimous.
Some of the issues Torren shared included:
- Work Force Issues - encouraging people to return to work to fill the many vacancies in every community and industry.
- Redistricting - Redrawing congressional districts as the population changes and moves.  Statewide we lose a congressman each year.  In south central Pa, we may actually gain a rep because we are increasing in population.
- Emergency Declaration Act - they are discussing and working on what limitations would be appropriate for the Governor to have.
- Hurricane Ida - they likely will extend the Declaration for South East Pa.
- Audit of recent elections - Senate is dealing with the audit of past elections and what personal information will be collected.
- Financing Road Repairs -since gas taxes fund road repairs there is some concern that as elec cars become more prevalent this revenue source will diminish.
Torren is always willing to come to events to support the community relative to State government.  He feels it is important to give back to the community.
Thank you for taking the time to talk to us and we look forward seeing you at Rotary in the near future.
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM: Cathy Bollinger, Director of Embracing Aging, New Resources for Older Adults in York Co.
Rotary Meeting Sept 21, 2021 warren risk 2021-09-22 04:00:00Z 0

Pints For Polio Event Oct 24, 2021

On October 24, we will celebrate World Polio Day with "Pints for Polio". Liz Johnides will host us The Markets At Hanover Public House.  10% of the pints sold between 12 noon and 2pm will be donated to the Rotary Foundation for Polio Plus.  Any checks made to "The Rotary Foundation" in the memo line "Polio Plus" will be tripled by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.  Food will also be available to purchase. Bring your Friends!  The public is invited.  Let's support the Rotary Foundation efforts to "End Polio Now".
Deborah Stambaugh
Hanover Area Post Polio Support Group
Representing the Pa Polio Survivors Network Team
Central Pa Coordinator
Pints For Polio Event Oct 24, 2021 Deborah Stambaugh 2021-09-22 04:00:00Z 0

Service Project - Paint Rotary Shed

Hi Rotarians,

Many of us have been seeking service projects to keep us effective in helping the Hanover Community.  Hanover Borough reached out for our assistance in painting the concession building at a local playground 

The borough provided 6 gals of stain to be painted on the Rotary Building at the Myer’s Memorial Playground on Filbert Street.   The building is located down the street from the Hanover Fellowship Church @ Filbert & South Street.  On Hanover’s west side.

When? 10 AM Sat, Sept. 25 / Rain date 10 AM Sat. Oct 1

How many volunteers requested? 12

What should I bring? While the borough has provided some limited painting supplies, please bring brushes for wood stain, paint rollers, and step ladders to reach the highest levels of the walls and eves.

  • Please give us your cell phone number so we can text any special communication about the event.

Dale Brubaker can be texted/called – 717-448-6562

Thank you.

Service Project - Paint Rotary Shed Dale Brubaker 2021-09-15 04:00:00Z 0

Hanover Rotary Receives Grant for Windy Hill

A 2021/22 Club Grant, sponsored by the Rotary Club of Hanover, provided Windy Hill Senior Center in Spring Grove with a new commercial freezer, two Rolling Serving Carts and two Food Carts.  Windy Hill serves over 1,100 seniors annually with programs and services including a nutrition program. Meals are provided on location, carry-out and Meals-On-Wheels. From March 2020 to February 2021, over 22,000 take-out meals and over 24,000 home delivered meals have been provided. The Freezer enables the Center to increase meal storage capacity to better serve their older adult population in Spring Grove and Hanover, address food insecurities and increase freezer storage by 53%.  The 2 wire rolling racks and 2 stainless food carts will store and transport take-out meals after they are assembled and transport frozen meal boxes within facility.  
Pictured: Tammy Miller, Executive Director and Tracy Haper, Assistant Director of Programming. 
Special thanks to Rotarian Scott Kurz , Minuteman Press, for providing the magnetic signage.  
Hanover Rotary Receives Grant for Windy Hill Peg Sennett 2021-09-15 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting Sept 14, 2021

President Brandon opened the meeting at 12:25 and Rhonda Ramos led the pledge and prayer.
ATTENDANCE:  30members were in attendance which represents 39.47% of our membership.  We had 1 guest, Jessica Waltersdorff, guest of Kathi Fuhrman
Tara Kauffman - the YMCA is sponsoring a run on Oct 2 in the morning to raise money for the program there.  They need volunteers to position them selves at street crossings to enable the runners to cross safely.  If you can help please go on-line on the Y website to register to work the morning.
Dale Brubaker - Shed Report - Dale will soon be sending an email and post a sign-up on our website to repair the shed.
Chris Neri - Chris is selling lottery tickets for the library fund raiser.  Tickets are $20 each and can be purchased at the library or directly from Chris. 
PROGRAM:  Austin Carroll, Classification Speech
One of Hanover Rotary’s newest members, Austin Carroll gave his classification speech at our meeting on Tuesday. Thank you Austin for sharing about your personal and professional self! 
Some things we learned about Austin include that he was adopted by a local family as a very young child.  He was from South Korea.  The family to the Hanover area and Austin attended SouthWestern  schools and then York College.  He got a degree in journalism and wanted to enter sports broadcasting.  He was always outgoing and talkative and he loves sports so broadcasting met both interests.  He had been working at Legacy, 3rd shift, and was eventually approached about taking a job as a sales rep for Two the T Outfitters who wanted to expand into the Hanover area.  It appears to be a natural fit for him.
Two the T Outfitters is an apparel company that does silk screening onto clothing and just about any other thing you can think of.   
He is still interested in sports broadcasting and journalism but feels that having to always watch what you say and write - being PC - would limit his efforts in that field.
We are happy to have Austin in the Club!
Rotary Meeting Sept 14, 2021 Warren Risk 2021-09-14 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting 9/7/21

President Brandon opened the meeting at 12:27 and Barb Rupp led the pledge and prayer.
ATTENDANCE: 30 members out of 76 attended which represents 39.47% of our membership.  Guests included Mark Albright, Rotarian from a Club in Brazil.
Laura Becker - the library is offering Library Lottery Cards at $20 per card.  Numbers will be drawn regularly for a chance to win cash.  This is an opportunity to support the library.
Terry Gingrow - "Happy Dollars" will be cash only as we can no longer add it to your invoice.
Brandon Gething - we are starting a new concept called the birthday wheel.  Those celebrating birthdays each month get to spin the wheel and members may have to "pay up" depending upon the category on which the wheel stops.
Dale Brubaker - We have been asked by the borough to refurbish a shed on a playground off Filbert St.  Dale will soon be asking for volunteers to help with painting, sanding, etc.  See photos of the shed below, courtesy of Terry Gingrow.
PROGRAM: Our classification speaker for today had to reschedule due to a work commitment.  In his place, Brandon asked each member to introduce themselves, and tell how long they have been in Rotary, what their current occupation is, and share something about themselves that we may not know.  We went around the room and learned much about our fellow Rotarians.
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM:  Classification Speech - Austin Carroll
Rotary Meeting 9/7/21 Warren Risk 2021-09-08 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting Aug 24, 2021

Brandon opened the meeting at 12:25

Kathi Fuhrman led us in prayer and the pledge.

ATTENDANCE: 32 members representing 42.11% of our membership; and 2 guests, Judy Jodice, guest of Ralph;   and 1 visiting Rotarian, Mark Albright who brought us up-to-date on the years-long renovations to his home here in Hanover.


Dale Brubaker told the Club of a community project, the restoration of a storage building that was constructed by Hanover Rotary many years ago at the Myers Memorial Park in the Borough of Hanover. Dale is looking for 4-5 Rotarians to do just a few minor repairs and to re-stain the building. Please contact Dale if you have a little free time for this worthwhile community project.

Paul Berg invited anyone who has an interest to stop by his home to see the big, beautiful White Birch tree that he recently planted, with the help of a fork lift, that will give Paul good feelings of his native state of Wisconsin. I did stop by, it looks great Paul. Go Badgers!

Our Treasurer Terry is a very happy Rotarian! He collected a record $104. Happy Dollars this week!!! Thanks to everyone who contributed. So where do these Happy Dollars go you ask? No, not for Terry’s wine purchases, not nearly enough for that. For now, these funds are going into our Operating Account but later this Rotary year (July 1 - June 30) these funds will be used to help support our Community Requests. And a big THANKS to Doug Becker for stepping up to chair that important committee. 

PROGRAM: Robert Godfrey, from the Handsome Cab Co. in York on opening a new restaurant in Hanover - McAllister's

Our program this week was provided by Robert Godfrey who along with his business partner Andrew have renovated and will soon (30-45 days) open McAllisters on York St. You may remember it as the restaurant of many names over the years on the first floor of the McAllister Hotel in the first block of York St. They have also renovated and own a restaurant on the second block of N. George St. in York referred to as “restaurant row” since January 2016 called The Handsome Cab that has been very successful for them and they are hoping to duplicate that success here in Hanover. The seating capacity of both restaurants is approximately 165 that includes tables and bar seating so you can stop in for dinner, a bite or a drink or two after work some evening. They are also converting the attached building to the south for additional seating that may include roof-top seating but don’t quote me on that I was too busy counting all the Happy Dollars while subbing as RotaGram publisher for Warren this week. Robert’s business mantra is Renovate, Rejuvenate, Revitalize = Economic Impact. And from what we heard at Tuesday’s meeting he’s doing a great job of that. The McAllister on York sounds like a winner to me and hopefully as Rotarians we will support it!

Robert also told us of the renovation of the McAllister Hotel itself, He and Andrew are not involved with that but since they are in the building every day, they see what’s going on. That developer’s name is Jordon Ilyers who also has an option on the old State Theatre on Frederick St, He has many ideas for the old theater such as dinner-theater, stage performances, proms, wedding receptions, business conferences and others. Jordon is also working on what was formally a car dealership many years ago, anyone remember the name? at the corner of E. Chestnut St. and Railroad St. that he plans to develop into 2-3 floor apartments. A lot going on in our little town of Hanover. Thanks to Robert for bringing us the good news!

NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM: Mirna Wildasin, New Member Classification Speech 

Rotary Meeting Aug 24, 2021 Terry Gingrow 2021-08-26 04:00:00Z 0

RI Statement on Polio Efforts In Afghanistan

Hi everyone,
This was recieved by our network and we feel it is very important and something we need to be aware of and in prayer for all involved.
Thank you.
Deb (Stambaugh)
1.  An update on PolioPlus in Afghanistan from Michael McGovern, Rotary International PolioPlus Committee Chair:
Eradicating Polio in Afghanistan
As the sun rose on 1 January 2021, we all worried about what this new year would bring. For those of us who closely follow polio eradication progress, it was an especially worrisome time. 2020 and 2019 had seen an uptick in wild polio virus cases and in circulating vaccine derived cases. Polio vaccinations had had to be suspended for a while in 2020 due to the coronavirus and vaccines for Covid-19 were just starting to receive early use approvals.
The polio news was especially bad in Afghanistan. On the very first day of 2021, a wild polio virus case was reported. In the next week, the national health minister was fired due to hints of corruption on non-polio matters. Before month’s end, the government of Afghanistan ordered the UNICEF polio lead to leave the country relating to a verbal spat that had occurred in the President’s office. Then in March and June there were coordinated attacks on polio workers and their security teams leaving eight families having lost loved ones. The Taliban denied responsibility for the attacks, and it appeared the attacks were tied to elements who supported ISIS or ISIL as they are also known. We also noted that some areas of the country had been subject to over 30 months of a ban on house-to-house polio vaccinations.
While all this was going on other activities were occurring which have been mostly unreported. On January 17th, the Regional Directors of WHO and UNICEF met at the Taliban office in Doha, Qatar to discuss polio vaccinations and covid response in the areas controlled by the Taliban. While house to house polio vaccinations were not agreed to, the seven senior members of Taliban leadership indicated support for other measures to provide vaccination activities. In all areas of the country, health screenings continued unabated which showed no new wild polio cases and no positive identification of polio viruses in the environment. In a zoom call of polio partnership leaders the week of 17 August, Aidan O’Leary, the global WHO polio director, noted that Afghanistan has one of the best programs for polio surveillance in the world and it was not finding polio anywhere.
After the fall of the Afghanistan government in mid-August, the new leadership has agreed to keep on the acting health minister who has been effective in righting the program since February. Taliban leaders have visited the national and regional polio offices and pledged their support for the polio eradication program. On 23 August, a Rotary sponsored roadside vaccination hut provided vaccinations to children under five with local Taliban providing the needed security. For security reasons, I will not share the photos I received but it was good to see the Rotary logo doing good in the world.
Rotary has just 35 members in Afghanistan. They inspire me daily with their courage and perseverance. The polio program has always been politically neutral in every country. Rotary and our partners work with the leaders who are in charge. We now work with new leaders in Afghanistan. Rotary funds WHO and UNICEF. We do not send any funds to the governments nor to groups other than WHO and UNICEF. We monitor the spending they do on our behalf very closely. We have never been closer to eradicating polio in Afghanistan. We will continue to work with the Afghani people and our partners to finish what we began over 35 years ago.
2.  GPEI Statement on Afghanistan
This is powerful reasoning to support Polio Plus in any way we can.
Deborah Stambaugh 
Hanover Area Post Polio Support Group
Representing the Pa. Polio Survivors Network Team
Central Pa. Coordinator
(717) 969-5049
RI Statement on Polio Efforts In Afghanistan Deborah Stambaugh 2021-08-26 04:00:00Z 0

Membership Changes

Recent Changes in Membership Status since June, 2021
Resignations - Alicia Bowman, work; Carol Hinkle, retirement; Rina Houck, work; Paul Stevenson, family; Jess Socrates, family; Erin Smith, work.
New Members - Mirna Wildasin, Sponsor is Peg Sennett; Steven Plumlee, sponsor is Chris Helt; Austin Carroll, sponsor is Terry Gingrow.
Membership Changes Warren Risk 2021-08-20 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting Aug 17, 2021

President Brandon called the meeting to order at 12:00 noon and Ellie Rebert led the Pledge and Prayer.
ATTENDANCE: 35 members attended and there were two guests - Mark Albright, a Rotarian in a Club in Brazil ; SueAnn Whitman, guest speaker.
Paul Berg - called our attention to the tragic events unfolding in Afghanistan.  He composed his impressions based on the time he spent there for some friends and will make it available to anyone via email if they want it.  Just ask him.  Additionally he encouraged us to support any Afghani refugees that may be coming here to the U.S. in any way that we can.  These people provided valuable to our service people in Afghanistan and deserve our help now.
PROGRAM: SueAnn Whitman
SueAnn's bio reads as follows - She was born and raised in Hanover until the 9th grade when her father received a promotion that took them to Virginia Beach where she attended high school and then onto Virginia Tech. After graduating from VT, she lived in Virginia for 25 years. In 2003 her family returned to Hanover.  She volunteered and was Vice President of the PTO and was involved in her sons’ sports activities. Her youngest son is currently a student at Virginia Tech so that is when she turned her attention to community service. She has been the Mayor of Hanover for a year and a half. She was elected to complete Ben Adams’ term after he moved out of town. In May she won the primary elections for both the Republican and Democrat nominations for Mayor of Hanover Borough.  She will be on the ballot in November for a four year term. 
Borough structure - The Borough is composed of five wards and there are 2 council members elected from each ward that make up Borough Council.  The Council basically has the power in that they develop and enact the ordinances.  There are 6 Committees - Economic Development, Finance and Personnel, Governance and Policy, Public Safety, Public Works/Facilities, and Water and Sewer.
Mayoral Duties - As Mayor SueAnn has a veto power, but has yet to use it, and has a tie breaking vote in the event of a tie.  
She described her main duty as overseeing the police dept.  They currently have 3 vacancies for officers.  Her other duties include swear-ins, signing ordinances, making proclamations, and dealing with complaints that come in.  The majority of complaints are about drugs in the community and speeding.
A brief Q&A session followed.
Rotary Meeting Aug 17, 2021 Warren Risk 2021-08-20 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting Aug 10, 2021

President Brandon opened the meeting at 12:25 and the pledge and prayer followed.
Eric M Chase, M.S. Exec Director/CEO of the Children’s Aid Society spoke on the services that his agency provides, including Crisis Nursery and Child Therapy in York, Adams, and Franklin Counties. 
The mission of Children's Aid is twofold:
- All children are safe and feel loved.
- Helping children and their families build stronger, healthier lives through compassionate and professional services
They have been operating since 1913 and are there to serve the rejected, orphaned and dependent children.  Children's Aid is a ministry of the Church of the Brethren.
They operate 3 locations in York, Adams and Franklin Counties - The Lehman Center, West Mkt St in York; The Nicarry Center Lincoln Way West, New Oxford; and the Francis Leiter Center, Lincolnway East, Chambersburg.
Eric talked about various services they offer to children and families:
- Art, Play and Child Centered Therapy by trained trauma therapists with specialization in Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Crisis Nursery at the Lehman Center, one of 3 in the State.  They offer short term respite care 24 /7, 365 days a year.for newborn through age 6
- Incredible Years Parent Education which is a prevention and intervention program to enhance children's social and emotional competencies
- God's Closet in the Nicarry Center is a clothing room for children ages 12 and under
- 24 hour Parenting Hotline and Referral Service 800-635-6619
- Parent Support Groups offering parents a peer group to talk about the stresses, anxieties, and complex issues of parenting
- Family Advocacy intended to build family resiliency by helping families achieve and maintain stability through referrals to community agencies, home visits, and ongoing emotional support
-York C.A.R.E.S. serving the needs of the houseless providing coffee, conversation, community and connection to essential services
Many services are free but Children's Aid accepts Medical Assistance,, Health Choices, Quest Behavioral Health, and Employee Assistance and a sliding scale for self-pay clients.  
For more information on the Children’s Aid Society, please visit 
Rotary Meeting Aug 10, 2021 Warren Risk 2021-08-11 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting July 20, 2021

President Brandon opened the meeting and Tammy Miller led in the pledge and prayer.
ATTENDANCE: 32 members attended which is 43.56% of total membership. There were also 3 guests in attendance - Mark Albright Rotarian with a Club in Brazil, Kristin Warner, New Hope Ministries, and Alicia Stanley, Hoffman Homes
PROGRAM: Melissa Leathery and Alicia Stanley, Hoffman Homes For Youth
Melissa explained that Hoffman Homes for Youth is a residential treatment program for youth with significant behavioral health and mental health issues.  They operate a psychiatric residential program and a school program.  She spoke about the impact that Covid had on their program.  Essentially while they stayed in operation with the residences, treatment, and school all visits outside the campus and visitors coming in were halted effectively shutting them out from the outside world.  The students wore and are still wearing masks anytime they are indoors unless they are eating, sleeping, or bathing, day and night.  Funding continues to be a major issue.  Most funding for the treatment programs is from medical assistance.  Maximum rates they can charge are determined by regulation.  Different counties allocate $ for such programs at different levels - some fund at or near actual cost of the programs and many are significantly under the actual daily costs.  Since they operate the school program HHY can charge the home school districts for the cost of education.
Staffing has been a particular problem for HHY as it is for almost all businesses.  They lose staff to other occupations which pay higher salaries and they have difficulty finding  certificated staff to fill vacancies.  State guidelines require a staff ratio of 1 to 8 for day time and 1 to 16 for sleeping times.   HHY staffs at 1 to 5 and 1 to 8, respectively,  
They are looking for Grant programs and fundraisers to supplement their income to run their programs.  HHY is initiating efforts to identify what services they could provide to the community in an effort to increase their income.  Additionally they try to lobby State representatives to allocate additional funding for Mental Health funding.
Rotary Meeting July 20, 2021 Warren Risk 2021-07-20 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting July 13, 2021

Brandon opened the business meeting after lunch and Liz Johnides led in Pledge and Prayer.
ATTENDANCE: 34 out of 79 members were present for the meeting which is 43.04% of our membership.
Brandon G. - we will continue to broadcast each meeting via Zoom to give our members an option in the event that they cannot attend.  If you tune in you will be able to hear what is happening in the meeting.
Brandon G. - we have several committee chairperson openings which need to be filled, including - Ruth's Harvest, Pledge and Prayer, Rotary Foundation, Raffle fundraiser, Sergeant at Arms & Community Requests.  Please contact Brandon or any Board member if you want more info or if you are interested in stepping up to help.
Terry G. - Paul Berg's Great Asparagus Challenge netted the Club $635.00 which will go into the General Fund.
PROGRAM: JUSTINE TRUCKSESS - Update on MainStreet Hanover
Justine gave us information about several areas of downtown Hanover.
           McAllister is nearing the end of the renovation efforts and may conclude by late Aug.  Handsome Cab will be opening an upscale restaurant there as well as the apts upstairs.
           40 Broadway - Fat Back Brew Pub is open and a restaurant will open in the front of the bldg.
           Montgomery Ward Bldg. - there will be vendors on the 1st floor and apts on the 2nd and 3rd floor
           Chestnut St Property will be renovated into apts.
New Businesses 
Justine explained that even through Covid Hanover saw a number of new businesses open.  She listed several including Fat Back, Rock Bottom, Cake & Panini Bar, and an expansion of services from Divinio's.
The Chamber Bldg is moving to York St and the current Chamber Bldg is up for sale
Outdoor Recreation
Hanover is included in the York Co. "Trail Town" effort as a destination for rail trail traffic.  Hanover wants to be ready for the expansion of the rail trail when it comes to our area.
Hometown Heroes  
Hanover is honoring those who served our country through history.  The have expanded the # of banners to 50.  As you drive through town you can see the banners hanging on light poles 
Events - the events are beginning to open up as the pandemic subsides and people are anxious to get out and do things.  Justine mentioned a few including Wellness Crawl; Picnic In The (Wirt) Park; Taco Tour; Art in the (Wirt) Park; and the Brewery Olympics.
And finally, the Gazebo!  The historical society has agreed to house and display the plaques and markers that were formerly displayed in the gazebo.  The brick foundation will house the Christmas Tree and be a focal point for the quadrant.
All of these endeavors, event, projects can be found on the Borough Website, Instagram, and FaceBook.
Rotary Meeting July 13, 2021 Warren Risk 2021-07-13 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting July 6, 2021

Brandon called the meeting to order and Rick McKee led in Pledge and Prayer.
ATTENDANCE:  39 members attended today's meeting which is 50% of our membership.  This is the highest total since pre-covid meetings last March!!!  One guest, Austin Carroll was inducted into membership today.
Peg Sennett - shared an article that appeared in Time magazine referenced Rotary and efforts to eradicate polio.  The article mentioned that Africa is polio free.
     Kristi Lucas - there will be a Roots for Boots fundraiser this coming thursday, friday, saturday, & sunday at the Thirsty Farmer Brew House in Gettysburg near the Round
                         - Roots for Boots will host an event on 9/11/21 here at the Markets called Red, White and Brew.  See Kristi if you are interested in a sponsorship.
                         - acknowledged that Brendan's motorcycle club donated $$ towards a walkway for a veteran.
INSTALLATION: Greg Staub installed Brandon as our President for 2021/2022 school year.  Brandon and Greg then installed the Officers and Board for the year.  
PAUL HARRIS AWARD: President Brandon presented a Paul Harris award to Rick McKee
INDUCTION: President Brandon inducted Austin Carroll into membership.  Austin is a sales rep for 2 The Tee Outfitters in the Hanover area.  Terry Gingrow is Austin's sponsor.
PROGRAM: BRANDON GETHING - Incoming President's Message
Brandon addressed the Club and gave a very thoughtful and heartfelt presentation about what Rotary means to him and how highly he feels about the organization.  Nice job Brandon!
Rotary Meeting July 6, 2021 Warren Risk 2021-07-06 04:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Awards

Three Receive Paul Harris Awards
Three of our members received Paul Harris Awards at our June 29 meeting Rick McKee (not pictured), Greg Staub, and Wendell Mulder. President Chris Helt made the presentation.
Paul Harris Awards Warren Risk 2021-07-01 04:00:00Z 0

Berg Great Asparagus Challenge

Asparagus Challenge Raises Money for the Club
A big THANK YOU to Paul Berg for initiating his Great Asparagus Challenge. Because of that we were able to raise $585 in Happy Dollars for our Club! This is the type of thing that we have to do to instill a sense of camaraderie and excitement in our Club. And as a reminder, there are copies of Paul’s picture (see below) from last week’s Rotagram available for $5 but hurry, they’re going fast. Contact Terry to get yours.  All proceeds go to our Club general fund.
Berg Great Asparagus Challenge Terry Gingrow 2021-07-01 04:00:00Z 0

Greg Staub Installed As District Governor

We are very proud to say that our own, Greg Staub, was installed as District Governor of Rotary District 7390 on Saturday night at the Hanover Country Club in front of about 30 people.  Several of our Club members were in attendance.  At the ceremony, Greg received a banner that we will display showing that Hanover is the current home of the District Governor.
Greg Staub Installed As District Governor Warren Risk 2021-07-01 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting June 22, 2021

President Chris called the meeting to order at 12:08 and Kathi Fuhrman led us in pledge and prayer.
ATTENDANCE: 5 members attended virtually, and 24 members attended in-person. Guests included Austin Carroll, prospective member and Mirna Wildasin, inducted in today’s meeting.
     - Paul Berg - the Great Asparagus Challenge yielded 45 plants.  Several members joined in the challenge which will add some $$ to the Club.  Thank you Paul!!
     - Warren Risk - next Tuesday, June 29, we will have an international toast by John Getken with REAL WINE, a cake, and a buffet lunch featuring a taco bar.  This will be the last meeting where you will need to order ahead ahead of time.  
INDUCTION: President Chris Helt inducted Mirna Wildasin into membership in the Club.  Welcome Mirna!  Mirna is the Interim Director of the Council of Churches replacing Carol Hinkle and Peg Sennett is her sponsor.
PROGRAM:  Greg Staub, The Road To Become District Governor.
Beginning on July 1, Greg will become the District Governor for our Rotary District.  This is a great honor for Greg and we are certain he will move the District forward.   Greg agreed to tell us about his Journey to the Governorship.
A District Governor has two main responsibilities
          1. Carry out the Administrative duties for the District.  One example is the distribution of RI Foundation  dollars back to individual Clubs after two years, via grants for projects.
          2. Provide support and guidance to all Clubs in the District.
There are 2 qualifications required to be considered for the Governorship - you must have been a Club President and you must be a Rotarian in good standing.
Greg described the process he went through to become Governor including an essay, interview, serving as Governor nominee, Governor elect and finally assuming role of Governor for a one year term.
Governors are required to attend the International Assembly and they must visit each Club in their District during their year.  Visits may be virtual.  
Governors must hold and oversee the District Conference and Foundation Dinner each year.
One does not have to be retired to hold the office of Dist Governor and the Governor, Gov Elect, and Gov nominee all have expense accounts to cover costs like travel and associated expenses.
Greg ended by encouraging us to participate in the District Leadership Programs.
A Q & A session followed.
Rotary Meeting June 22, 2021 Warren Risk 2021-06-22 04:00:00Z 0

New Member Induction

We had a great program today at Hanover Rotary. We were pleased today to induct Mirna Wildasin, Executive Director of the Hispanic American Center of Hanover as a new member and our speaker today was from our own District Governor Elect, Greg Staub who spoke on ‘My road to District Governor’”

New Member Induction Warren Risk 2021-06-22 04:00:00Z 0

New Member Induction

At our meeting on June 15, President Chris inducted new member Steve Plumlee into membership in the Club.  Steve is CEO of CIO in Hanover.  Welcome to the Club, Steve!
Pictured below from left to right are Chris Helt and Steve Plumlee.
New Member Induction Warren Risk 2021-06-20 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club Grant  Benefits HACC

A 2020/21 Club Grant, sponsored by the Rotary Club of Hanover, provided the Hanover Area Council of Churches with a new oven and griddle. HACCC prepares 52,000+ meals annually for its various programs: free hot lunches 365 days a year and breakfast two days a week through the Provide-A-Lunch program, delivered home meals through Meals-On-Wheels, and food for individuals and families in the Homeless Shelter. Food insecurity hinders people from meeting their full potential in regards to employment and family care. For some folks, the Provide- A-Lunch program is the primary meal of the day. The Meals-On-Wheels program provides meals to those home-bound with physical restrictions impeding their ability to prepare their own meals.  Pictured are (l.tor.) Rotarian Peg Sennett, Joan Potter Coordinator of PAL and MOW, and Mirna Wildason, Interim Executive Director and new Rotarian.  
Sign courtesy of Scott Kurz, Minuteman Press.
Rotary Club Grant Benefits HACC Peg Sennett 2021-06-20 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting June 15, 2021

President Chris called the meeting to order at noon.
ATTENDANCE:  22 people were in attendance in-person including 3 guests - Steve Plumlee, prospective member; Austin Carroll, prospective member; Cami Bisch, CEO, YMCA and our speaker.
                               8 people were in virtual attendance
      Chris Helt - Beginning July 6 we will be officially holding our meetings in-person here at The Markets At Hanover as prior to the Covid break.  The next Rotary billing will reflect not only your District and RI dues but also our lunches.  We will begin buffet lunches on the July 6 and there will be no need to order in advance.  
     Chris Helt - the Paul Berg Asparagus challenge ends today and the asparagus plants will be counted.  All proceeds will go to the Rotary Club!
INDUCTION: President Chris inducted Steve Plumlee, CEO at CIO, 1157 Eichelberger St Hanover, into membership.  "Welcome Steve"  Please introduce yourself to Steve when you see him at meetings.
Cami is the new Director of the Hanover YMCA replacing Liam.  She came to us from the St Louis, Mo. YMCA system.
Cami spoke of 2020/21 as the "Year of the Mask".  She described all of the precautions the Y put in place to keep staff and members safe.  They continued several activities when they could like Blood Drives, virtual classes, summer camps in pods, and opening the outdoor pool.  They were able to manage their 5.5 million $ budget throughout the year using cash reserves, controlling expenses, and generating revenue.  Members are returning to use the Y.  They are serving about 70% of the members out of a total of 17 - 19,000 people.
Cami spoke about insuring the future of the Y:
     - operational health
     - build relationships
     - establish and/or expand community relationships - with YWCA, RFP's - Integrative Care Partnerships, Littlestown Borough
     - Get members back
     - meet Community needs
     - maintain fiscal responsibility
Rotary Meeting June 15, 2021 Warren Risk 2021-06-19 04:00:00Z 0

Tiffany Seitz - Miss Pennsylvania

Note: This is an email that Tammy Miller received from Bryan Tate re: Miss Pennsylvania.  Tammy wanted to share with all Rotarians.
Tammy, I’m hoping you’re doing well!
Hey, I’m reaching out to again thank you for having Miss Pennsylvania Tiffany Seitz as a speaker for your club!  We think she is a wonderful young woman and has been a great asset to the Miss PA Scholarship Foundation!  Her future is bright!
I wanted to make sure you were aware that Miss Pennsylvania Week is next week, and the Miss Pennsylvania Competition is being held June 17, 18 and 19 at The Appell Center here in York!  I wanted to share this information with you in hopes that some of Tiffany’s newest fans might want to cheer her on as she takes the stage at Miss Pennsylvania for the last time … AND … participate in what’s going to be the best talent show and social impact presentation in our community this year!
Thursday, June 17 – 7 PM – Miss Pennsylvania and Outstanding Teen Preliminaries
Friday, June 18 – 5 PM – Miss Pennsylvania Preliminaries and Outstanding Teen Finals
Saturday, June 19 – 7 PM – Miss Pennsylvania Finals and crowning of the new Miss Pennsylvania
Here’s the link for tickets!  And, if folks would prefer to watch at home, they can purchase virtual tickets!
All best wishes to you!
Bryan K. Tate
Register of Wills & Clerk of Orphans’ Court

Tiffany Seitz - Miss Pennsylvania Tamara Miller 2021-06-11 04:00:00Z 0


A message from our Treasurer:
" Every quarter we receive our dues notice, only 4 times a year. It is every member’s responsibility to pay their dues in a TIMELY MANNER, 4 times a year! I AM NOT YOUR MOTHER who has to remind you to pay your dues. Please be big boys & girls and get it done. THANK YOU!”
If you have any questions please text or call Terry at 717-698- 0293.  Thanks, T.
Dues Terry Gingrow 2021-06-09 04:00:00Z 0

Berg’s Asparagus Challenge

Take The Asparagus Challenge!  Last week, Paul Berg told us at Happy Dollars time that he had planted 50 asparagus plants at his place this spring, but was pessimistic they'd come up.  But then they did!  He told us he'd donate one Happy Dollar for every asparagus that had sprouted by June 15.  Then Rick McKee stepped forward to pledge a matching Happy Dollar for every asparagus to come up in Paul's garden.   Today Paul announced he was opening the Asparagus Challenge to all Rotarians.  Please let Paul or Terry Gingrow know if you would like to pledge a Happy Dollar for every asparagus that sprouts in Paul's garden by June 15.  Paul invites any member to come look at the garden itself to verify (and invites anyone who wants to share a drink with him during the verification visit), and if there is any dispute over exactly how many have sprouted, called on Terry to mediate.  All Happy Dollars go to the COVID-depleted Rotary treasury.

Berg’s Asparagus Challenge Paul Berg 2021-06-01 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Supports Hanover Council of Churches

The Rotary Club of Hanover, through a Club Grant, purchased a new oven and grill for the Hanover Area Council of Churches -HACC.  The HACC provides over 52,000 meals annually for Provide-A-Lunch, Meals On Wheels, and the Homeless Shelter. Pictured (from l to r) are Peg Sennett, Rotarian, Joan Potter, HACC Coordinator, and Mirna Wildasin, HACC Interim Executive Director.
Rotary Supports Hanover Council of Churches Peg Sennett 2021-05-29 04:00:00Z 0

Update on Jess's son

Hanover Rotarians -
Throughout this past year Jess has been telling us about the medical ordeal his son Ryan has gone through.  We have kept Jess and his family in our prayers all year.  Below is Jess's final update on Ryan's remarkable recovery.  Jess has asked that we share with our members.
From: Jess Socrates <
Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2021 1:22 PM
To: Chris Helt <>; Peg Sennett <>; Warren Risk <>; Robert Miller <>
Subject: Final report on my son, Ryan
This is my FINAL SUMMARY and REPORT on my son, RYAN that I sent to my family and am now sharing with you. 
Ryan's health problems started in August 2020 when he called us to let us know he could not breath well. Alarmed at a possible Covid pneumonia, he was rushed to Allegheny General hospital. Thankfully, my PHI fraternity brother, Dr. Marvin Balaan, pulmonologist, happened to work there and was able to attend to Ryan's needs and to continuously update us. Ryan was admitted as a possible Covid case but tests revealed that his breathing difficulty was not Covid related. CT scan instead detected an incidental 13 cm mediastinal tumor that encroached his pericardium. He had to undergo thoracoscopic biopsies twice for a definitive diagnosis. The final pathology report after consultation with experts was "Atypical Thymoma," an extremely rare tumor of the thymus gland. He survived sepsis and clotting problems post operatively.
After discharge, he switched his care to the UPMC Medical Center, a major cancer institution in the US. His Heme-Onc physician administered chemotherapy to decrease the size of the tumor before surgery. After only two cycles, (Sept 15, Oct 6) the tumor miraculously shrunk to half its original size. His thoracic surgeon has extensive experience with this rare tumor and is reputed to be an expert on Thymoma surgery. He explained to Ryan that surgery would either be a "minimally invasive" procedure or if necessary, sternotomy, a more involved procedure that meant splitting his breast bone for access to the tumor. We were anxiously monitoring his surgery (Dec 9). Ryan's wife, Rachel, updated us with progress reports during the procedure. I was waiting for her to tell us that the surgeon had proceeded with a sternotomy. Miraculously, the surgeon was able to totally remove the tumor using the minimally invasive technique. And furthermore, he reported that his pericardium was not  involved after all.
When the final surgical pathology report came back, we were relieved to know that the tumor was totally removed, the surgical margins were clear.  The attending physicians decided that no additional treatment (chemotherapy or radiation) was indicated. By God's grace, he is now tumor-free. However, like any malignancy, he will be on continuous surveillance to detect any possible recurrence so that this can be addressed quickly.
After surgery, Ryan's most bothersome post-op complication was paralysis of his left vocal cord. This was due to surgical manipulation around the area of his left recurrent laryngeal nerve in an effort to completely remove the tumor. An LEMG (Laryngeal electromyography) performed revealed an abnormal study and a most discouraging comment: that said, "the prognosis for spontaneous recovery is poor based on these data." Ryan would speak with difficulty in painful whispers. He was seen by a voice specialist who recommended vocal cord injection with carboxymethyl cellulose. On the scheduled date at the end of March, evaluation indicated miraculous improvement of his vocal cord, the procedure was no longer necessary. Ryan's voice is now back to normal without any difficulty, without interrupted coughing. 
We just got back from visiting Pittsburgh. While there, we met up with Marvin and his wife Susan. I am including a couple of photos with one of Ryan's former physicians.
Thank you for your prayers. 
Update on Jess's son Jess Socrates 2021-05-26 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting May 25, 2021

President Chris called the meeting to order at noon and Rick McKee led the pledge and prayer.
ATTENDANCE: 19 members attended in person and 3 attended on-line.  Guests included Mark Albright, visiting Rotarian; Mirna Wildasin, prospective member; Adam Ogle, speaker.
Karen Nelson - reminded us that the Kiwanis Club is raising money to build a pavilion at Moul field.  Please consider contributing.
Warren Risk - called attention to an email from the District office regarding the District's updated guidance to Clubs on Covid precautions.  Our Club seems to be following the their guidelines.
Tammy Miller - thanked Kevin Clark and Chris Helt for showing up last Friday to help plant a flower garden at a Personal Care Home.
Terry Gingrow - our storage unit was cleaned out by Craig Aiello and 5 of his sons. Some items were discarded and remaining items will be stored at Craig's facility.  Many thanks to Craig for providing the labor force and storage area and to Terry for cordoning the effort.  
PROGRAM: Adam Ogle, York Co Prison Update
Adam introduced himself and explained his role as interim Director of the prison operations.  He reviewed several statistics related to the current prison population including a total population of 1333 - 1203 male and 130 female.  The demographics reveal a very mixed population.
Adam expressed that various county agencies are pulling their efforts to collectively reduce the prison population.  The goals have changed over recent years from one of strictly detention/incarceration to one of rehabilitation and even prevention where possible.  He discussed various alternatives to incarceration.
The prison initiated a number of policies and practices  to keep inmates and staff safe during the covid pandemic - testing, vaccinations, cleaning, spacing, etc.
We appreciated the informative and interesting presentation about a very significant and necessary part of our Community.
Rotary Meeting May 25, 2021 Warren Risk 2021-05-26 04:00:00Z 0

Cleaning  Out Our Storage Unit

Rotarians Craig Aiello and 5 of his kids pack up items in the Rotary storage rental unit to be relocated to space provided by Craig.  The move will serve 2 purposes 1) saves the Club monthly rental fee, and 2) gave us a perfect opportunity to clean out unnecessary items.  Many thanks to Craig and his sons for a job well done!!!
Cleaning Out Our Storage Unit Terry Gingrow 2021-05-21 04:00:00Z 0

Rotarians Assist With Ruth’s Harvest

Rotarians pitch in to help pack meals for Ruth’s Harvest.  Meals are distributed to families in need in the community through various schools in the area.  From left to right Walt Maust, Ralph Jodice, Judy Jodice, Judy Risk, Terry Gingrow, and Betsy Gingrow. 
Rotarians Assist With Ruth’s Harvest 2021-05-21 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Welcomes Newest Members

At Tuesday’s meeting Chris Helt officially welcomed our 2 newest members, in-person - Kevin Clark and Bob Kalinoski.  Both joined during our “virtual meeting” era, so rarely got to meet other Rotarians in person.  Chris presented them with their new badges and lanyards.  We have been very pleased that both men have jumped in to Rotary service by packing meals for Ruth’s Harvest and planting a flower garden at a personal care facility.  Bob has accepted the Chair of our scholarship committee.  We are pleased to have both as members!
Rotary Welcomes Newest Members Warren Risk 2021-05-21 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting May 18, 2021

Chris opened the meeting at noon and Rick McKee led in Pledge and Prayer.  Footnote - it was really great to see Rick again even if only virtually!
ATTENDANCE: 20 people attended in-person and 9 participated virtually.  Guests included 3 students of the month; Michelle Witman, guest of Peg Sennett; Mirna Wildasin, prospective member; Mark Albright, Rotarian from Brazil by way of East Berlin, Pa
- Tammy Miller - volunteers needed to plant a flower garden this coming friday in partnership with Windy Hill at a personal care home on Frederick St.  See separate article in this issue.
- Chris Helt, for Rick McKee - we need members to sign up for weekly Pledge and Prayer.  Please contact Rick directly.
- Chris distributed $10.00 gift certificates from Liz and The Markets At Hanover to all persons present.
- Greg Staub shared that the district received a beautiful banner in honor of the 2020 Global Grant that Jess spearheaded with the Braveheart 2 yr project.
INDUCTION - belated - Chris acknowledged newest members with their name tags and lanyards - Bob Kalinoski and Kevin Clark.  Both of these individuals have been very active in Club matters since joining.  They volunteer for service projects like Ruth's Harvest and Bob accepted Chair of the Scholarship Committee.  Good to have both of them as Club members. 
PROGRAM: Peg Sennett - Selling Treasures on the Internet - The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly 
During the winter months, Peg realized she had boxes of "treasures" that remained from recent downsizing and moving to a new home.  She decided to embark on an adventure of listing these items for sale on the internet so someone else could enjoy them.  She spent much time researching what sites to use to list things, taking photos of the  items, researching what reasonable prices to ask for them, etc.  After much discovery Peg decided that Marketplace on Facebook was the best site for her to use.
Peg showed pictures of some of some of the items she put out on the internet - cowboy things, glassware, coin collections, microscope, cowboy banjo.
One of the first items she put out there was a set of western sheriff badges.  she communicated back and forth with several people on the internet and even posted on e-bay.  This turned out to be a very negative experience.
As for unusual experiences, she sold some items to a lady who has a whole western theme in her backyard; a red cord wall phone that went to a lady who was remodeling her kitchen in an 80's retro theme in reds and yellows; and another lady who buys things then just stores them in her attic with looking at them!
Peg expressed that she did not get into this for the money but for the interesting stories that she learns about.  However, to date she has made $1257.00!!!  
So if you see Peg in the parking lot of Rite-aid transferring unusual items for $$ with someone, you will know why!!! 
Rotary Meeting May 18, 2021 Warren Risk 2021-05-18 04:00:00Z 0

Volunteers Needed To Help Plant Flower Garden

We will be doing the ALPHA garden project on Friday, May 21, at 1 p.m.  The address is 337 Frederick Street, Hanover.  We will need 3-4 volunteers (need some men if possible and someone with a cordless drill).  Also, volunteers should bring gloves, rakes, shovels, etc.  All materials are being provided by ALPHA.
The You First Personal Care Home is a residence for older adults who are not able to live independently and have very little resources.  For more information on ALPHA you can visit their Facebook page at
Please let me know if you are able to help out.
Tammy Miller
Executive Director
Windy Hill on the Campus (senior center)
1472 Roth's Church Road, Suite 103
Spring Grove, PA  17362
717-225-0733   Ext. 103
Volunteers Needed To Help Plant Flower Garden Tamara Miller 2021-05-18 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting  May 11, 2021

President Chris opened the meeting at noon and Kathi Fuhrman gave the pledge and prayer.
ATTENDANCE:  22 members attended in-person and 10 virtually.  Guests included prospective members Steve Plumly, & Mirna Wildasin;  Judy Jodice, wife of Ralph Jodice; some students of the month.
- Chris Helt - help needed - please contact Rick McKee to sign up for Pledge & Prayer.
- Tammy Miller , Windy Hill - we need some members to help plant a flower garden here in Hanover.
- Karen Nelson - Kiwanis Club is celebrating their 100th anniversary by constructing a pavilion at Moul Field.
- Liz Johnides - The Public House at The Markets At Hanover will celebrate their grand opening on May 22 from 12:00 noon to 10:00 pm.  Proceeds will benefit Roots For Boots.
- Chris Helt - Rick McKee is out of the hospital and recovering well.  We expect to see him soon at our meetings.
PROGRAM: Ralph Jodice - Finding Captain Troy Cope  
Ralph delivered a moving, at times emotional, program telling the story about recovering and bringing home the remains of fighter pilot, Troy Cope, after being shot down Sept 16, 1952 in North Korea.  Capt Cope flew an F-86 Sabre aircraft in the 555 Squadron.  Ralph's story emphasized the lengths that the US will go to in order to bring home our fallen servicemen.  The US is one of the few countries who are so adamant about bring our servicemen home.
Ralph shared that Capt Cope, who was an airman in WWII and volunteered to enter the Korean conflict, was shot down in 1952.  The hunt started when an American businessman spotted dog tags in a museum in N Korea.  A long process ensued including a cursory investigation, which led to an extensive excavation on-site, confirmation of remains, and ending with a ceremony in Plano Texas which brought a sense of closure to the family. Ralph was personally involved in the process while assigned as a military attache to China in 2004/05.  It also happened that Capt Cope flew for the same squadron, the 555th, that Ralph was a member of in later years.
Please see the Sequence of Events below to get a better understanding of the lengthy process involved to bring Capt Cope home to his family and country.
Rotary Meeting May 11, 2021 Warren Risk 2021-05-16 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting May 4, 2021

President Chris called the meeting to order at noon and John Danehy led us in pledge and prayer.
ATTENDANCE:  20 people attended in person and this included one guest of Peg Sennett, Mirna Wildasin, Hanover Area Council of Churches. 16 people attended virtually which included 4 students of the month.
Peg Sennett - spoke about the District Conference held last weekend and that it was a very worthwhile event.
Deb Stambaugh - thanked everyone who helped bag items for the York/Adams Immunization Coalition.  More bags and materials are being given out this week to be brought back next week.
Liz Johnides - menu choices for next week's lunch will go on The Markets website tonight.
STUDENTS OF THE MONTH:  Students for May introduced themselves and told us what activities they were involved in at school as well as their future aspirations after graduation.
Bruce Bartz explained in a very personal and heartfelt way what the Bartz Brigade is and how it got started.  The Brigade, a non-profit, 503C,  is focused on suicide awareness and prevention with special emphasis on veterans and our youth.  Bruce started the program as a tribute to his son, and veteran, who committed suicide.  He did not want his son's death to be in vain so he has created this program to help others who might be struggling with depression, addiction, and suicidal thoughts.  An average of 22 veterans per day commit suicide in this country.  In York Co. in 2018 20 kids of various ages committed suicide.  In 2019 96 individuals in York Co  decided to end their life.
They provide a variety of services including awareness presentations like this one, networking to connect people in need to those who may be able to help, scholarships to youth, accepting referrals from School Districts, and they work closely with various veterans groups to help those in need.
Bruce described the networking in the region for veterans groups to be extremely strong, timely, and responsive.
Additionally they see a strong connection between physical health and mental health.
If you want to connect with Bruce and/or donate to their effort please contact Christy Lucas directly and she can connect you with Bruce.
Bruce's message was particularly touching and emotional.
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM - RALPH JODICE - Finding Captain Troy Cope 
Rotary Meeting May 4, 2021 Warren Risk 2021-05-04 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting April 27, 2021

President Chris opened the meeting shortly after noon and Brandon Gething led in pledge and prayer.
ATTENDANCE: 16 members attended in person and there were 2 guests - Bruce Stambaugh, husband of Deb Stambaugh; Jen Zurfing, guest of Bob Kalinoski
                              14 persons attended virtually which included 8 students of the month;  and Steve.
Chris Helt - Rick McKee is in the hospital but will return to Rotary action in the near future.  Please keep him in your prayers.
                 -  Reminder that the tri-district Conference is this weekend.  It is free to "attend" and virtual.  Melissa Kopp-Smith and John Anthony have been sending emails
                    directly to all Rotarians with specifics regarding registration and program offerings. 
                 - there are several opportunities to volunteer your time and talents right now including Ruth's Harvest Meal Packing (Alicia Bowman);  Planting a Flower Garden
                   at First Care Home in Hanover (Tammy Miller); bagging items for Immunization Coalition (Deb Stambaugh); Pledge and Prayer (Rick McKee).
STUDENTS OF THE MONTH:  Students shared what they gained from their Rotary experience.
PROGRAM:  Jill Kaylor - Bringing Care Hone.  What is Homecare?
Jill Kaylor works for Visiting Angels and spoke to us about non-medical home care.  She began by sharing statistics about the number of Americans 65 years of age and older, the numbers turning 65 in coming years and the numbers of Alzheimers/dementia cases now and projected.  All of this points to the rising numbers of people who will need some type of care in the coming years.  The vast majority of elderly people express that they would like to remain in their current homes for as long as possible.  However as people age and health issues emerge, thoughts turn to how to remain there if possible, or looking other options like retirement homes or nursing homes.  Many people, 65% rely on family for help and 30% supplement with in-home care.  Now is the time to begin having discussions with elderly parents, or if you are elderly, with your children so intentions are clear and plans can be made before it becomes an emergency.
There are primarily 3 types of care:
                   - Medical 
                   - Hospice
                   - Non-Medical
Jill focused her remarks on Non-Medical services.  She reviewed several advantages of home care, like faster recovery time, more comfortable in familiar surroundings, and maintaining independence.  Non-medical services include managing meds, personal care tasks like dressing and bathing, light housekeeping, short term respite care, transportation, shopping, and companionship. Home care is licensed by the State and Visiting Angels are deficiency-free after being evaluated.  Most services are paid privately by the client and/or family.  There are a few other methods that people use to provide services like long term care insurance, some veteran services, grants, and cancer victims funds.
Home care workers at Visiting Angels are highly screened, insured and bonded, and are employees of the company.  Care Managers oversee the home care workers and provide services to clients as well.  Some workers are specially trained in palliative care to help clients prepare for the end of life.
Two of our members - Bert Elsner and Karen Nelson - both had first-hand experience with Visiting Angels and spoke very highly of the services offered and the organization as a whole.
Rotary Meeting April 27, 2021 Warren Risk 2021-04-27 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting April 20, 2021

President Chris opened the meeting at Noon.
ATTENDANCE:  21 members attended virtually and 17 were present in-person.  Our guests included our students of the month, Steve, and our speaker, Michelle Ortasic.
Greg Staub - there is an opening for Assistant Governor that covers our region.  Let him know if you might be interested.
Ralph Jodice - Ralph heard a presentation by John Anthony and recommended that our members hear it as well.  He said it was very good.
Chris Helt - Deb Stambaugh is looking for volunteers to help stuff packets for the Immunization Coalition.  You should have received an email today allowing members to sign-up if interested.  It involves receiving various materials next Tuesday, taking them home and packing them into 50 bags.  Bring the completed bags back the following week.
           - Christy Lucas was interviewed on tv at 8:50 am on "Fox and Friends" by Pete Hegseth about the Roots For Boots Program.  She did an excellent interview.
PROGRAM: Michelle Ortasic, Guthrie Memorial Library
Michelle has been at the library for a couple years now. She outlined some of the services the library offers like:
      General services beyond borrowing books and browsing their collection - WiFi hotspots, computers to use, access to a copier, 360 which allows you to borrow books to read on-line
      Teen Library - fiction and non-fiction books, video games, 360 online access on line, research for school projects
      Children's Library - fiction and non-fiction books, graphic novels, materials in English and Spanish, audio CD's and Video DVD's, story time
Membership in the library is free as are all their services.  They are part of the larger York Co. Library System and share books and materials between locations.
Michelle explained how they were affected by covid 19 pandemic.  They had to close the library to the public, and all in-person activities including fundraisers.  They learned how to use existing social media methods- Facebook, instagram, Twitter and their website to connect to the community.  Library staff also sent personal messages to many library users to keep in touch.  hey worked in collaboration with other York Co libraries in providing digital story time, a virtual book club and yoga/meditation on-line.
 When they were finally able to open to in-person activities, they began slowly and carefully by establishing cleaning protocols, lobby pick-up, and now limited browsing.  They are currently operating at about 50% capacity.  Pre-covid hours of operation were 54 hrs per week and they are open just 38 hrs/week now.  Materials circulation pre-covid was about 18,000 and currently it is at 9600.
They are seeing circulation and usage steading rising and looking forward to the time when they can open full time again.
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM: Jill Kaylor, Bringing Care Home - What Is Homecare?
Rotary Meeting April 20, 2021 Warren Risk 2021-04-20 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting April 13, 2021

President Chris opened the meeting at noon and Brandon Gething led the Pledge and Prayer.
ATTENDANCE: we had 19 people attending virtually and 11 in-person.  
- Chris noted that we have several members attending for the first time in-person since last March.  We are encouraging more members to join us at The Markets at Hanover to reunite with friends and further the Rotary Mission.
_ Greg reminded us to register for the tri-district conference April 30, May 1, and 2  (More details below)
STUDENTS OF THE MONTH: The students of the month were introduced and we heard from 2 students who were not able to attend last week
ROTARY MINUTE: Brandon Gething spoke of his experience with Rotary.
PROGRAM:  JENNIFER RYAN - Mission of Mercy
Jennifer explained that Mission of Mercy began in 1994 with a mobile clinic and goals of Healing Through Love and Restoring Dignity Thru Love.   They have professional health care people who volunteer their time in the clinic.  They now have locations in Frederick, Gettysburg, Taneytown, Harrisburg and Baltimore Co. and usually have their clinics in churches.  More recently they started a mobile medical unit and a mobile dental unit.  Most Hanoverians who use this service visit the Taneytown and Gettysburg sites.  There have been more than 400 Hanover residents who have visited these sites.  
Patients are normally those who have no health insurance, no family Doctor, and usually use the hospital as their primary health care.  70% of the patients suffer from chronic illnesses such as diabetes, obesity, blood pressure and heart-related problems.  Gettysburg hospital provides free lab and x-ray services for patients in the clinics in the region.  
Since 1994 the Taneytown and Gettysburg locations have registered 70,000 medical visits and 8,000 dental ones.
Mission of Mercy operates with no government money.  They rely on donations, churches, foundations, sponsorships, and "in-kind" services to fund their operations.  
We discovered that our own WALT MAUST volunteers time with them in the dental unit.
Rotary Meeting April 13, 2021 Warren Risk 2021-04-17 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting April 6, 2021

President Chris called the meeting to order at noon and Terry Gingrow led us in pledge and prayer.
ATTENDANCE: 22 members were on line virtually and 17 members met in-person Boots.  Our speaker and 6 of the Students of The Month were guests.
Jess Socrates - we have received approval to submit the Braveheart Project in the Philippines for a third time.  It is very rare that RI  approves submission of the same project for a second time and this is almost unheard of to try for a third time.  Reminder this is only for approval to submit, NOT approval of the project itself!
     - Jess's son is recovering from surgery dealing with a very rare form of cancer.  He is reportedly tumor-free.  We wish him our best!
Chris Helt - we are continuing to conduct in-person meeting each Tuesday in conjunction with our Zoom meetings.  We are meeting at the The Markets at Hanover on Broadway.  Members can order a lunch on-line up to Friday pm the week before our Tuesday meeting.  Attendance has been steading increasing each week.
     - We were very happy to see Bert Elsner in person this week!!
     - Christy Lucas won the Remarkable Woman Award for her work with Roots For Boots.  There will be a 1/2 hour special this Friday at 7:30pm on ABC, channel 27 featuring Christy and the work that she does to support veterans.  Well deserved!
     - Many thanks to Tammy Miller and the rest of the Program committee for lining up very interesting, informative presentations for us each week.
 Greg Staub -  encourages everyone to sign for the District conference which will be held beginning Friday April 30 for 3 days.  It will be conducted  virtually and is a Tri -District effort.  The cost is $25.00.
STUDENTS OF THE MONTH:  Each of the students present told us about their activities and future aspirations.
PROGRAM: Jen Cristofoletti, York Co. Solid Waste Management - "Where Does Your Garbage Go?"
Jen provided a very interesting program describing the York Co waste management system in place.  It is physically located just off rt 30 behind the Round The Clock Diner.  The whole operation is there including a large tipping room, incinerator, and ash bagging plant.  They have been in operation for 31 years and are 1 of 6 such facilities in PA. They handle solid waste in York Co and accept some waste from other counties.  Basically the plant changes waste into energy to drive a steam generator to make electricity.  She outlined the process that waste goes through 24/7, 365 days per year.  They do not own or operate any of the trucks that bring the waste in. Various townships and municipalities contract with a handful of private companies to haul waste in to be processed.  She explained that trucks bring waste in -> are weighed-> waste is dumped onto the tipping floor where unwanted items like metals are separated -> combustion unit of the incinerator -> heat/ steam turns a generator -> electricity is made.
They are using the latest technology to release as little pollution as possible, even collecting ash in the bathhouse so it is not release into the air.  Metals go to a scrapyard to be recycled.  It is a clean, renewable energy source.
Rotary Meeting April 6, 2021 Warren Risk 2021-04-08 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting March 30, 2021

President-Elect Brandon Gething called the meeting to order shortly after noon and Ralph Jodice led in pledge and prayer.
ATTENDANCE: 11 members attended in person and 24 virtually on-line including 7 students of the month and one of the speakers Carol Ferguson.
  - Brandon - we need volunteers for the Pledge and Prayer.  Please contact Rick McKee.
  - Brandon - Ellie, Tammy and the rest of the Program Committee are doing yeoman's work in arranging presenters for our weekly programs.  However they need suggestions and leads for upcoming programs.  Please contact Ken Wenger or Tammy Miller with your recommendations.
  - Brandon - Look for an email regarding the Ways and Means Committee coming soon.
  - Ralph - this Thursday at 10:00 am the winner of The Most Remarkable Woman In Central PA will be announced on ABC channel 27.  Rotary's own Christy Lucas is one of 4 finalists.  No matter what the outcome we are very proud of Christy and the work she has done for veterans through Roots for Boots.
STUDENTS OF THE MONTH: The students who were present each shared what they learned about Rotary during the month.
PROGRAM: Deb Stambaugh and Carol Ferguson
NOTE: The full presentation can be viewed at :
Deb's summary follows:
1. Rotary International has asked us to Bring the Focus of Disease Prevention and Treatment to light in our own communities.
2. Quote: Bill Nye Rotary Video: " We need to Build Bridges with Parents in Our Communities."
3. As published by our District 7390 - The Rotary Call to Action Regarding Vaccines.
      1. We ask you to encourage your clubs to:  Utilize Rotary's knowledge of vaccine safety and efficacy based on our  polio                           eradication experience to conduct vaccination education and communication outreach in your communities.  This will need             to be tailored to local contexts to address unique cultural and regional needs.
                Rotary Members have demonstrated what we can accomplish to raise awareness, deliver critical personal protection 
                equipment, and provide support for frontline health workers.
              We have one final call to action:
                    Help us combat the powerful, growing force of vaccine resistance and misinformation.
                     Our advocacy in our communities will be critical - we need to spread the message about the power of vaccines to save                         lives.
             We do this for ourselves and for future generations.
        2.  This project with the York/Adams Immunization Coalition is one way to fulfill this Call to Action.
4. Our primary reason for the presentation is to eblighten your Club regarding a project that can have a direct inpact on this Call        to Action. 
         1. The New Mothers Packet project with York/Adams Immunization Coalition will include the Vaccine information  Cards                   that focus on Rotary's message ALONG with numerous pieces of information from the PA DOH and the CDC as                                  determined by the York/ Adams Coalition. 
5. Our secondary reason is to offer the opportunity for donations (in any amount) to support this effort.            
Our follow up plan: York/Adams Immunization Coalition is gathering information for packets to be disstributed to Health Agencies, Hospitals,ect, that care for New Mothers & Children, to educate them on the importance of Vaccinations and answer their questions.  As Rotarians and Immunation Coalitions work together, we are the Bridge that Bill Nye talks about in his video on our presentation.
The YAIC are ordering the materials,  shipping them to me, I will be puting them together in 10 bags to be put together in packets.
Rotarians will be able to pick up at 847 East Walnut St. Hanover and have a week end to pack all items in individual bags and return to that same porch.   We are planning to put together 1000 packets.  They will be returned to the YAIC and they will distribute them.  As soon as I have the shipment I will be back in touch with you, Warren.
The Coalition is planning within the next 2 weeks.
Thank You
Deb Stambaugh
No One Should Suffer from a Vaccine Preventable Disease. 
The Pain and Disability Can Last a Lifetime.
Check us out on the web -
 (We are a registered 501C3 Organization)
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM: York County Waste Management - "What Happens to Our Gargage"
Rotary Meeting March 30, 2021 Warren Risk 2021-03-30 04:00:00Z 0

Rotarian  Finalist for Remarkable Woman of Central Pa.

Most of you are aware that Christy Lucas is one of four local finalists for the "Remarkable Women of Central PA".  Each of the four women have been featured on channel 27 Tuesday's at 5:00.  
This coming Thursday on ABC Channel 27 at 10:00 am the winner will be announced.  We are rooting for Christy, but we are proud of all the women participants and especially Christy.  Through Roots For Boots, Christy has helped many veterans in the area to have a better life.
We strongly encourage you to watch/read Christy's initial interview at the following link:
Rotarian Finalist for Remarkable Woman of Central Pa. Ralph Jodice 2021-03-30 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting March 23, 2021

President Chris opened the meeting at noon and MaryKay Bernosky led the pledge and prayer.
ATTENDANCE:  12 members were in actual attendance and 23 members participated virtually including our students of the month, Steve, and our presenter, Judy Meikle
Chris Helt - we need volunteers for the pledge and prayer for upcoming meetings.  Please contact Rick McKee.
Liz Johnides - The Public House located in the Markets is opening this week Thursday, Friday, Saturday with limited hours.
Judy gave us a heartwarming(no pun intended), sometimes funny, and spirited account of her heart transplant.  Essentially about 13 years ago she felt very bad and thought it might be pneumonia.  It turned out to be severe heart issues and she was told she needed a heart transplant.  She spent a long time in the hospital and was finally placed on a list to receive a transplant after 8 mos.
Ben Lunn was an army Ranger who served 2 tours in Irag and then Afghanistan. He was an only child raised by a single mother. He and his men were on patrol and got into a firefight when they ere out numbered and out gunned.  He was severely wounded but managed to kill 10 Taliban soldiers and save a number of his squad members.  He was airlifted out and eventually made it to Walter Reed hospital in the States.  He was on the operating table and suddenly suffered a heart attack.
Meanwhile Judy was living her life in Chicago just waiting for the day that she might receive a call about a possible viable transplant.  She was with her friends when that call finally came in.   She had very little time to get her life in order and get herself to Northwestern Hospital.  Doctors have only four hours for a heart to remain outside of a body before they have to get it into the recipient.  This was going to be close!  The operation was successful and Judy received the heart of a Ranger with only 20 minutes to spare!  She got out of the hospital after only 9 days which is a very short time.  She has had no issues with rejection now after 12 years and is very healthy.  Doctors said she received a remarkably strong heart.  
Since that time a book has been written about her ordeal and especially the Ranger whose heart she received.  She speaks to various Clubs like Rotary to advocate for Organ  Donation.  In the US, a person dies every 90 minutes for lack of an organ donation.
Judy gave a wonderful presentation.  Thank you John Bailey for inviting her to speak!
Rotary Meeting March 23, 2021 Warren Risk 2021-03-24 04:00:00Z 0

Update to Recent Rotary Program re: VisionCorps

Recently we had an informative program at Rotary on VisionCorps.  Three flyers containing additional information about the program can be found in our "Downloads" section on our website.
Update to Recent Rotary Program re: VisionCorps 2021-03-24 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Means Business Event

Rotary District 7390 RMB will host the 61st RMB networking event on Wednesday March 24 at 4:00-5:30 PM via Zoom. As with most Zoom events, there will be no charge, but you must register to receive the Zoom link.  Registration can be made through the following link:
Rotary Means Business Event 2021-03-19 04:00:00Z 0

Register For Tri-District Conference April 30, May 1,2

Registration is now open!! 
I am excited to be your guide as we set out exploring new opportunities together at the 2021 Tri-District Conference on April 30, May 1 & 2, 2021. Our path will take us into a world of leadership, learning, fellowship and fun! All from the comfort of your own home! 

The schedule is FULL of incredible presentations from locally and internationally known speakers on a wide variety of topics.  There will be engaging breakout sessions, Hall of Friendship, trivia, and a night of BINGO and fun.  This exciting adventure will also include the opportunity to join with fellow Rotarians, safely, in service to our communities! Imagine Rotary service happening in 120 communities across southern Pennsylvania and, imagine how our communities will react as we inundate social media with pictures and videos of Rotarians in Action on that day. 
Click here to register today!!

Join together with me in our exploration. Registration: $25 Conference Fee and $25 Foundation Gala Donation. View the full conference website here
Yours In Rotary Service,
John G Anthony II 
Rotary District 7390
(717) 620-9701
"Rotary Opens Opportunities"
Register For Tri-District Conference April 30, May 1,2 Warren Risk 2021-03-19 04:00:00Z 0

Article About Our Braveheart Doctor

Jess Socrates shared this article about the volunteer Doctor who performed the Braveheart Operations.  
I wish to share a recent article on our Operation Braveheart volunteer, Dr. Jonas del Rosario. The article has nothing to do with Operation Braveheart. It reveals to the reader the very personal side of Dr. del Rosario. We are fortunate to have him as our volunteer.
Article About Our Braveheart Doctor 2021-03-19 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting March 9, 2021

President Chris called the meeting to order and Rick McKee led us in pledge & prayer.
ATTENDANCE: 26 people were in virtual attendance and 9 more people were in actual attendance.  Guests included our March students of the month.
ROTARY MINUTE:  Tammy Miller shared her Rotary experience with a focus on Women in Rotary.
PROGRAM: President Chris shared that after almost a year of meeting virtually due to Covid restrictions, today was our first attempt at returning to in-person meetings.  The next couple of in-person meetings will be for Board members only.  We need the opportunity to work out any issues with technology and ordering meals, etc before we open up to a larger group.  We will continue to hold joint virtual and in-person meetings to accommodate those who feel more comfortable in a remote location rather than physically attending in a group setting.
  • We are meeting in a new venue - The Markets at Hanover, at 1649 Broadway,  Hanover, Pa.
  • The Markets are closed to the public on Tuesday so we will be the only group there, which is a covid safety factor
  • Liz Johnites who manages The Markets reviewed the covid-safety precautions in place for us, i.e. masks on unless eating; safe distancing at well placed tables; boxed lunches in place of a buffet line initially; hand sanitizer; thorough cleaning and disinfectant of facility before and after our use.
  • Lunches are ordered and paid online on the Friday before the Tuesday meeting and are available to us when we walk in.
  • Ample parking in front of the facility and level "no-steps" access to the ballroom
VIRTUAL TOUR OF  NEW ROTARY MEETING LOCATION: Liz Johnites took virtual attendees on a brief virtual tour of the facility to give members an idea of what it would be like to be there in person.
Todays experience revealed that we have some technological issues to iron out in order that the rotary experience will be a good one for both in-person and virtual attendees.  We expect that we will be able to open up our meetings to all Rotarians by the end of March.  Thank you to Liz for being so accommodating and to all our members for their patience as we work through this re-opening process.
Rotary Meeting March 9, 2021 Warren Risk 2021-03-10 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting  Feb 23, 2021

President Chris opened the meeting at 12;03 and Peg Sennett led the pledge & prayer.
ATTENDANCE: 30 people were in virtual attendance.  Guests included our students of the month and our speaker Jason Buhi.
STUDENTS:  The students of the month who were present shared their Rotary experience over the past month.
Peg Sennett - shared that our Club grant amounting to $2500 was awarded to Windy Hill.
Terry Gingrow - Hanover resident Carol Granger, who many of you know, passed away last night after a long battle against his illness.
Jess Socrates - the report on the Street Village Children project in the Philippines was submitted to RI ahead of schedule.  Additionally an appeal will be made to extend the Braveheart Project to a third.  This is practically unheard of in Rotary but we will try anyway.
Chris Helt - Remember that Tastefest Takeout will begin and run for the first week of March; please support the Roots for Boots Food Drive with your non-perishable food donations; volunteer for the Ruth's Harvest Meal Packing at St Matthews Lutheran Church on thurs March 4, sign up on -line.
PROGRAM: Jason Buhi - former Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship student in Hong Kong - "Hong Kong Democracy Movement and China's National Security Law"
Jason spoke about his experience living and studying in Hong Kong focusing on the changes that he saw take place.   He divided his presentation into the following segments - a brief history of Hong Kong, the Democratic Movement, the U.S. Response, China's Response, Final Comments/questions .
Hong Kong is almost 4x the size of Orlando, has 7.4 million people of largely Chinese origin with a very high literacy rate, would have 36th highest GDP in the world, and is classified as a Special Administrative Region of the PRC(People's Republic of China) under "one Country, Two Systems".  In 1979 the PRC demanded the return of Hong Kong which had been under British colonial rule since 1841.  Between 1982 and 1984 the Sino-British Joint Declaration was negotiated by the UK and PRC.
Briefly the Declaration stated that HK would have a high degree of autonomy; would be vested with executive, legislative, and independent judiicial powers; would have a Chief Executive appointed based on local elections via universal suffrage; and a guarantee that the current social and economic systems would remain unchanged for 50 yrs (to 2047).  
The PRC has been taking a series of carefully planned, orchestrated steps to undermine the original declaration and exert more and more control over HK.  For example the Legislature which once had veto power now has lost even that through PRC controlling who serves on the Legislature.  The few remaining representatives on the legislature have resigned leaving all control to PRC representatives.  The PRC is systematically cracking down on any and all opposition through threats, intimidation, extradition to mainland China and imprisonment.  The crackdown continues despite demonstrations by over 2 million of the city's 7.5 million population.
 Through the HK Policy Act in 1992 the US agreed to honor all the existing laws in force in British HK if the PRC honors its obligations in the Sino-British Joint Declaration.  If HK ceases to be autonomous, then the US should suspend special benefits.  In 2019 the policy act was amended to include various things including the authorization of sanctions for human rights violators in HK including cancelling their US visas and seizing their US - based assets
The PRC reaction was to impose its new national security "law" on July 1, 2020 on HK.  Thislaw criminalizes vaguely-defined offenses of treason, succession, subversion, terrorism, and collusion; authorizes the PRC FBI to operate in HK unaccountable to local law or judiciary, and can extradite people to mainland China; and these laws apply to anyone, anywhere in the world, whether or not they are UK or Chinese residents!  This new law is already having devastating effects on anyone speaking or acting out against the PRC.
Jason's final thoughts/ suggestions include:  Under our current administration, HK will receive less attention; the US should clearly know what our goals are; we should practice our values at home and abroad; bipartisanship on policies related to China should continue; positive rhetoric is better but don't be naive; and we are most effective in concert with our allies.
Jason's presentation was concise, well-documented, organized and tremendously interesting.  He sparked many questions from the group.  
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM: Frank Kempf and Gwen Loose, Rail Trail
Update on the Hanover Trolley Trail
Rotary Meeting Feb 23, 2021 Warren Risk 2021-02-24 05:00:00Z 0

Appalachian Trail Hike For Polio

Hi Chris,
Just received this radio interview about Owen's hike for polio. He is the Rotarian hiking the Appalachian trail to raise money to eradicate Polio.  Did not know if you would want to share with the club.
Deb Stambaugh
Deb Stambaugh shared this information about a Rotarian who will soon attempt to hike the entire Appalachian Trail to raise $$ to help eradicate polio.  His name is Owen Standley and he is a member of The Rotary Club of Johnstown, Pa.  His goal is to walk the entire trail, 2200 mi in 100 days and raise $100,000.  He has already raised $29,000.  He has never been a hiker and got this idea in 2019.  If you aren't familiar with the trail, doing this in 100 days is a very ambitious undertaking.  He would have to average 22mi/day.  He wants to do 25/day to give himself a bit of a cushion for presentations to Rotary Clubs along the way, bad weather, etc.  Very ambitious indeed!  The link below is an interview he did for a local radio station.  Worth a listen!  We wish him the best!
Appalachian Trail Hike For Polio Deborah Stambaugh 2021-02-23 05:00:00Z 0


As we head closer to March, the Tastefest committee is saddened that Tastfest is a no-go this year. Believe it or not, we've also had many inquiries from the community and it will be a missed tradition of sorts on the 1st Friday of March (sold-out event 6 years in a row)!
HOWEVER, we've been brainstorming ways in which we can still promote the event virtually within the community and have decided to promote TASTEFEST TAKEOUT through our Tastefest Facebook page.  Main Street Hanover has graciously agreed to spread the word and promote the event through their channels as well.
Please visit/Like the Tastefest page and look for the post to the community. We will promote from March 1st through March 7th as Tastefest has always been held on the 1st Friday of March.
We encourage all Rotarians to spread the word and share the post with friends/family with the hope to boost business for these establishments during that week. Please pick a few to visit and/or order takeout. They have faithfully and selflessly supported our event for the past 6 years and it would be fantastic to see a huge return of support during this difficult season.
We also thought it might be fun to try and tally the dollars spent by Rotarians at these businesses during this week and report back to you. If you think of it, please send me an email with the place you visited and dollar value.
All the best,
TASTEFEST TAKEOUT 3/1/21/THRU 3/7/21 Kelly Rebert 2021-02-18 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club Meeting  2/16/21

 Rotary Club Meeting 2/16/21 Summary  submitted by Terry Gingrow


Meeting opened by President Chris at 12:00 pm

Prayer & Pledge conducted by Carrie Nace

ATTENDANCE 33 members in attendance including 6 Students of the Month (no students from Hanover)


ROTARY MINUTE:Deb Stambaugh presented our Rotary Minute today. She joined Hanover Rotary a little over two years ago. She was attracted to Rotary because of the work that Rotary International does in the world-wide elimination of polio. Presently there are only two countries in the world where polio exists, Afghanistan and Pakistan. The major reason for that is political with Taliban leaders spreading lies that the polio vaccine contains harmful contents that will affect the minds and health of the people there.  Deb had suffered with polio when she was a child. After recovering from the childhood effects, she then developed rare symptoms as an adult that she gracefully deals with today. Thanks for a great message Deb.


PROGRAM: Donna Moyer and orm Basso, Globel Grant Program of the North York Club

Our speakers today were Donna Moyer and Norm Basso from the York North Rotary Club. Donna is the current Club President and Norm is a 28-year founding member of the York North Club. He is currently the Project Chair of a Global Grant Project the club is working on with the Rotary Club of Rio Grande de Argentina. That club is located at almost the bottom of the earth; if not, you can see the bottom of the earth from there. Unknowingly, the project got its roots in 2005 when Norm and his wife hosted a Youth Exchange student, Maria, from the Rio Grande club. Over the years they and their families formed a bond. Norm told us that he now calls Maria his daughter and she calls him Dad. The more Norm and his Club learned about the Rio Grande Club the more they wanted to help them and thus the work on this project was born. The problem is that medical care along with almost every other service that we take for granted is located as much as hundreds of miles away from Rio Grande. The mortality rate of young children there is very high. The Rotary club there has started to build a medical facility and that’s the easy part. The real work, the part that costs money, is the build out with the medical equipment, beds and staff. They have also begun the build housing for the staff that will be necessary. The York North’s goal for this project is $18,000 that can be tripled as it goes through the District and the Foundation approvals. That means their $18,000 can turn into $54,000 for the Rio Grande Club to help furnish their new hospital. The club there has also come up with local funds in their area to help as well including a local contractor who has committed US$80,000. Please see President Chris if you have questions or would like to help our friends at the York North Club.

Hanover Rotarians interested in making a donation to the North York Rotary Club project in Argentina, can make a tax-deductible donation to the Hanover Charitable Trust. North York Rotary would be notified of the total amount and the Rotary Club of Hanover would be listed as a participating club in the project. 


Rotary Club Meeting 2/16/21 Terry Gingrow 2021-02-16 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting Feb 9, 2009

Pres Chris opened the meeting at 12:00 and Bob Kalinoski led the club in prayer and pledge.


35 members and 6 Students of the Month were present virtually.


- Chris reminder the members the Roots for Boots Food Drive is going on the entire month of February. Please contact Christy Lucas at  for more details. Canned or boxed food items, monetary donations and grocery store gift certs are all welcome,

-Chris introduced the Students of the Month from Delone Catholic, South Western and Spring Grove. There were no students from Hanover this week.


- Terry Gingrow presented the Rotary Minute this month. He spoke about how he became a Rotarian and some of his more rewarding experiences over his 33 years in Rotary. He encouraged the students to keep Rotary in mind as they go through their lives no matter where they may lead. He did a damn fine job!


- Our speaker today was York County President Commissioner Julie Wheeler. She started by telling us that she is a member of the York Rotary Club and was introduced to Rotary by her parents who were also both members of the York Rotary Club. Julie has been a Commissioner for just over three years and she said it has just flown by for her.

The main subjects that Julie wanted to discuss were the York County CARES Funding of $16,474,689 that they were able to leverage with the YoCo (York County) Strong Task Force who has more experience in turning these dollars into tangible benefits where they do the maximum good. 

For example, with the assistance of the Restart Grant Program they were able to assist 855 small businesses and 99 non-profit recipients. 

They were also able to help long-term care facilities, a much-needed broadband pilot program for the more rural areas of the county that the County has been discussing for quite a while. Other areas that have benefitted from the CARES program include non-profits serving basic needs such as employment and jobs training; tourism, mass vaccination supplies and veterans’ programs.

Another area the Julie touched on were the voting issues. She told us that of the approx. 450,000 population in York Co. there were 311,000 registered voters. 90,000 requested mail-in ballots but only 75,000 of those were actually mailed in. Of those, 10,000 changed their minds and voted in person meaning their mail-in ballots had to be destroyed at their polling site. Don’t know what happened to the other 5,000. The state voter turnout was 70%, the York Co. turnout was 78%.

Julie also talked about the planning and implementation of the new broadband system that’s now being installed throughout the more rural parts of the county starting with the inspection of 107 telephone poles that are now in existence! That has been determined to be the most economical method of installing the new fiber system since it’s already there. And again, this updated system is being paid for by CARES dollars and with the assistance of the York County Economic Alliance.

The meeting was wrapped up with a few questions and Julie suggesting that anyone can go to the County’s website, for more information.


Rotary Meeting Feb 9, 2009 Terry Gingrow 2021-02-11 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting Feb 2, 2021

President Chris called the meeting to order at 12:04 pm and Dale Brubaker led the Pledge and Prayer.
ATTENDANCE: 28 people attended the virtual meeting including the following guests: 6 students of the month; our speaker, Dr Alan Peterson; Carol Ferguson; Andrew Shaffer
Christy Lucas - Roots For Boots is conducting a food donation drive during the month of February to benefit the 90 veterans in need in our region.  They are collecting non-perishables and have various options for you to get your items to them.
Chris - Ruth's Harvest volunteering event is this Thursday evening at 6:00 at St Matthew's and we have 10 members signed-up!!!  Look for the next opportunity to volunteer in March.
Chris - Please consider volunteering to provide the Pledge and Prayer over the coming months.  An email was sent out to you recently to sign-up.  Or you can contact Rick McKee directly.
STUDENTS OF THE MONTH: we welcomed 6 of our 8 students of the month who were available to introduce themselves to the Club.  We look forward to seeing them each week through February.
PROGRAM: Dr. Alan Peterson - Global Climate Change: A Threat to People's Health and Welfare
Dr Peterson, a family practice physician made a strong case for the reality of our global climate change as well as the negative effects it is having on the world in which we live from a personal health perspective and overall life of the inhabitants of the world.  Alan shared a powerpoint presentation to outline his argument.  He is making a reasoned and passionate plea to heed the warnings and he is available to speak to any group of any kind on the topic.
Briefly some of the topics shared in his well documented slide presentation included the following:
The Basics -
Damage to the climate is real and happening now at an alarming rate
Human activity emits greenhouse gases into the atmosphere which alter the earth's climate
IF we make a concerted effort now we can create healthy and safe communities for our families, and have major benefits like improved mental and physical health
Definitions - he defined weather vs climate; and Global warming vs climate change
Greenhouse Effect -harmful gases like Co2 create a blanket-like effect around the earth which traps heat in our atmosphere.  This heat is causing negative changes to the planet never seen before in recorded history.
Air Quality - slides specific to Pa showed the worsening air quality in our region and incidence of asthma in children.
Food Supply and Climate Change - as the climate changes food yields like grains decreases at a time when global population increases.
Water Availability -billions of people live in water stressed/scarce areas and this will increase dramatically by 2100.
Heat Waves - like those seen in Europe in 2003 which killed 70,000 people will increase and become more severe.  Effects will be felt by the 2040's . There is a linkage between a warming planet and extreme weather events.  We have seen some of these in recent years and will experience more as the warming continues.
Flooding -80,000 acres of wetlands are lost each year in the U.S. due to intensifying coastal storms and rising sea levels. 
Health effect - spread of disease, lyme, dengue, by ticks and mosquitoes is expanding in the U.S.
Preventing Climate Change - alternative energy like solar and wind generation are viable and need to be expanded and fossil fuel generation needs to be reduced.
PLEASE NOTE: Dr. Peterson provided three documents that you can see in the downloads section on our website:  "Climate Change and Health In PA"; "Why Climate Change is Rotary's Business"; and "Your Personal Solutions to Climate Change".
Rotary Meeting Feb 2, 2021 Warren Risk 2021-02-03 05:00:00Z 0

District 72+ Program Debut in 2021

The District 7390 virtual Foundation Dinner in November announced a program called 72+ which makes suggestions to everyone about tax savings opportunities for charitable giving provided by the government’s SECURE Act and CARES Act. The 72+ program urges senior Rotarians to give strong consideration to making a contribution to The Rotary Foundation from their IRA. This especially applies when one reaches age 70.5 to make a Qualified Charitable Contribution (QCD) or when one must take a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) upon and after age 72 (hence the program name 72+). There are significant tax savings provided by the SECURE and CARES Acts.
District 72+ Program Debut in 2021 Greg Staub 2021-02-02 05:00:00Z 0
Join the next District Development Session February 8 "Community Partnerships". 2021-02-02 05:00:00Z 0

May 2021 Students of the Month

Please welcome the following students for the Month of February 2021:
Delone Catholic H.S.
Sarah Swingler
Activities: Student council, Interact Club, Minithon, Peer ministry, NHS, NEHS, soccer, works as a barista at Starbucks.
Future Plans: To attend college and major in Clinical Laboratory Science.
Marck Grenchik
Activities: Interact Club, soccer, card club, work, swimming.
Future Plans: To attend University of Pittsburgh Johnstown and study mechanical engineering.
Hanover H.S.
Kyle Garman
Future Plans:
Gracie Manjarrez-Beltran
Future Plans:
South Western H.S.
John Fenwick
Activities: Basketball, volunteer at Cross Keys Brethren Home, Volunteer at Keystone State Games, Referee for youth basketball, camp counselor for youth basketball, National Honor Society.
Future Plans: To attend Case Western Reserve Univerity or Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology as a student-athlete and major in Biomedical Engineering.
Future Plans: 
Spring Grove H.S.
McKenna Seashole
Activities: National Honors Society, lacrosse.
Future Plans: To attend York College of Pennsylvania's pre-med program.
Joseph Kelly
Activities: TBA
Future Plans: TBA
May 2021 Students of the Month Kathi Fuhrman 2021-02-01 05:00:00Z 0

March 2021 Students of the Month

Please welcome the following students for the Month of February 2021:
Delone Catholic H.S.
Ryan Murphy
Activities: Cross Country, basketball, track & field, Interact Club, Mini-thon committee, National Honor Society, Math Honor Society, National English Honor Society, Spanish National Honor Society.
Future Plans: To attend Seton Hall University and earn a bachelor's degree in accounting.
Rebekah Hernandez
Activities: Cross country, International Club, Respect Life Club, Minithon Committee, Spanish National Honors Society, English National Honors Society, Mo Alpha Theta, National Honor's Society, CYO basketball, Dietary Aide at Homewood Retirement Center.
Future Plans: To become a speech pathologist for special needs children, learning Spanish, being a mom & wife, and living each day with and for God.
Hanover H.S.
Paul Killinger
Activities: Chamber Choir, Basketball, Varsity Basketball Team Captain, Usher at St. Vincent DePaul Church, Weis Markets Associate, and Delivering Pies to the Elderly.
Future Plans: To attend Bloomsburg University and major in medical imaging.
South Western H.S.
Ally Klansek
Activities: National Honor Society, Distinguished Honor Roll, Key Club, Band, swim team, Cross Country, church, reading, running, spending time with friends and family.
Future Plans: To attend Elizabethtown College and major in Occupational Therapy in a 5-year advanced master's program.
Future Plans:
Spring Grove H.S.
Braden Bair
Activities: National Honors Society, Link Crew, and Works at BJ's.
Future Plans: To attend college and major in business/finance.
Bethanne Luckenbaugh
Activities: Band, Jazz Band, Marching Band, Indoor Percussion, Stage Crew for Fall Play and Musical.
Future Plans: To attend college for pre-med to pursue a career in pathology.
March 2021 Students of the Month Kathi Fuhrman 2021-02-01 05:00:00Z 0

February 2021 Students of the Month

Please welcome the following students for the Month of February 2021:
Delone Catholic H.S.
Landon Strappazon
Activities: National Honors Society, Mu Alpha Theta, Peer Ministry Peer Tutoring, Photography, and Part-Time Server at Long Horn Steakhouse.
Future Plans: To major in computer science or cybersecurity, and hope to start an online business in the future.
Emily Malesky
Activities: Field Hockey, Indoor & Outdoor Track, and Snowboarding.
Future Plans: To attend University of Pittsburgh and major in pre-med and plans to be a dermatologist.
Hanover H.S.
Paul Killinger
Activities: Chamber Choir, Basketball, Varsity Basketball Team Captain, Usher at St. Vincent DePaul Church, Weis Markets Associate, and Delivering Pies to the Elderly.
Future Plans: To attend Bloomsburg University and major in medical imaging.
South Western H.S.
Meredith Lucey
Activities: Key Club, Girl's Tennis (varsity player and captain for senior season), Link Crew, Ski Club, Tennis Coach for Younger Children, Front End Associate and Personal Shopper at Weis Markets.
Future Plans: To attend a 4-year university and major in either biology or chemistry. Then attend medical school to become a physician.
Connor Miller
Activities: National Honors Society, Student Council President, Class Treasurer, Varsity Club Vice President, Student Section Leader, Varsity Cross Country, Varsity Track and Field, and Intern at Hanover Architectural Products.
Future Plans: To attend college and study aerospace engineering.
Spring Grove H.S.
Braden Bair
Activities: National Honors Society, Link Crew, and Works at BJ's.
Future Plans: To attend college and major in business/finance.
Bethanne Luckenbaugh
Activities: Band, Jazz Band, Marching Band, Indoor Percussion, Stage Crew for Fall Play and Musical.
Future Plans: To attend college for pre-med to pursue a career in pathology.
February 2021 Students of the Month Kathi Fuhrman 2021-02-01 05:00:00Z 0

New District Foundation Chair Begins July 1, 2021

New District Foundation Chair Begins July 1, 2021

DGE Greg Staub is pleased to announce the appointment of Anna-Mae Kobbe, Ph.D. to serve as the District Rotary Foundation Chair (DRFC) beginning July 1.  She will follow current DRFC John Kramb who will complete his term of office June 30, 2021.
New District Foundation Chair Begins July 1, 2021 2021-01-27 05:00:00Z 0

District 72+ Program Debut in 2021

District 72+ Program Debut in 2021

The District 7390 virtual Foundation Dinner in November announced a program called 72+ which makes suggestions to everyone about tax savings opportunities for charitable giving provided by the government’s SECURE Act and CARES Act. The 72+ program urges senior Rotarians to give strong consideration to making a contribution to The Rotary Foundation from their IRA. This especially applies when one reaches age 70.5 to make a Qualified Charitable Contribution (QCD) or when one must take a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) upon and after age 72 (hence the program name 72+). There are significant tax savings provided by the SECURE and CARES Acts. The 72+ program is further explained in a informative brochure produced by District 7390
District 72+ Program Debut in 2021 2021-01-27 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting Jan 26, 2021

President Chris Helt opened the meeting at 12:03 pm and Rick McKee led the Pledge and Prayer.
ATTENDANCE: 36 people attended the virtual meeting including 7 students of the month, 2 guests Amanda Hollabaugh our speaker and Sam Nicola, 4-H advisor.
STUDENTS: the 7 students each shared what they learned from participating in our Rotary meetings during February.
Chris - please sign-up to lead the Pledge & Prayer at upcoming meetings.  Contact Rick McKee.
PROGRAM: Amanda Hollabaugh Pa 4-H Program - Planting Leaders, Growing Success in Pa 4-H
Amanda is a member of the 4-H State Council and serves as VP of Events.  
Below are some of the highlights from her presentation.
- What is 4H? America's Largest Youth Development Organization.  It is a national program with a Conference Center near Wash D.C.
- 4H stand for Head Heart Hands Health
- 4H Pledge
- Club Opportunities - there are 1300 Clubs across PA.  Every county has at least one Club.
       A 4H club may focus on one specific project or more than one
       Example: a goat club(goats only) and an economics club(sewing, cooking, etc.)
- What is a 4H Project
       A project is an object of focus for a year
       The are many projects from which to choose - almost limitless
       A 4Her can do as many projects as they wish
       Projects help youth acquire skills in four areas - Personal development, Communicating working, and relating to others, Problem solving and decision making, Managing resources
- You complete a project book while working on your project.  The book helps you keep track of your progress and successes.  It helps and guides you.
- How to start a Club - You can create your own Club if you meet certain criteria.
 Amanda shared WHO to include; WHEN do you meet; WHERE do you meet; WHAT does a Club provide
If interested, contact your local county extension office
Amanda did a terrific job explaining 4H to our members.  Many questions were generated.
Rotary Meeting Jan 26, 2021 Warren Risk 2021-01-26 05:00:00Z 0


Christy Lucas and Kim Hackett connected earlier regarding the ROOTS FOR BOOTS FOOD DRIVE
We would like to hold it the month of February so that the donations can be delivered in March.  Christy and I will make announcements at the zoom meetings. 
We will be sharing what food items are needed.
Christy also has a Valentine’s for Veterans which she will announce as well. 
Three ways to donate food items:
1. Members can take food to the Hanover VFW  
2. Directly to Christy  
3. a Roots for Boots staff member can also pick up food on member’s porches.  They need to email Roots for Boots. 
ROOTS FOR BOOTS FOOD DRIVE AND MILITARY SHARE Christy Lucas 2021-01-19 05:00:00Z 0

Rotarians Support Ruth's Harvest

Several Rotarians recently packed meals for area students to support Ruth's Harvest Program.
Hanover Rotarians Dave Erlemeier, Warren Risk (and his wife Judy), and Ralph Jodice (and his wife Judy) packed food bags for Ruth’s Harvest as part of the Club’s ongoing community service project.  On Friday’s, Ruth’s Harvest gives needy children in the local area 7 meals to take home for the weekend to help to ensure they do not go hungry.
Rotarians Support Ruth's Harvest Ralph Jodice 2021-01-14 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting January 12, 2020

Vice President Brandon Gething opened the meeting in Chris's absence at 12:00 pm
Brandon asked for a moment of silence for former Club member, Nick Vlahos who passed away.
Tammy Miller led P&P
 There were 20 Rotarians & 7 students -of -the- month in attendance.
- Brandon introduced the students-of-the-month
- Brandon said that Chris asked for more folks to sign up for Pledge & Prayer.  Please contact Rick McKee to sign up.
PROGRAM: BOB MILLER 20 Years in Rotary

Bob grew up in Littlestown. He went to St Aloysius Grade School, then Littlestown High School, graduating in 1966. From there he went to “The Mount”, Mount Saint Mary’s College in Emmitsburg, MD where he thought he wanted to be a math teacher eventually his earning a degree in Economics. After college Bob joined the National Guard starting at Fort Bragg in North Carolina and then moved on to Fort Knox in Tennessee. Even at that point you could see that Bob had his eye on money. Thanks for your military service Bob. Later, on 9-23-72 Bob married the love of his life, Joan. They have been married for 48 years and have raised a family of 2 sons and 2 daughters and 13 grandkids! Their family now enjoys traveling together, as many as possible, camping and spending time fishing off the family yacht, a pontoon boat that Bob keeps at Lake Marburg.

Bob’s professional CPA career began with the firm Peat Marwick Mitchell in Baltimore, one of what was know as the Big Eight at that time. He then got a little closer to home when he went to work with the Harry Ness CPA firm in York and eventually Hanover. After spending the next few years with other local Hanover CPA firms Bob decided to open his own practice out of his home in 1985. He then built his current office building on Main St in McSherrystown in 1989 and in 1993 he established the firm of Miller, Brown & Associates. Today his firm is known as Miller, Brown, Ohm & Associates. Bob has been eyeing retirement by cutting back over the past few years although he’s proud to say that this coming tax season will be his 50th. Congratulations Bob!

Bob joined Hanover Rotary on Nov. 20, 2000 and since then has held almost every office in the club! Most notably were Club president in 2005-06, Secretary, 2002-04; HOBY Chair, 2007-present; Rotary Foundation Chair 2006-20 and Group Study Exchange Washington tour guide and bus driver for many years and many others.

Thanks for a great presentation Bob. And for all you’ve done for the Hanover Rotary Club in your first 20 years! T

Rotary Meeting January 12, 2020 Terry Gingrow 2021-01-14 05:00:00Z 0

Hanover Rotary Meeting Jan 5, 2020

President Chris called the meeting to order at 12:05 and Bob Miller led us in pledge and prayer.
ATTENDANCE: 37 people were in virtual attendance, including 8 students of the month
Barb R. - thanked the students for tuning in despite the late notice for some of them
Chris H. - please consider signing up for the pledge and prayer responsibilities.  contact Rick McKee
Ralph J. - ralph and his wife Judy celebrated 43 years of marriage
Kim H. - announced her son's 21st birthday and he is celebrating in St Thomas
8 students from 4 area high schools shared the activities in which they are involved at school as well as their future plans
SW - Ella Baker, Liam Hower
SG -Brandon Livelsberger, Jenna Hoke
D - Leanna Myers, Owen Alster
H - Jatziry Mendez, Alexandra Gruver
PROGRAM: Our newest member, Bob Kalinoski, Classification Speech
Some of the things Bob shared with us about himself included:
- he spent 15 years as a member of the Towsontowne Rotary Club
He & his wife Eileen have been married for 49 years, have two children and one granddaughter.  Eileen was a partner in his law practice and now follows her passion as an artist.
-  attended a one room school in Lancaster Co. with 50 students in multiple grades
-  played multiple sports in HS and performed at a high level playing in the college world series in baseball
-  earned an undergraduate degree from Harvard in Physics and Physical Sciences
-  earned a Degree in Law from Boston Univ, and worked as a security guard at night
-  started as a tax attorney; worked at a firm in Baltimore; started his own firm; merged with a firm in Baltimore; resurrected his old firm after a time and was licensed in Md, Pa, and D.C.  They offered Estate, Tax and Corporate legal services all in one practice.
- he and his wife moved to Hanover and he works At Council with the Becker Law Group
- enjoys reading , golf, astronomy, and artificial intelligence
- in the past he served his Rotary Club as Programming Chair, President. Assistant District Governor, and was involved in the District Ambassador Scholarship Program, and micro loan project
Hanover Rotary Meeting Jan 5, 2020 Warren Risk 2021-01-10 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting Dec 29, 2020

President Chris called the meeting to order at noon and Rick McKee led the pledge and prayer.
ATTENDANCE:  27 people were in attendance including students of the month, our speaker, C.J. Weigle, and prospective member Robert Kalinoski.
INDUCTION:  President Chris inducted Robert Kalinoski into membership in the Club. He is currently of council with the Becker Law Group in Hanover.  Bob was a very active in his former Club in Towsontown, Md.  Please extend a warm welcome to Bob when you see him.  We look forward to his classification speech next week. 
STUDENTS: The students who were in attendance gave their perspective on the experience with Rotary over the past month.
PROGRAM: C.J. Weigle, member of Representative Kate Klunk's staff
Things we learned from C.J. included -
> Regarding the election, they want to be sure that every legal vote was counted; and they want the public to have confidence that the Pa election system is safe, secure and legitimate.
> The Attorney General asked that a special prosecutor be appointed to investigate any allegations about improprieties in the process.
> Unemployment compensation - backlogs and problems that exist which delays payment to individuals.
> Bottleneck at the intersection of Moulstown Rd/ Eisenhower Dr. and Broadway   
> Status of $145 million proposed to help small business - questions remain as to the legal authority to present it and where will the money come from
> Vaccination rollout to the public - perhaps by mid January
> Availability of Covid testing - still an issue
> Issues with DMV/DOT responding very slowly to licensing and vehicle issues. Disruptions from covid have slowed everything down and it is frustrating 
Rotary Meeting Dec 29, 2020 Warren Risk 2020-12-31 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting  Dec 22,  2020

President Chris called the meeting to order at 12:04pm.  Ellie Rebert led us in Pledge & Prayer.
ATTENDANCE:  33 people were in attendance.  Guests included Judy Jodice and her 3 grandchildren; Chris Helt’s daughter; the Dec student’s of the month; and Prospective Member Bob Kalinoski.
Chris H. - Bob Kalinoski will be inducted into membership next Tuesday.
Deb Stambaugh - related that her Team raised enough $$ to immunize 70,000 children.
PROGRAM:  Holiday Music provided virtually by the SouthWestern music Dept.
Various high school students videotaped themselves playing and singing a variety of Holiday songs.
Sarah McComas - violin “What Child Is This”
Olivia Flickinger - violin “Carol of the Bells”
Aaron Stettler - guitar “Silent Night”
Olivia Flickinger, Sarah McComas, Karen Yang.  Violins, viola. “Jingle Bells”
Kylie Calogero - guitar
Olivia Flickinger - soprano.  “Oh Holy Night”
Zackary Krouse     “Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas”
The Students did an exceptional job performing their music, and we sincerely appreciate the time and effort they put into putting the program together.  Well done!
NEXT WEEK’S PROGRAM:  Claire, CJ, Weigle Legislative Aide to State Representative Kate Klunk
Rotary Meeting Dec 22, 2020 Warren Risk 2020-12-23 05:00:00Z 0

Hanover Rotary Meeting Dec  15, 2020

President Chris called the meeting to order at 12:05 and Ralph Jodice led us in the Pledge and Prayer.
Chris Helt - please give program ideas to Ellie Rebert and the Program Committee
Chris Helt - Our Dec 22nd meeting will be holiday music provided by SouthWestern music Dept.  Don’t forget to wear your holiday clothes/colors.
Jess Socrates - hopefully his son will be discharged from the hospital soon after very successful surgery.
Rhonda Ramos - congratulations to Rhonda who will be taking a new position with OSS Health.
ROTARY MINUTE:  Kathi Fuhrman
PROGRAM: Bryan Blair- CEO York Fairgrounds/Expo Center
Things we heard from Bryan included:
- most of the effects of covid restrictions as reported by mainstream media have centered on the devastation to bars, restaurants, local specialty shops, etc.  But another industry that has suffered as well is the event center, convention center, and entertainment venues.
- the first cancellation for the Fairgrounds was the special Olympics in March.  They didn’t think it was a big deal at the time, but then the cancellations began rolling in for the Spring, summer, fall and now winter.
- non-fair events are a big money maker for York Fairgrounds and Expo center.
- they did all sorts of cost saving measures like laying off all parttime employees, which left a team of 11 on the payroll.
- they got some life-saving revenue from WellSpan for the drive up covid testing operation for 90 days; Weis mkts went ahead with sponsoring one of the main arenas/ convention centers for 3 yrs; and they got a $2 million grant from the Co commissioners because of the importance of the fairgrounds venue to the businesses in the county.  These plus more cost-saving measures kept them barely afloat.
- they added touch less doors and toilets, ventilation systems with virus killing apparatus, and hydrostatic cleaning systems (from John Bailey) to prepare when the times comes when they can re-open facilities.
- they are planning for the 2021 Fair in the summer
-they ran 2 food truck festivals in the fall, limited to 250 people, which were successful fundraisers and the public appeared to be happy to support the effort.
Hanover Rotary Meeting Dec 15, 2020 Warren Risk 2020-12-20 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Means Business - Dec 9, 2020

(reprinted from the District 7390 Newsletter Rotary Reporter 12/4/2020)


On Wednesday, December 9, Rotary Means Business District 7390 will host a virtual Zoom meeting from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. The event is FREE so bring your favorite drink and hors d’oeuvres and let’s get RMB going again.  

Zoom Meeting information:

Meeting ID: 840 5112 3625 & Passcode: 901152

Once registered, you will be given a meeting ID and password and the link to join.  Also, as you may know, you can go to and click on the “Join the meeting” link and put in the meeting ID and password. See you there!

Rotary Means Business - Dec 9, 2020 Warren Risk 2020-12-10 05:00:00Z 0

District 7390 Safety Committee

(reprinted from the District Newsletter Rotary Reported 12/4/20)
D7390 Safety Committee Tips for Safe Gatherings
As COVID-19 hospitalizations surge locally and nationally, the Centers for Disease Control and our local healthcare providers urge us to approach holiday gatherings in a different way this year. The greatest risk for contracting COVID-19 are indoor gatherings with anyone that is not part of your immediate household.  “Immediate” is defined as those who routinely live together.  For more details visit:   Another great local resource is a recorded webinar hosted by Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center on the state of COVID-19 in our area and how to be safe during the holidays.  Go here to listen:   Need a resource specifically designed for Rotary Clubs?  Go to the D7390 website and click on the red COVID banner for resources developed by the D7390 Safety Committee.  Let’s keep the holidays happy by being safe!
D7390 Safety Committee Featured in the Zone Newsletter
District 7390 is proud to announce the efforts of our district’s safety committee got published in the December Zone 28/32 newsletter! Sincere thanks is extended to RI Director Valarie Wafer who when she heard of our efforts, wholeheartedly not only published the article we submitted but also asked Rotarians everywhere to heed the advice of public health officials this holiday season by celebrating cautiously.
District 7390 Safety Committee Warren Risk 2020-12-10 05:00:00Z 0

Hanover Rotary Club Meeting Dec 1, 2020

President Chris opened the meeting at 12:05 and Ruth Shaffer led us in the Pledge and Prayer.
ATTENDANCE:    33 people tuned in including 7 students of the month and Robert Kalinoski, prospective member.
Chris Helt-  we need volunteers to pack meal bags for Ruth’s Harvest Thurs Dec 3, 6:00 - 7:30pm at St Matthews Church.  Please contact Alicia Bowman.
Chris Helt - please share any Suggestions for programs to Ellie Rebert, Tammy Miller, or Ken Wenger.
Christy Lucas - gave Happy Dollars for Ralph, Craig, Kathi, and other Rotarians for supporting Roots for Boots Turkey Trot 5k run event on Thursday Nov 26 at 9:00am.
STUDENTS OF THE MONTH - DECEMBER:  The students introduced themselves to the Club.
PROGRAM: Greg Staub, District Update
Greg is the District Governor Elect and will become District Governor on July 1, 2021.  Here are some things he shared:
- District Safety Committee - developed safety protocols related to covid to provide guidance to Clubs.  There is also a video available produced by the Hershey Med Center.
- District Club Grants - there is $ that comes back to the District from RI after 3 yrs..Clubs can apply for a matching Grant for local projects up to $2500. Many Clubs do not apply for this $$.  In order to encourage Clubs to use this money, the District is now making smaller($500-$1000) non-matching grants available for local projects.
- The District initiated a new Committee to enhance communication within the District. It has a strong focus on technology.  They are looking for volunteers with tech skills to be on the committee.
- RI added a 7th area of focus which is the environment. They are hoping to attract those individuals concerned about the environment to join Rotary in this effort.
- The 72+ program and Polio + program are encouraging members to contribute $ to these charities and thus take advantage of the tax benefits it brings.
What happens after we are out from under the Covid threat and restrictions?
- some companies have eliminated the benefit of Rotary membership to their employees as a cost - saving measure.  Will these companies allow employees to return?  How do we encourage this?
- engagement - Meeting virtually is not as enticing or strong as meeting in-person.  Will members continue in Rotary or decide to leave?  Will former members come back once restrictions are lifted?  How do we address this?
- a possible silver lining to covid is the research that has gone into developing a vaccine - Messenger RNA technology.  This technology may have benefits in treating other diseases.
Hanover Rotary Club Meeting Dec 1, 2020 Warren Risk 2020-12-02 05:00:00Z 0

District Grant Training Opportunity

The second of two Grant Training sessions for the 2020-2021 Rotary year will be held Monday, December 14 at 6:00 p.m. Each Club is required to be Grant trained to apply for District or Global Grants. At least one member of each club needs to attend both the November and December 14 Grant Training sessions and pass the tests to qualify the Club to apply for a Grant. 
Please register for the grant training at this link:
Have a great day!

Melissa Kopp-Smith
Rotary District 7390 Executive Secretary
515 South George Street
York, PA 17401
Phone: 717-854-7842

District Grant Training Opportunity Warren Risk 2020-11-28 05:00:00Z 0

Hanover Rotary Meeting Nov 24, 2020

President Chris opened the meeting at 12:05 and Tammy Miller led us in the Pledge and Prayer.
ATTENDANCE:    33 people tuned in including 8 students of the month and Robert Kalinoski, prospective member.
Jess Socrates - The Rotary Foundation accepted the final report on Operation Braveheart.  150 patients  were served through the project.  Jess will try to submit for another Grant from RF but the odds of being successful are slim.
Ralph - Roots for Boots is sponsoring a Turkey Trot 5k run on Thursday Nov 26 at 9:00am.
STUDENTS OF THE MONTH - NOVEMBER:  Each of the students shared their Rotary experience during the past month.  
PROGRAM: Chris Helt., Club Assembly, Board Report to the Club
- Chris shared where our Club is, at this point in the year, in several different goal areas.  They were:
Foundation Giving
Increasing Our Impact
Delone Interact
Enhance Participant Engagement
Increase our Ability to Adapt
(Chris’s slide presentation can be viewed in it’s entirety on our website in the “Downloads” section)
- Our Treasurer, Terry, reviewed the state of our finances year to date.  Understandably this is a very difficult year financially for the Club.  We have not been able to have our fundraisers due to covid; our regular meetings are all virtual so we are not collecting any money for lunches for non-attendees; we have had some misunderstandings of our billing invoices (which are being ironed-out); and we have lost a couple of members.  However our routine expenses are all being paid and we expect to be able to honor previous commitments to existing projects and grants.  We have money in CD's that we can rely on until we can begin fundraisers and in-person meetings again.  Things look a bit "gray" right now but Terry is getting a handle on the financial end of things and we will get through this together.
- Finally, Warren gave a report on the status of our Club being able to return to in-person meetings.  We formed a committee in the early summer to address this issue - Kim Hackett, Chris Neri, Dale Brubaker, and Greg Staub.  We recognize that our members' feelings about meeting in-person are "across the board" just like in our community.  We have met several times since then, conducted a Club survey, developed a set of written procedures to return safely to in-person meetings, and have been in regular contact with Bay City.  We have also considered other venues for our meetings.  At this time no Rotary Clubs in our district are meeting in-person, though a couple have tried.  Currently the covid incidence rate is on the rise again in our region and state-wide and the Governor has imposed more restrictive regulations again.  Consequently we likely will not be able to resume in-person meetings in the near future but we will stay vigilant for the opportunity to do so.
Hanover Rotary Meeting Nov 24, 2020 Warren Risk 2020-11-26 05:00:00Z 0

COVID Presentation, Wed 11/25/20, noon

The following is re-printed from a recent email sent from the District office, Melissa Kopp-Smith:
This year our holidays will look different due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The D7390 Safety Committee is committed to sharing important resources to keep our members and the community safe. One fantastic way to get educated is to join a Zoom session hosted by Penn State College of Medicine on Wednesday, November 25, 12 noon EST. Information will include:
1) updates on the state of COVID-19 in our region
2) strategies on navigating the holidays
3) how to get tested and what to expect if you test positive.
Attendees are encouraged to bring questions! The session will be recorded and available for distribution.
Juliet Altenburg RN, MSN
Past President, Rotary Club of Mechanicsburg-North
2022-2023 District Governor
Rotary International District 7390
Chair, D7390 Safety Committee
Cell:  717-574-9499

Melissa Kopp-Smith
Rotary District 7390 Executive Secretary
515 South George Street
York, PA 17401
Phone: 717-854-7842

COVID Presentation, Wed 11/25/20, noon 2020-11-20 05:00:00Z 0

Hanover Rotary Meeting Nov 17, 2020

President Chris called the meeting to order at 12:02 and Rick McKee led us in pledge and prayer.
ATTENDANCE: 37 people tuned-in virtually to our meeting.  Guests included the 8 students of the month; and Bob Kalinoski, prospective member
Chris Helt - Chris shared the 3 awards that our Club received at the foundation dinner last week - 3rd in highest giving, 3rd in highest total Foundation giving, and 2nd in annual giving per capita.
Christy Lucas - thanked Ralph and his wife for delivering food for Roots for Boots
Christy Lucas - mentioned what a great job Delone Catholic is doing with their service projects despite the obstacles thrown at them from Covid. Check out Delone's section on our website.
ROTARY MINUTE: Warren Risk  (due to technical difficulties, Warren could not present his minute this week)
Paul Berg gave a wonderful slide presentation on his February-March 2020 visit to Hanoi, Dubai, Lebanon and Tunis.  He enjoyed the people, the culture, and especially the food along the way.  He was so enticing and presented in such an interesting way that many people now want to visit those places!
He began by introducing us to his Hanoi adopted family, Hoa, Nga, Hoang Anh and Minh.  Together they visited the huge new Buddhist pagoda at Tam Chuc, with slides of enormous recently-cast statues of various manifestations of the Buddha, each weighing over 100 tons, along with with the impressive woodcarvings and porcelain made by local craftspeople.  He also showed pictures of the fresh seafood and shellfish they ate at stands in Dong Hoi as well as their visit by boat to the caves in the Phong Nha Ke Bang national park in Quang Binh province bordering Laos.  He also showed slides of street restaurants and stores in Hanoi's Old City, showing how Hanoi people typically begin their day with a breakfast of pho ga (chicken pho) with noodles, herbs and sauces.
Then it was on to Dubai, with slides of its many souks selling spices, gold and apparel, as well as a meal at its most famous and authentic Indian restaurant, Ravi's.  We laughed at a shot of him donning a typical Dubai turban.
His visit to Lebanon included a drive to the Bekaa Valley to see the Roman ruins at Baalbek as well as the nearby mosque which is also a Shia holy place, the mausoleum of third Imam's Hussein's daughter Seyedeh Khawleh.  He also showed us the local Bekaa Valley culinary specialty, sfiha, a delicious pastry filled with ground lamb and herbs, as well as a few shots of street life in Beirut and Shia political billboards in the Bekaa.
He finished with a few shots of Avenue Habib Bourguiba in Tunis, originally built by the French during the colonial period to resemble the Champs Elysees in Paris, and then took us briefly through the long and fascinating souk which begins at the end of the boulevard, its colorful handicrafts, and its excellent pastries and shwarma made by hand on the spot.  
Should you have any questions please feel free to contact Paul directly.
Great job Paul!
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM:  Chris Helt - Club Assembly, Update from The Board of Directors
Hanover Rotary Meeting Nov 17, 2020 Warren Risk 2020-11-17 05:00:00Z 0

Hanover Rotary Meeting Nov 10, 2020

President Chris called the meeting to order at 12:03 and MaryBeth Hockenberry led us in the pledge and prayer.
ATTENDANCE: In all 28 people attended the virtual meeting.  
                            Guests included our speaker, Dr Richard Carlson; 8 students of the month
Peg Sennett/ Dave Nelson - Dave gave the early history of the gazebo downtown; Barb Rupp said there was no update from the borough.
Chris Helt - shared that 8 hanover Rotarians attended the virtual Foundation Dinner; Dr Jess received his award for Operation Braveheart along with the Dr in the Philippines who did the operations; and Jess was proud to announce that our Club was mentioned many times during the evening program.
Chris Helt - Rotary Means Business is coming up on Nov 12th.
Kevin Clark - asked about the status of returning to in-person meetings and some discussion followed.  The Board will receive an update next Tuesday and then it will be reported to the whole Club.
ROTARY MINUTE:  Chris Neri shared her history with the Club from 1990 until today, focusing on the introduction of women to Rotary worldwide.  She also explained why she joined and what it has meant to her.
PROGRAM: Dr richard Carlson - The Psychological Impact of Covid-19
Dr Carlson, who has maintained a practice in Hanover for the last 40 years, explained the psychological affect on us of being in this pandemic.
Some of what we learned -
- Mental health is the measure of Psychological impact
- stress is caused by the threat of illness - stress from
       - since this whole pandemic started we have been getting mixed messages which causes confusion
       - media pictures have created panic
       - fear of lost jobs; panic buying to stock up when things begin disappearing off shelves
- all of these things have led to a crisis which is the birthplace of stress
- when things change stress builds, and as humans we crave the predictable.  we don't want to be uncomfortable or moved from our comfort zones
- we don't like changes to our daily routines and this pandemic has forced us to change in many ways.  The virus is not going away soon so we have to learn how to live with it
- children are home from school learning virtually and parents are picking up extra duties by having to become "teachers" along with everything else they already have to do
- all of this causes anxiety and we cope via substance abuse; suicidal thoughts creep in and it all adds up
- add to this the political climate, and the social unrest we see on tv each night
- people feel a loss of control which leads to distorted thinking patterns - "black and white thinking; overgeneralizing thinking;Jumping to conclusions; which all give way to worry.  And worry is negative.
Stress is normal in life and there is positive stress and negative stress.  But we have been inundated with the negative this year.
So what can we do about it?  In short the answer is HOPE
- employ the serenity prayer because there are many things that are out of your control
- focus on the things in life that we can control, and there are many
- keep your daily routines and schedules as much as possible
- be kind and stay connected to people, don't isolate, even if much of it virtual contact
- take care of your physical and emotional needs and don't ignore them
Hanover Rotary Meeting Nov 10, 2020 Warren Risk 2020-11-11 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting Nov 3, 2020

President Chris opened the meeting st 12:02 and Terry led us in Pledge and Prayer.
ATTENDANCE: A total of 36 people were in virtual attendance.  
Guests included : Robert Kalineski a Rotarian from Towsontown, Md joined us.  He recently moved to Hanover and is at council with the Becker Law Group.  JoAnn Flickinger, Mother of Olivia Flickinger, and our speaker, Tiffany Seitz.
- Chris reminded us of the Foundation Dinner on Nov 5.  It is virtual and free but donations are accepted.  Our own Dr Jess will be honored.
- District Grant Training session is on 11/9
- There is a Rotary Means Business event on 11/12
PROGRAM:  Tiffany Seitz, Reigning Miss Pa 2019-2020
Some of the things we learned from and about Tiffany:
- she is the first Miss Pa to rein for 2 yrs in a row 2019 and 2020
- being Miss Pa is a job.  She does whatever is asked including appearances, signing autographs, making keynote presentations
- Miss America is the largest scholarship program for women in the US
- she is mentoring a “Little Sister” who is a student at Penn State
- she earned a bachelors degree at Grove City College in Entrepreneurship and Communication
- Tiffany told us about her pageant history including Miss Butler Co, Miss Laurel Highlands, and being the runner-up.
- She was asked to step in at the last minute to compete for Miss Pa.  Her mom became seriously ill during the competition and had to be hospitalized.  Tiffany didn’t expect to win but she did!
- Tiffany explained that her birth parents were told at birth that she was not expected to live.  She ended up in foster care and being adopted at a very early age.
- therefore her Social Impact Initiative is Adoption - Foster - Family -Future
- there are 500,000 kids in foster care who may never be adopted.
- Tiffany’s mission is to change minds and hearts about fostering and adoption
Rotary Meeting Nov 3, 2020 Warren Risk 2020-11-04 05:00:00Z 0

December 2020 Students of the Month

Please welcome the following students for the Month of December 2020:
Delone Catholic H.S.
Sam Hoerl
Activities: National Honor Society, International Club, Cross Country, Track & Field, Swim Club, Lifeguard at the Westminster Riding Club, Teaches Swim Lessons, and Antioch Youth Group.
Future Plans: To attend college and study to become an architect.
Ruby Keeney
Activities: Interact Club, Peer Ministry, National Honors Society, National English Honors Society, National Mathematics Honors Society, Work at Myers' Meat Market.
Future Plans: To attend attend York College of Pennsylvania and major in nursing.
Hanover H.S.
Madison Martin
Activities: Student Athletic Trainer Program, National Honor Society (President), Key Club, Cashier at Sweet Frog Frozen Yogurt, and Associate at TJ Maxx.
Future Plans: To major in secondary english education while attending Penn State York for 2 years. Then transferring to Penn State Main Campus to finish her degree.
Aubre Caler
Activities: Link Crew, Key Club, Junior Varsity Boys' Basketball Manager, Varsity Boys' Basketball Manager, National Art Honors Society (Treasurer), National Honors Society (Treasurer), Diversity Alliance Club, and Barn Hand at Perfect Fit Farm.
Future Plans: Planning to attend a four year college or university.
South Western H.S.
Derek Cracium
Abigail McMillian
Spring Grove H.S.
Ryan West
Activities: Member of National Honor Society, Captain of the Swim Team, and Member of the Link Crew.
Future Plans: To attend college and study math or biology.
Amy Alvarez-Chavez
Activities: National Honors Society (Officer), National German Honors Society (Officer), Link Crew Leader, Tutor through National Honor Society, and Friend and Fun Club.
Future Plans: Plans to attend a 4 year university, majoyr in biology, continue on to medical school and then complete a pediatric residency.
December 2020 Students of the Month Kathi Fuhrman 2020-11-01 04:00:00Z 0

November 2020 Students of the Month

Please welcome the following students for the Month of November 2020:
Delone Catholic H.S.
Shawn Harriet
Activities: President of Interact Club, National Society of High School Scholars, Piano, Student in Adams County Technical Institute, and Dual-Enrollment in Harrisburg Area Community College.
Future Plans: To pursue a 4 year degree in computer science.
Rylee Zeak
Activities: Vice President of Interact Club, Peer Minister, and Taekwondo.
Future Plans: To attend college and major in Aeronautics to become an Air Force pilot. Along with minoring in International Relations or French and participating in the AFROTC program. Then enter the Air Force after college.
Hanover H.S.
Benjamin Kime
Activities: Basketball, Football, Key Club, Link Crew, Link Crew Leader, National Honor Society, New Hope Ministries Food Bank Volunteer, Wareheim Mansion Tree Decorating Volunteer, and Home City Ice.
Tianna Gray
South Western H.S.
Olivia Flickinger
Kylie Calogero
Spring Grove H.S.
Nicholas Etter
Isabella Lam
November 2020 Students of the Month Kathi Fuhrman 2020-11-01 04:00:00Z 0

Ride to Eradicate Polio 10/24/20

Greg Staub and his wife Edie rode in the Ride To Eradicate Polio fundraiser last Saturday and submitted this photo.
Pictured in the photo are Laurie Williams, Tracey Barrick, Edie Staub and Greg Staub.
Ride to Eradicate Polio 10/24/20 Greg Staub 2020-10-28 04:00:00Z 0

Results of Survey to Return to In-Person Meetings

You may recall that a couple weeks ago we surveyed the Club members regarding their feelings about a return to in-person meetings, given proper safety precautions.  Here are the results of the survey:
We had 61 total responses which represents about 75% of our members.
Out of those 61 responses, 16 (26%) indicated they were not ready to return to in-person meetings.  There were 45 "yes" responses which is roughly 73%.
Consequently we are still pursuing a way to at least begin the process to return to in-person meetings.  We expect to continue running the virtual option simultaneously so that our members will have a choice whether to attend virtually or in-person.
We will keep you posted!
Results of Survey to Return to In-Person Meetings Warren Risk 2020-10-21 04:00:00Z 0


The Hanover Rotary Club met virtually on Tuesday, Oct 20, 2020 beginning at 12:00 noon.  The meeting consisted of 37 members and guests.  Our guest speaker was John Nanni on the topic of Rotary’s Polio Plus Program.
Additionally, John will be co-hosting  World Polio Day Saturday Oct 24, 2020 as per the information below:
This is the World Polio Day Telethon that I will be co-hosting on Saturday, October 24th between 10:45am and 2pm.
The registration is on DACdb thru Zone 33 but Rotarians outside of Zone 33 can register as a guest.
Many RI Leaders will be speaking, including:
RI President Holger Knaack RI Past President Ravi Ravindran Senior Rotary International Leaderships Speakers, Music, Auction Items
Sincerely in Rotary Service, 
John A. Nanni
ROTARY MEETING OCT 20, 2020 Warren Risk 2020-10-21 04:00:00Z 0

Pints For Polio Event 10/15/20 

On Thursday Oct 15, 2020 Kim Hackett coordinated a Social/Fundraiser Event to raise money to fight Polio.  The Club members have not had a chance to share fellowship since March and Rotary tried to provide an event to allow this to happen.
The event was held at the Bourbon Bar and Grill on Carlisle St, Hanover.  A couple of pictures of the event follow.
Pints For Polio Event 10/15/20 Kimberly Hackett 2020-10-19 04:00:00Z 0

Contact Info For Register of Wills/ Clerk of Orphans Court - York Co

On Tuesday Oct 13, our guest speaker was Bryan Tate, Register of Wills and Clerk of Orphan's Court for York Co.  His powerpoint presentation can be viewed in the Downloads section on our website.
Below, please find his contact information should you have any questions that you want to ask him.
ROW Orphans Court Contact Slide.pdf
Contact Info For Register of Wills/ Clerk of Orphans Court - York Co Warren Risk 2020-10-19 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting Oct 13, 2020

Chris opened the meeting at 12:02 and Rick McKee led in Pledge and Prayer.
ATTENDANCE: 41 people attended the meeting virtually - 32 members and our guests included our speaker, Bryan Tate and the 8 Students of the Month.
- Chris - reminder that our fundraiser/social is Pints for Polio Oct 15, 5:00 to 7:00 at Bourbon Bar and Grill, Carlisle St., Hanover.  Please RSVP to Kim Hackett, 717-633-0685 .
Peg provided an overview of the 27 houses that our Rotary Club was part of building, rebuilding, remodeling in the U.S. due to hurricane damage.
PROGRAM: Bryan Tate, York County Register of Wills, and Clerk of Orphans Court
The two job functions of his office are:
1. Responsibility for administration of estates and acts as agent of the PA Dept of Revenue to collect PA inheritance taxes
2. Oversee the Orphan’s Court
Bryan began his position with York Co. in January of this year.  He shared his 3 Team members who provide a wealth of knowledge and experience to help him with his job.   Only 2 months into the job he was forced to deal with the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic as the offices were closed to the public.  The challenge was how to keep serving the public under the restrictions and in a manner that provided safety to his staff.  The Covid crisis became an opportunity to reinvent processes for the operation of his office responsibilities since people could no longer come in person.  They incorporated Zoom and WebX like programs.  These virtual innovations will continue into the future and are especially helpful for people in the farther reaches of York Co and others who do not like to venture into York City.
- people can go on-line to look-up documents and then print them at home
- credit cards can now be used via phone or in person to make payments for services 
- hearings are now being held on-line
PA Inheritance Tax
0% if left to legal spouse
4.5% if left to direct dependents
12% if left to siblings
15% if left to other heirs
0% if left to non-profits/ charities
An alternative way to leave Assets to people that may incur less or no tax is through a life insurance policy
 It is very important to:
1) have a Will
2) include a charity as a beneficiary
3) be sure to tell your executor where your Will is located
Rotary Meeting Oct 13, 2020 Warren Risk 2020-10-14 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Students of the Month - November 2020

This will be only the second time we have sponsored Students of the Month virtually.  We are looking forward to meeting the students and hearing about the activities in which they are involved as well as their future plans.  Big congratulations to each one!
SouthWestern High School -
Kylie Calogero
Olivia Flickinger
Hanover High School -
Tianna Gray 
Benjamin Kime
Spring Grove High School -
Isabella Lam 
Nicholas Etter
Delone Catholic High School -
Rylee Zeak 
Shawn Harriett
Rotary Students of the Month - November 2020 Warren Risk 2020-10-05 04:00:00Z 0
District Development Oct 12, 6:00 - 7:00 pm 2020-10-05 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Foundation Dinner November 5, 2020

Event:Annual Rotary Foundation Gala
Date:Nov 05, 2020 7:30 PM  - Nov 05, 2020 8:00 PM
Location:Virtual Event
PA United States of America

The 2020 Foundation Gala is a FREE event! But, feel free to make a donation to The Rotary Foundation. Go to Consider making a $50 donation in lieu of paying for a dinner.

Join us Thursday, November 5, 2020 at 7:30 p.m. The 2019-2020 giving awards to The Rotary Foundation, the Citation for Meritorious Service and the Service Above Self Award will all be presented. In addition, we will hear from a speaker about Operation Braveheart and our Keynote Speaker will be Michael McGovernor (Chair of the Rotary International Polio Plus Committee). The event will adjourn by 9:00 p.m.

If you are a Major Donor, Paul Harris Society Member, Polio Plus Society Member, Benefactor, or Bequest Society Member, please join us at 7:00 p.m. for a reception! Everyone else will join the call at 7:30 p.m. 


Once you register, you will receive an email with a link to the virtual event! 

Rotary Foundation Dinner November 5, 2020 Warren Risk 2020-09-26 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Leadership Institute

Rotary Leadership Institute Hosted by D-7390
Registration for the Harrisburg, Oct. 24, 2020, Virtual RLI is now open!
Please plan to attend the next Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) hosted by D7390, which will be held virtually on Oct. 24, 2020.
Rotary Leadership Institute Warren Risk 2020-09-26 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting Sept 22, 2020

President-Elect Brandon Gething opened the meeting at 12:02.  Sharon Kebil-Whisler 
led us in pledge and prayer.
ATTENDANCE - 25 members were in virtual attendance.  Our 2 guests were our speaker, Erin DeWald and Beth DeWald.
Brandon - Kim Hackett is organizing a social/fundraiser to support Polio Eradication. - Pints for Polio. More information will be forthcoming.
Brandon - District Governor John Anthony will be with us next Tuesday - please plan to join us virtually.
PROGRAM - Erin DeWald - Rotary Exchange Student for 2019-2020.  
Erin was our outbound student to Innsbruck, Austria and surrounding areas.  The goal of the Rotary program is for these young people to become Global Citizens.
Erin shared some beautiful photos and told us many things about her time abroad including:
- she learned to speak German, feeling more comfortable with the language by November
- one of the foods she tried on her first day was pizza and it was terrible.  however on her last day she got eisdaenemark(ice cream) and it was delicious
- she learned to bake a type of apple cake with streusel on top and ended up making it every Sunday night for her host Dad.
- in winter she enjoyed hiking, skiing, and sledding with friends, and host family  She did learn to ski while there
- Swarovski, crystal world
- Wiechnachtsmart or Christmas market
- Run Huts high in the mountains where one could stop to rest and comfort while hiking or sledding 
- Krampus Festival - old traditions
- Dirndl - traditional dress worn in Austria and Germany
- Matura Ball, or Prom usually held in Jan or Feb
- Rotary sponsored specific events for all the exchange students regardless of country of origin and outbound students and prior exchange students.  These were fun events and allowed for the sharing of their experiences with others who understood what they were experiencing.
Thank you Erin for sharing your overseas adventure with us.  It certainly looked like a rewarding experience and one you will never forget.
Rotary Meeting Sept 22, 2020 Warren Risk 2020-09-23 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Governor Training and On-Line Summit 

It's your last opportunity to register for our Zones 28/32 Online Summit, September 23rd through the 25th!

If you have already registered for the Online Summit, THANK YOU! 
If you haven't already done so, please register now (it's FREE!) and join your friends from throughout Zones 28 and 32* on September 23-25 via Zoom for our annual gathering – traditionally known as the Zone Institute -- now a series of online opportunities to see and hear from many of Rotary's senior leaders!  This virtual event, previously offered only to district leaders, is now available at no charge to ALL Rotarians in Zones 28 & 32, which includes all of Canada, St. Pierre & Miquelon, Bermuda,
the northeast United States and Michigan.
The opening evening's focus is on leadership, and our keynote speakers include Rotary Peace Fellow and Philadelphia Police Inspector DF Pace, speaking on "What My Rotary Peace Fellowship Has Taught Me About Peace & Policing, and Practical Examples Applied In My Professional Life," followed by "Rotary International President-Elect Shekhar Mehta (left) who's topic is "Where Eagles Dare."
Thursday's program is all about our Rotary Foundation.  Our first speaker that evening is Jennifer Jones, Rotary Foundation Trustee and Rotary International President-Nominee, whose topic is "When the World Stepped Down, We Stepped Up!"  Jennifer will share stories about Rotary's response to COVID-19 and how we continue to play a
leadership role in providing essential and life-saving support tools to the front lines.
Rotary International Director and Online Summit Convener Valarie Wafer, who chairs RI's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee, will lead a panel that will discuss what clubs and districts throughout our Zones are doing right now to re-think, re-invigorate, and re-vision Rotary for a post-COVID multi-cultural and  multi-generational world.  
Rotary Governor Training and On-Line Summit 2020-09-21 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting Sept 15, 2020

President Chris opened the meeting at 12:07 and Tammy Miller led us in Pledge and Prayer.
ATTENDANCE - 25 members attended the virtual meeting.  We had one guest, Nan Dunford Hanover Borough Manager, and our speaker today.
- Walt announced that his wife had passed away after a long battle with cancer.
- Warren R. announced that a very brief survey would be sent out later today to gauge our members' feelings about starting the process to return to in-person Rotary meetings.  
   Meetings would be both virtual and in-person simultaneously.
- Jess told us that his son Ryan has been diagnosed with a very rare form of cancer.  He started undergoing treatment today in Pittsburgh.  Jess and his wife are going out to be with him ow.  Jess still wants to stay involved in our virtual meetings.
-Chris reminded us that District Governor John Anthony will be our guest at our September 29 Meeting so please try to attend that day so we have a good showing for him.
PROGRAM - Nan Dunford, Hanover Borough Manager
Some of the topics discussed and questions asked by our members included:
          - she has lived and served in civic gov't in 8 locations prior to coming here
          - she sees many positive things here in Hanover like the infrastructure, history, finance director, governance.  This community has much potential and many possibilities
          - The Borough hired a Director of Planning and Engineering which consolidated several related operations under one supervisor
          - she hopes the surrounding townships also recognize the value of redeveloping Hanover
          - she encourages Borough residents to run for office or council to get involved and bring fresh ideas
          - Two major issues she sees are Re-development and financial sustainability
          - Road improvement - we are following Columbia Gas plan for replacement
          - Old Theatre Plan - it has been purchased and the new owner is looking to renovate to bring a venue for meetings; a theatre; weddings; proms; and concerts.  
          - Will there be a place for Rotary to meet ?   - there will be a restaurant in the old McAlister building run by Handsome Cab but she isn't sure if there will be a large
             meeting space.  The Theatre may be a possibility.
         - there are no current plans to replace the facade of the old Bon Ton building.
         - A Capital Projects committee has been established and the library is central to that.  An engineering study is underway.
         - small bride on Eisenhower Dr needs to be renovated
         - the problem of deer in the Borough is being evaluated and will involve the State and the Game Commission
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM - Erin DeWald, last year's exchange student will speak about her year in Austria.
Rotary Meeting Sept 15, 2020 Warren Risk 2020-09-21 04:00:00Z 0

Hanover Rotary Meeting Sept 8, 2020

President Chris called the virtual meeting to order at 12:10 pm.  Kathi Fuhrman led us in Pledge and Prayer.
ATTENDANCE: 25 members attended virtually by phone and or video.  One guest joined us, Edie Staub, Greg Staub’s wife.
Jess Socrates - Operation Braveheart .  Phase 2 of the project is now complete as of January, 2020.  The final report is due this Thursday but 105 patients benefitted from the project.
Peg Sennett - the Gazebo committee of Rotary and Borough reps met this morning at the gazebo downtown.  Ralph, Peg, John Gerken, Barb Rupp and Justine Were among those present.  No final decisions were made but most likely the brick base will stay and be re-designed to hold the Christmas tree; signage was discussed; hopefully a place in the square can be found for the historical plaques.  The project will take some time to complete - nothing immediate.
PROGRAM: Greg Staub, Trip through the enchanted Isles - England, Ireland, Scotland - May, 2019
EdItor’s Note - please excuse any spelling errors of places visited.
Greg and Edie traveled on the National Geographic Explorer more as an expedition than a leisure trip. some of the places they visited included -
— Portsmouth - home of the Admiral Nelson Flagship and museum
— Hurst Castle in southern England
— Floyd - seaside town
— Eden Project - biodomes
— Isle of Tresco - Abby & Gardens 1600’s
— Isle of St Mary’s - bars
—  Cobh, Southern Ireland
— Schelles- stone buildings/huts dating back to the 600 -900 AD
— Dingle Ireland - Dun Aonghasa Fortress
—  cliffs of Mohr
— Aron Islands - theirs was 1st cruise ship to visit there in 30 yrs
— Scotland - octagonal rock formations
— Iona Isle - Abby and Nunnery
— St Kilda - regularly get sustained winds of up to 70 mi/hr
— Calahesh - standing stones 300 yrs older than Stonehenge
— Shetland Islands - ponies
their expedition ended in Norway
Hanover Rotary Meeting Sept 8, 2020 Warren Risk 2020-09-08 04:00:00Z 0

Fundraiser - Wreaths Across America

WHAT IS WREATHS ACROSS AMERICA AND WHY SHOULD I SUPPORT IT?This year, National Wreaths Across America day will be held on Saturday, December 19th 2020.
Please consider sponsoring at least one flag in honor of your hero to support Wreaths Across America. The cost is only
$50 per flag sponsorship. Deadline to submit your sponsorship is October 28, 2020.
It was December 1992 in Harrington, Maine, when wreath maker Morrill Worcester found himself with a surplus of
5,000 wreaths during the holiday season. Worcester saw the surplus as an opportunity to pay tribute to our country’s
veterans and with the help of Maine Senator Olympia Snowe, arranged for the wreaths to be placed at Arlington
National Cemetery. This annual tribute to our country’s veterans has continued ever since, touching the lives of millions
of veterans’ families and volunteers and growing in scope through the years.  (read more below)











Fundraiser - Wreaths Across America Warren Risk 2020-09-03 04:00:00Z 0

Student Exchange Program

Our Club has an opportunity to host a foreign exchange student for the 2021-2020 school year.  This has proven to be a beneficial and exciting program when we participated in past years.  Not only does the exchange student benefit, but the host families and our Club in general learns so much about the country and culture from which the student hails.  Those of us who have hosted are still in touch with our "adopted" students many years after their stay here.  It is truly a unique and worthwhile experience. In order for us to participate we need to secure host families now.
We are looking at approximately 3 months for each family.  As a host family you provide room and board for the individual and include them in all your typical family activities - church, school, sports, leisure time activities, etc.  They become part of your family for 3 months. Next school year 2020/2021 the student arrives in mid August.  The Club does provide a stipend and the student brings money for expenses that are outside the "normal" day to day of feeding the student etc...
Interested Rotarians can call me.
Thank you,
Kim Hackett
Director of Marketing and Development
Visiting Nurse Association of Hanover & Spring Grove
440 North Madison Street
Hanover, PA 17331
Phone:  (717)633-0685 Direct Line
Phone:  (717)637-1227 Office Line 
Fax:       (717)637-9772
Student Exchange Program Warren Risk 2020-09-03 04:00:00Z 0

Hanover Rotary Meeting Sept 1, 2020

President Chris opened the meeting at 12:05pm.
PROGRAM: Deb Stambaugh and Carol
Some things we learned from Deb and Carol about their Project -Building Bridges with Parents in the Community 
- 2-3 million lives are saved each year due to vaccines for preventable diseases
- African regions are now certified Wild Polio Free
- The entire world is connected via airplane and thus this helps the spreads of diseases globally
- vaccination rates are down in the U.S. due in part to parents being afraid of COVID-19 and the negative aura around vaccinations that has developed in recent years.
- their effort now is focused on mobilizing to combat the drop in vaccinations.  They are trying to educate parents on the need to vaccinate their kids and not ignore this responsibility.
- their goal is to provide a CARD to every new parent in Pa encouraging them to get their children vaccinated.  One one side, the card would read:
                     The other side has contact information on it.
- they are hoping to make 150,000 cards available free of charge through charitable donations like Rotary and private donations.  A $100 donation will provide 1300 cards.
- they are working through the Pa. Immunization Coalition which is trying to reduce the incidence of vaccine preventable diseases through education.
NEXT WEEK’S PROGRAM: Greg Staub - Trip to the Emerald Isles
Hanover Rotary Meeting Sept 1, 2020 Warren Risk 2020-09-02 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Youth Exchange Program

The Rotary Youth Exchange Program is alive and well in our District.  Several billboards have been placed in the District seeking interested students and Host families(see pictures below).  Our Club would like to get back involved if we can find Host families willing to sponsor a student for 3 months out of the school year.  It is a very rewarding experience.
Rotary Youth Exchange Program Kimberly Hackett 2020-08-30 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club Meeting 8/25/2020

President Chris called the virtual meeting to order at 12:05 pm.  Rick McKee led us in Pledge and Prayer.
There were 28 Rotarians in virtual attendance.  Guests included Judy Jodice and our Speaker, Chad Martin, Hanover Borough Police Chief.
Chris - Walt Maust is now an Honorary member of the Club, at his request.  Walt also mentioned that his wife Judy has completed her cancer treatment and is recuperating.  We welcome Walt back with us virtually after having been in Virginia with his wife for several weeks.  We wish her the very best!
Chris - we still need Program ideas and volunteers for the Pledge and Prayer for upcoming meetings.  A Pledge and Prayer sign-up sheet for Sept was emailed to all members earlier in the day.
Chris Lontz - has set a date for his wedding after securing the venue.  Big congrats to Chris!!!
Terry - Treasurer Terry will be adding any Happy Dollar money you propose directly to your quarterly bill.  This is particularly useful in light of our virtual meetings.  Thank you Terry!
PROGRAM - Chief Chad Martin, Hanover Borough Police Chief
Chief Martin's program was divided into three parts - Introduction and background of himself; COVID 19; Current Policing Environment.  Following are some of the things we learned:
Background - Chad was born and raised in Hanover, attended York College Criminal Justice Program; served in the Marine Corps Reserve from 1995-2001; joined the Hanover Police force in 1997, and rose through the ranks to Chief in 2016.  He comes from a law enforcement family.
COVID -19 -
     - The force practices safe precautions including social distancing, masks, proper hygiene to keep themselves and the public safe.
     - they service via phone whoever possible
     - they ask to talk to and interview people outside
     - they limit the type of assistance they respond to
     - perform daily cleaning of vehicles and station
     - they stay informed of and comply with State Health orders
     - be aware of scams related to COVID -19 - testing, meds and contact tracing
     - some public events have been cancelled due to the pandemic
Current State of Policing
     - The situation that occurred in Minneapolis with George Floyd should never have happened
     - Hanover in particular - there were a few protests in the square, the largest was on June 6th.  There were few incidents associated with it. 
     - The police feel the support of the community
     - The department see themselves as part of the community, not apart or above the citizenry.
     - Things that have kept them relevant and effective include - their hiring process, training, participation in the community.
     - Several years ago they started something called Community Policing Areas or CPA's.  Officers are signed to 2 or 3 specific zones which they patrol regularly on foot and in a vehicle.  The idea is for them to get to know the individuals in their area and for residents to get to know them on a personal level.
Chief Martin also spoke of their Complaint Policy, the Use of Force policy, and their continued progress to earn the status of an Accredited Police Agency.  
Thank you Chief for your service to our country, the community and for your continued efforts to keep the Hanover public safe.      
Rotary Club Meeting 8/25/2020 Warren Risk 2020-08-25 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Board Meeting Highlights - 8/18/20

Highlights from the Board Meeting 8/18/20
- Approved a request by Walt Maust to be changed to Honorary Member status.  Walt's wife is having serious health issues and Walt will be absent from the area for several months while she undergoes treatment and recovery.
- Grant Holub, ACNB has resigned from the Club.
- Terry shared a tentative 6 month budget for the Club.  We expect that it will need to be revised throughout the year as the pandemic continues to affect all areas of our society.
- The program committee continues to need suggestions for presentations at our regular meetings.  Please contact Ellie or Ken with any suggestions.
- The Pledge and Prayer Committee needs volunteers to offer the Pledge and Prayer for upcoming meetings.  Please contact Rick McKee.
- The Board is looking into participating in a billboard program sponsored by the District.
- In light of the Governor's continued limitation on restaurants our return to in-person meetings is tabled.
- The Board is exploring obtaining a credit card with a limited balance for minor purchases.  This will  both streamline and document our current process for minor purchases that need to be made from time to time.
- Much discussion centered around  Club fund raisers and how we might need to change our approach due to the effects of the pandemic on area businesses and individuals.  Perhaps we need to look to several activities and events that would yield smaller earnings in place of one or two large events that take in a large amount. 
- Tastefest 2020 Wrap -up provided by Kelly Rebert
   >  There were 30 vendors, 33 sponsors, and 411 ticket holders 
   >  The event grossed $40,000 +; and after expenses netted $35,000+ for the Club
   >  Charities/organizations that directly benefitted include Ruth's Harvest, Roots for Boots, YMCA Safe Home, Olivia's House, Jessica and Friends, Family Readiness Group (Armory)
Checks will be going out to these recipients in the near future.
Thank you to Kelly and the whole committee for another very successful event.  
Rotary Board Meeting Highlights - 8/18/20 Warren Risk 2020-08-23 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting August 18, 2020

 President Chris opened the meeting at 12:05 pm and Ralph led us in the Pledge & Prayer.
ATTENDANCE: A total of 28 people attended virtually via phone and/or video.  We had one guest - Judy Jodice, spouse of Ralph Jodice.
Chris - Kevin Clark has been approved by the Board as a new member of Rotary.  His induction will be scheduled in the near future.
Terry - Former Rotarian Steven Harner is receiving treatment for a serious illness.  He is in good spirits and has a positive outlook especially since they diagnosed it in the early stages.  If you are so inclined, you can send a card to him at : 154 Northview Dr, Hanover, Pa , 17331  or call at 717-632-4415.
PROGRAM: Paul Berg - The Challenges of China;  and Commentary from Ralph Jodice
Following are some of the things we learned about the US modern relationship with China; causes for changes in that relationship, and what we can do as private citizens.
- Beginning of the modern relationship with China started when President Nixon and Secretary of State Kissinger open formal relationships with China.  The intent was to bring China into the world community of major nations as a responsible player; help them establish a more stable government and become more prosperous. In doing so perhaps they would become more capitalistic and also develop a better record on human rights with their population.
- Early results were that China did open up more economically, the middle class increased and became more prosperous as trade deals were made, and Chinese students came to our colleges and universities to be educated.
- However in the long term things didn't turn out as we had hoped.  They adopted their own brand of capitalism with the Communist party firmly holding power and the government structuring lopsided trade deals favoring their own country.  They also became a world power to be reckoned with as their prosperity grew.
- Democracy provides shock absorbers to a country to deal with hard times but a totalitarian system does not have these built-in checks and balances.  Thus their only option is to "tighten down the screws" in order to maintain control.
- China recognizes that they have some "bumps" to deal with as they continue to change so they have placed "hard liners" in charge like the current administration.  Some of the bumps include real estate, stock market, and banking system that are over-valued; the population is aging and there aren't enough younger people working to support them; their growth relied on exports and cheap labor and this is changing because they have to pay their workers more; and they have very few sources of energy of their own.
- These "hardliners give the U.S. problems such as - stealing our technology and that of other countries, spying, unfair trade policies, and increased human rights violations.  They try to suppress various religions in horrible ways much of which includes muslims.  They have to walk a fine line so as not to offend muslim countries who have much energy.  There is also an increase in slave labor.
- The U.S. options are few but could take the form of sanctions, restructured trade policies, and publicizing their human rights practices and faulty business practices to the rest of the world.  China wants desperately to be seen in a positive light by the rest of the world community.
- What we can do as individual citizens:
    . writing to the media and our representatives about our concerns when we 
    . encourage politicians to pass measures that may curb the negative behaviors of the Chinese gov't
    . there are many Chinese students here.  We should reach out them to show them what we as a people are really like and what we as a culture are like.  They live "in a bubble" created by their Gov't and do not have a realistic idea of what lives are like and who we are.
    . provide insights into our culture by inviting Chinese business partners to spend time with our families, go to our church, show them what life is really like in a democracy
Ralph echoed the points that Paul made and added:
 - one of China's biggest concerns is the growing disparity between the "haves" and "have nots".  Large segments of the population have not shared in the prosperity and the larger that gap the more potential there is for people to become unsettled.
- China has dramatically increased it's military capabilities in all areas especially naval and air power by devoting 17% of their GDP to the effort.  They don't want an all out war with the U.S. but they are looking for ways to "bloody our noses" and make us look bad and weak.
- They do not understand how to be an international stake holder.
NEXT WEEKS PROGRAM:  Chad Martin, Police Chief of Hanover Borough
Rotary Meeting August 18, 2020 Warren Risk 2020-08-19 04:00:00Z 0

UPMC Opens Outpatient Facility

The following is provided to us by Mike Hockenberry:
Dear Fellow Rotarian,
     I'm pleased to announce that the new UPMC OutPatient Center has opened in South Hanover as of 8-1-2020.  On the opening weekend, Express Care services were available, followed by other practices and ancillary services as of Monday 8-3-2020.  Attached is a photo of the new building located at 2201 Brunswick Drive, Hanover, PA  Also, below is a link that provides additional information about the building and services. 

HANOVER, Pa. (Aug. 3, 2020) – UPMC announced today the opening of a new outpatient center in South Hanover. The outpatient center is located at 2201 Brunswick Drive, Hanover, and offers Express Care, primary care, specialty care, and ancillary services. 

“Today is an exciting day as we celebrate the opening of this new facility,” said Philip Guarneschelli, president, UPMC Pinnacle. “The new outpatient center demonstrates UPMC’s commitment to taking care of the growing community’s health care needs.” 

“For the past 20 plus years, we have been providing services to the South Hanover community,” said Michael Gaskins, president UPMC Hanover and UPMC Memorial. "As it has grown, we have recruited more providers and expanded services. Now we are able to bring these services under one roof to give our patients convenient access to them.” 

The following practices will relocate to the 43,000 square foot, two-story facility.

*Dr. Schwartz and Dr. Shah’s office is Suite 1300 on the first floor and is now known as UPMC Primary Care South Hanover.  

The following practices and services are new locations.

  • UPMC General Surgery with board-certified surgeon Eric Glendinning, MD 
  • UPMC Heart and Vascular Institute with Gurpal Singh, MD, J. Andre Garabedian, DO, Lokesh Gowda, MD, Gagandeep Gurm, MD, and Ashley Zinda, DO 
  • UPMC Cardiac and Pulmonary Diagnostic Testing 
  • Select Physical Therapy 

The Outpatient Center also offers community education rooms. For more information, please visit  

As always, if anyone has a specific question, please reach out to me by phone or email.
Stay Safe and wear your facecovering.......
Michael Hockenberry
VP Operations
UPMC Hanover
UPMC Opens Outpatient Facility Mike Hockenberry 2020-08-05 04:00:00Z 0

Exchange Student Update

The following is posted on behalf of Kim Hackett about our exchange student, Erin:
Erin has returned safely from her year in Austria.  We look forward to having her share highlights of her experience at an upcoming Rotary Meeting.
Warren good afternoon!  I was able to spend time today with Erin and her parents. Great pictures and attached some gifts she brought back. 
 Note: all of the pictures Erin shared can be viewed on our Webpage under Photo Albums.   
Exchange Student Update Kimberly Hackett 2020-08-05 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting July 28, 2020

OPENING -  President Chris opened the meeting at 12:07  and askedBarb Rupp to lead us in pledge and prayer.
ATTENDANCE -   32 members attended the virtual meeting visually and/or auditorily 
1 guest attended including - Kevin Clark
- Chris - Kevin Clark has submitted an application to join the Club.  We welcome him attending virtually again today. 
- Jess - just received word that the Doctor, Dr Jonas DlRosario, who volunteers to do the Operation Braveheart surgeries on children has been infected with the Covid 19 virus.  Please keep him in your prayers.
- Jess - the Street Children Village Project in the Philippines has started.  This has been about 5 years in the planning and preparation and is now becoming a reality.
- Craig - had surgery on his achilles tendon and will be out of commission for 8 weeks initially and is looking at a 6 month recovery with rehab.
PROGRAM - Greg Staub Update from District 7390
Our Rotary District cover an area in south central PA comprised of 8 counties; contains 43 separate Clubs; and is comprised of 2164 members.
Over the last 5 yrs membership in the District has been dropping by about 2% per year and that number has increased since the Covid-19 epidemic started.
District Purpose - Provide support and direction to the various Clubs and help them network and share & collaborate on ideas and projects.
Greg shared our brainstorming fundraising ideas with the District committee
Dist provided $200,000 in Grants
$36,000 for Polio Plus
Youth Exchange - RI suspended all activities for 2020-2021 year due to pandemic.  All students are now back home from their exchange visits.
Monthly Education and Training Sessions - available free to all Rotarians via virtual means.  Held 2nd Monday of each month at 7:00pm.  Re-lays are available via District website.
In May the District applied for and received a grant in amount of $50,000 through Disaster Grant from Rotary Foundation.  It will be distributed to area Food Banks in areas affected by the epidemic.
Rotary Meeting July 28, 2020 Warren Risk 2020-07-29 04:00:00Z 0

District 7390 Forming Safety Committee

The District informing a Safety Committee to assist Clubs to keep activities safe in light of the pandemic.  If you are interested in being part of this committee, please contact Juliet Altenburg ASAP.
Dear Kimberly ,
If you are interested in joining the safety committee, please respond to Juliet by Friday, July 31!
It is with great excitement that I share the news that a new committee is being formed in our District aimed at keeping our members and the public safe during our global pandemic and beyond.  Details of the new District 7390 Safety Committee are attached including an invitation to submit your interest in supporting the effort.  Even if you can’t volunteer for the committee please don’t hesitate to reach out to me to express the different kinds of resources and guidance your club would find useful.
Now is a time for all of us to support one another in keeping ourselves, our families and the public safe during this uncertain time.  The District is here to support you and I look forward to sharing my expertise as a nurse in helping the effort.
Yours in service,
Juliet Altenburg
Juliet Altenburg RN, MSN
Past President, Rotary Club of Mechanicsburg-North
2022-2023 District Governor
Rotary International District 7390
Cell:  717-574-9499
District 7390 Forming Safety Committee Christopher Helt 2020-07-29 04:00:00Z 0

Street Children Village Project - Philippines

Jess Shared the following story and pictures regarding the Street Children's Village in the Philippines.  
As a review, the two-fold plan is as follows: 
- Build a piggery where we will raise native pigs. The meat will be more than enough to supply the continuous demand for pork. The excess will be sold to pay for other food items (fish, chicken, veggies, fruit, etc.)
- Cultivate the fertile land in the 11 hectare property for rice production. Part of the grant fund will be used to purchase a hand truck.
We have at last started the construction of the piggery. There was plenty of delay on account of Covid and weather but we have finally started. The attached pictures were submitted in a comprehensive initial report that was put together by one of the street children who is now 18 years old and who will soon complete his course in landscape architecture. The project also benefits some local construction workers who were hired instead of paying a contractor to do the job.
Pictured below are 7 erect columns for the construction.  For more Pictures visit the Photo Gallery on our website - Street Children's Village Project
Street Children Village Project - Philippines Jess Socrates 2020-07-29 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting July 21, 2020

Opening - President Chris opened the meeting by asking Deb Stambaugh to lead us in the Pledge and Prayer.  
ATTENDANCE - 27 members attended virtually via audio and/or video means.  We had one guest, Kevin Clark, who joined the meeting.  
Chris Helt - The Program Committee is looking for suggestions for Programs you want to hear.  Please contact Ellie Rebert, Ken Wenger, Rebecca Prehoda, or Tammy Miller.
Chris Helt - Paul Berg was selected to fill the Board position for International Chair.  Paul has vast international experience and will add a new perspective to the Board.
Member health update - Craig Aiello will be undergoing knee surgery tomorrow;  Donna Haar is recuperating nicely from her foot surgery; Walt Maust's wife underwent cancer surgery and will be recuperating with their daughter in Virginia.
PROGRAM - Chris Helt - Rotary Board Update
Chris's first Rotary Board meeting as President was this morning.  Aside from being a good meeting, he indicated there were two issues about which there was significant discussion.  They were:
1) The Gazebo in the center square which was donated by Rotary to the Borough in 2005 in conjunction with the Centennial activities that year.  As the Borough moves to reinvigorate the downtown section of Hanover, they have removed the benches which Rotary also donated, and intend to erect street lights and new benches consistent with the new design theme. They would like to reclaim the southeast quadrant where the gazebo is currently located for alternate purposes more in line with the overall plan for downtown.  The question then becomes what to do with the gazebo and it's contents - a series of 6 plaques retelling the early history of Hanover.  The Borough and associated planning committees are appreciative for the gift of the original gazebo and have asked for representation from Rotary to help decide what to do with the structure and contents.  Ralph Jodice volunteered to represent the Club.  IF you would like to assist Ralph or have ideas and comments to share on the subject, please contact Ralph.
2) Re-opening our Club to in-person meetings - A Committee made up of Chris Neri, Kim Hackett, Greg Staub, Dale Brubaker, and Warren Risk has been working to develop a plan for us to begin meeting in-person.  After meetings with Bay City, a Plan was put into written form and critiqued by several members including Tammy Miller and John Danehy.  The Plan incorporated safety precautions for members and Bay City staff and offered a gradual increase in members attending over a period of time.  For the foreseeable future all meetings would be virtual and in-person simultaneously to allow members to choose a format that suits their comfort level.  
Since then, due to an increase in COVID19 cases statewide, the Governor has recently reinstituted restrictions on bars and restaurants to stem the increase in infections.  Consequently Bay City cannot offer their facility to us to meet.  Alternatives to the Bay City venue may be available to us as an option to initiate an in-person meeting  IF the Board feels an urgency to have members get back together physically.  
At this time the Board expressed that we should continue conducting virtual meetings as we have been and re-visit the re-opening issue in a few weeks.  We are all aware the pandemic is a fluid situation and we have to remain flexible with our actions.
Note: Our District has a Safety Committee to give guidance to Clubs considering reopening and they are  currently discussing many of the same issues.  Greg Staub has shared our Plans with them.
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM - Greg Staub - Rotary District 7390 Update
Rotary Meeting July 21, 2020 Warren Risk 2020-07-22 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting July 14, 2020

President Chris opened the virtual meeting at 12:04 pm and Rick McKee led us in the pledge and prayer.
ATTENDANCE: a total of 29 members were in attendance virtually by audio and/or video means. We had two guests, Judy Jodice; and Shaun.
Chris H. - If you have any suggestions for speakers and/or programs that you would like to hear, please share them with Ellie Rebert or Ken Wenger.
PROGRAM:  Justine Trucksess - Update on Main Street Hanover
Justine last gave us an update on changes to Downtown Hanover in November, 2019.  Much has happened since then.
Justine provided information on the status of several properties:
McAllister Hotel and 40 N Broadway (formerly The Sandy Woods) - Regular PLCB liquor licenses are expensive ($400,000) and very difficult to obtain.  A joint effort was initiated to obtain a liquor license through the Economic Development process which is less costly ($50,000).  Local entities had to show how crucial these liquor licenses were to the economic development of downtown Hanover.  After a very lengthy process including municipal presentations, PLCB interviews, PLCB hearings, the PLCB approved both licenses 2 weeks ago!! These were the first 2 of this kind in York Co.
40 N. Broadway - front of the building will be a restaurant.  The back of the building will be a micro-brew.
State Theatre - currently under contract.  Plans are to restore much of the charm of the original theatre and turn it into a multi-purpose venue.
Montgomery Ward Building, 34 Frederick St -  construction is underway.  The street level floor will contain retail,  ommercial businesses and perhaps a restaurant while the upper floors will be apartments. Alley will become pedestrian space hopefully supporting small retail shops.
48 E Chestnut St (behind Royal Farms) - developers are looking at it.
Downtown Plans - 
New Benches and matching trash cans have been purchased and are being placed downtown.  New street light poles and flower boxes will also be installed.  The Rotary benches have been removed and are in temporary storage until they can be placed in the community.
Gazebo - the Rotary gazebo containing plaques telling the early history of Hanover needs maintenance.  Additionally thought is being given to reclaim that space on the square and a determination needs to made as to what to do with the gazebo.  The plan is for collective discussions to be had involving the Borough, business owners, and Rotary regarding the fate of the gazebo.
Events - upcoming downtown events are listed on the Main Street website.
Rotary Meeting July 14, 2020 Warren Risk 2020-07-16 04:00:00Z 0
District 7390 Development Forum July 13, 2020 2020-07-09 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting July 7, 2020

President Craig opened the meeting with Kim Hackett leading us in the Pledge and Prayer.  The meeting was held at the Hanover Country Club in-person for Board members and broadcast virtually via Zoom for the rest of the Club.
In-person - 15 persons - Craig Aiello , Chris Helt , Brandon Gething, Erin Smith, Kathi Fuhrman , Kim Hackett, Rick McKee, Warren Risk, Terry Gingrow & Ralph Jodice 
Guests - 5 persons -  included Melissa Helt, Tara Aiello, Frank Fuhrman, Betsy Gingrow, Judy Jodice
Virtual - 22 members
PROGRAM Club Assembly -  Induction of New President and Officers & Board
Craig carried out the induction of Chris Helt as the new President for 2020-2021 year.
President Chris then inducted the new Board/Officers into office for the 2020-2021 year.  Those present were Craig Aiello, Immediate Past President; Kathi Fuhrman, Vice President; Brandon Gething, President-elect;  Terry Gingrow, Treasurer;  and Board members Erin Smith, Ralph Jodice, and Warren Risk.  Those not in attendance were Kelly Rebert, Secretary;   Christy Lucas, Board Member.   We still have a Board position open to be Lane Chair for International Service.  
President Chris presented his initiatives for the Club for the coming year via a slide presentation.  The slide presentation can be viewed in it's entirety on our webpage under the DOWNLOADS section.
His mission is to improve on the good work we did this past year and incorporate Service Above Self and the Four Way Test  to better our community locally and worldwide.
Chris hopes to: 
-Increase our Impact by continuing to partner with the Rotary Foundation; increase membership by 2 from our current 82; participation in global and district grants; work towards implementing a new fundraiser this year; continue to influence our youth positive experiences.
-Increase Participation by encouraging members to attend Rotary leadership opportunities; and have 40 members participate in local service projects.
-Increase our ability to adapt in spite of the challenges presented by Covid19 by  discovering new ways to continue to serve our members and the community.
Rotary Meeting July 7, 2020 Warren Risk 2020-07-07 04:00:00Z 0

Changes in Membership

Kevin Clark
Grant Holub
Walt Maust - from Active to Honorary
Changes in Membership Warren Risk 2020-07-06 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting June 30, 2020

OPENING -President Craig opened the meeting at 12:05 pm and Alicia Bowman led us in the Pledge and Prayer
ATTENDANCE - There was a total of 23 members who attended virtually via video and or audio connection.  No guests signed in.
- Craig clarified that next Tuesday July 7 at noon we will have a virtual meeting to induct our new president.  The Board will meet at Hanover Country Club in-person and broadcast to the membership virtually.
- Bob Miller announced that as of this morning our Club had the highest per capita contribution to the Rotary Foundation in the District.  This could change as tallies are still be updated.
- Craig mentioned that the Club is looking at subscribing to it's own ZOOM account instead of using a personal member's account.  This will allow us the flexibility of having someone else host a ZOOM meeting if the situation warrants.
PROGRAM - Craig Aiello - Club Assembly - Re-Cap of the 2019-2020 Hanover Rotary Year.
Craig shared that our Vision Statement was composed of 4 components, and he provided an update on each component:
  1. Increase Impact - 6 ideas were generated  to explore for alternative fundraising.  These now need to be examined and determine which to follow through on.
  2. Expand Reach - an effort was made to build our Club Leadership capacity by encouraging members to attend Rotary trainings.  6 members have attended such trainings and we should see them accepting leadership positions in the Club in the coming years.  This will help our succession in the coming years.  Membership fell to 82 from a high of 87, somewhat due to the covid19 crisis as companies cut back on expenses.
  3. Enhance Participant Engagement - Craig gave the following examples from this year where our members were engaged - Ruth's Harvest Monthly Commitment to pack meal bags; Roots For Boots contributions in-kind, food items and money; Tastefest fundraiser where many members help out.  Additionally we had a good Club turnout for College Night even though there were not many students in attendance.  The support for the Polio Campaign throughout the year was strong and the highlight was the event with the bus in the Bay City parking lot.  On an International level Operation Braveheart continued to serve the medical needs of many children in the Philippines with heart operations.
  4. Increase Ability to Adapt.  Though not originally planned, the Club has been resilient in their efforts to adapt to a virtual experience through virtual meetings and events in place of in-person gatherings.  We look forward to beginning in-person experiences soon!
Thank you to President Craig for a job well done, especially in the face of extremely difficult times since February with the pandemic!  Good Job!
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM - Chris Helt - Induction of President and New Officers & Board for 2020 -2021
Rotary Meeting June 30, 2020 Warren Risk 2020-06-30 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting  June 23, 2020

President Craig opened the virtual meeting at 12:04 by asking Deb Stambaugh to lead us in the Pledge and Prayer.
ATTENDANCE - 31 members were in virtual attendance visually and/or auditorily.  There were no guests
PROGRAM - Mary Kay Bernosky, Classification Speech
Mary Kay shared the following information about herself:
Personal Life
  • Born in Girardville, Pa in the general area of Centralia.  It is also known as the region frequented at one time by The Molly Maguires.
  • She was married on Aug 22, 1992
  • She has 2 children
Education and Employment
  • Attended DeSales University earning a Bachelor’s Degree
  • Graduated from the College of William and Mary with a degree in Law
  • Additionally she graduated from Alvernia University with an MBA in Non-Profits
  • Upon graduation from Law School Mary Kay worked for a law firm in Schuylkill Co
  • She also worked for Safe Berks
  • Currently she is the VP for Marketing for the York Co. Foundation.
  • TV - watches episodes of “I Love Lucy” to get her day started
  • Community Engagement
  • Service
  • Reading
  • Walking
  • Travel
  • To be an active member of the Hanover Rotary Club
  • Contribute to the York Co community
  • Help people
Craig asked Warren R. to give a brief update on the Committee to Re-open Rotary.
- We have a meeting with Bay City tomorrow to discuss details of what a re-opening might look like.
- July 7 will be the first attempt at a simulcast meeting - in-person broadcast virtually to the Club members.  We will be inducting Chris Helt and the new leadership team for the coming year.  In-person will be held at the Hanover Country Club.
- Once the details are worked out with our venue, we anticipate a gradual roll-out starting with the Board only "in-person" to work out all the bugs in a simulcast event.  As we and the venue are comfortable we will begin inviting Club members back with proper precautions in place.  
- We expect to continue to offer virtual meetings for the foreseeable future to accommodate those members who continue to have concerns about meeting with groups of people.
- Rough timeline for members to be invited 'in-person" would be mid to late July if all goes well.
Rotary Meeting June 23, 2020 Warren Risk 2020-06-25 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting June 9, 2020

President Craig opened the virtual meeting at noon.  Melissa Plitt provided the pledge and prayer.
ATTENDANCE - 23 members were in virtual visual and/or audio attendance.  We welcomed 2 guests,  Rich Gough and one of our presenters, Lisa Duffy.
Craig - We are approaching the end of the Rotary year and a smooth transition is being planned between Craig and  Chris Helt.   A number of Officer and Board positions are open as well as Committee Chairs. Fortunately several members have expressed interest in stepping up.  If you have an interest in getting more involved , please contact Craig.  On July 7 the Board will meet at Hanover Country Club for the induction of our incoming leadership team and it will be a virtual meeting for our members.
Warren - Committee to Re-Open Rotary Meetings  has sent out a survey.  Thank you for responding to it.  We are now analyzing the input and aspects of our Green phase to develop a plan to see each other at Rotary again.
Warren - you will soon be receiving an email asking you to update your Profile information in our Directory.
- $1 for John Bailey who arranged for a gallon of hand sanitizer to be delivered to Donna Haar
- $1 for our Club’s response to help Donna Haar and wish her well.
PROGRAM - Mike Hockenberry and Lisa Duffy - "UPMC Hanover and Memorial Regional Update"
(the PowerPoint presentation is available in the Downloads section on our website)
Brief overview:
- Mike began by sharing some data related to the Covid19 situation statewide, and at UPMC Hanover and Memorial.
- the # of positive cases continues to decline
- we enter the Green phase June 12 and Mike reviewed the Work and Congregate restrictions and the Social Restrictions of this phase
- Statistics for both the Hanover and York Specimen Collection Sites were shared
- Personal Protection Equipment (PPE's) for all UPMC sites continue in good supply; Testing/Services/Surgeries continue to increase & are now at 80% capacity;  Hospitals continue to see increases in Emergency cases; hospitals allowing i "support person" to see patients, but this is NOT visitation
- Telemedicine Visits are over 40,000 video visits with more new patients enrolled daily
- UPMC launched "Here For You" Campaigns, Phases I and II
Lisa shared new Providers and Services in the following areas:
- UPMC Heart and Vascular Institute
- Endocrinology
- Gastroenterology
- General Surgery
- Neurology Services
- Primary Care
- UPMC Outpatient Center  opening in August atSouth Hanover  - Express Care, Primary Care, Lab and Imaging, Cardiology, Cardiac and Pulmonary Diagnostics, endocrinology, General Surgery, and Select Physical Therapy
Both Mike and Lisa entertained questions.  We thank them both for a very informative session!
NEXT WEEK’S PROGRAM - John Kramb "Highlights from His Trip to India"
Rotary Meeting June 9, 2020 Warren Risk 2020-06-09 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Means Business

Dear Groups A-C Club Presidents,
RMB Returns to Action on June 29 in a virtual format using zoom.  Please prominently promote the event in all your meetings this month.  Here are the key facts:
- Hosted by Rotary Means Business District 7390
-DATE/TIME -  Monday, June 29 from 5:30 to 7:00 pm
-PLACE -  Online (Virtual Zoom Meeting)
- Speaker - Gordon Denlinger, Director of the National Foundation of Independent Businesses and state representative, who will be speaking about the business situation in Southcentral PA in the time of COVID-19
-  This will be followed by a Virtual Circle wherein participants will have the chance to talk about their businesses and how they have been affected by COVID-19 and what they have done to survive
RSVP NOW at  (once registered you will be given the link to the Zoom meeting and the meeting ID and  password)
Only the first 50 RSVPs will be able to join the meeting
Thank you and Rotary regards,
Rotary Means Business John Bailey 2020-06-09 04:00:00Z 0
Hanover Rotarians Volunteer At Ruth's Harvest Alicia Bowman 2020-06-09 04:00:00Z 0

Message From Paddy Rooney Re: Polio

Hanover Rotarians,

  District Governor Paddy Rooney has shared the following plea. With all the emphasis on the COVID issues over the past few months important projects in the life of Rotary have become a little lost and one of those is the critical work of ending Polio. The fight to end Polio has been a signature project of Rotary since the early 1980’s. Since that point we have made huge strides in conquering this insidious disease and, as we all know, we are so very close to eliminating it completely from the face of the earth. Once we are able to get up and running again, we will need to jump back into our important work of vaccinations and education in order to finally eliminate this dreadful disease called Polio.


So what can each of us do to help? We have saved many lunch dollars during the shut-down. Can you donate at lease one weekly lunch cost to Polio Plus?


Please make your donation between June 8 and June 17. The process is easy, go to


Your contribution will be tripled by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Message From Paddy Rooney Re: Polio Peg Sennett 2020-06-08 04:00:00Z 0

Volunteers Needed for Leadership Positions

Hanover Rotarians, 
We are closing in on the end of the 2019/2020 Rotary year and getting set for a new year.  By early July we will be transitioning to new Officers and Board Members.  
Looking to the new year, we have several openings in leadership positions and we are asking for volunteers to step up and fill these positions.  Some members have already indicated their interest in filling vacancies but we want to open it up to ALL Club members as well.  If you have an interest in any of the following positions please contact a current Officer/ Board Member:
Board Positions:
President elect 
Vice President 
Club Service Lane Chair
International Lane Chair
Committee Chair Positions:
Public Relations/Website Support
Cash Raffle
Local Service Projects
Youth Exchange
The Rotary Foundation
Yours In Rotary Service,
Volunteers Needed for Leadership Positions Christopher Helt 2020-06-08 04:00:00Z 0

Installation of New District Governor

(from an email sent by Melissa Kopp)
Please join us for the installation of 2020-2021 DG John Anthony on Tuesday, June 30, 2020 at 7:00 p.m.! The 2020-2021 District leadership, Club Presidents & Assistant Governors will also be installed. RIDE (Rotary International Director Elect) Valarie Wafer will be joining the call with a special presentation that you won't want to miss. 
We look forward to seeing you as we kick-off the beginning of the 2020-2021 Rotary year! Let's celebrate! 
Topic: Installation Meeting
Time: Jun 30, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 995 8007 5726
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,99580075726# US (New York)
+13017158592,,99580075726# US (Germantown)
Installation of New District Governor Melissa (Bruck) Kopp - Rotary District 7390 2020-06-04 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting June 2, 2020

President Craig opened our virtual meeting at noon on Tuesday June 2, 2020 beginning with the Pledge and Prayer.
ATTENDANCE - There were 38 members in virtual visual and/or audio attendance
Warren shared for Alicia Bowman - The June Ruth's Harvest meal packing date has changed again.  Apparently their food delivery has changed causing them to make an adjustment to pack.  The new date is Tuesday June 9 from 9:00 am to 10:30am at the same location on Middle St.  5 people had signed up already and Alicia was going to contact them directly with the change. New Volunteers can still sign up on line.  The packing will resume again at the end of summer.
Warren Risk - The Committee to Develop a Plan To Re-open in-person Rotary Meetings just sent out a brief survey to all members via SURVEY MONKEY in an effort to get your input.  Your feelings and concerns are very valuable to the Committee as they move ahead.  Please complete and submit this 8 question survey as soon as you can.
IF YOU DID NOT RECEIVE a survey, please contact Warren and one will be sent out to you.  Thank you.
PROGRAM - State Representative Torren "Landslide" Ecker
Torren addressed a number of issues that State Government is dealing with now.  Among them were:
Budget - A temporary budget was passed to keep programs and services running for the next several months.  This was done because the House does not have a good handle on financial matters due to the covid19 situation.  Education was one of the few areas which was fully funded for the year.  Education was funded at last year's level. Lawmakers will revisit the remainder of the budget in November.
CoVid 19 - a number of issues have been addressed.  He said this has been a challenging time to be in State Gov't.  Basically most people want to return to work and a sense of "normalcy".
Ist Bill - Torren got his first passed and signed by the Governor.  It has to do with Jr Firefighters.
2nd Bill - a second Bill of his which he hopes to have signed by the Governor has to do with Strangulation.
Normally freshmen congresspersons are quiet and watch and learn the process their first year, but he is very pleased to have gotten a Bill passed and maybe even two.
Fall Issues likely will be :
Minimum Wage
College Scholarship Fund
Elections - mail-in, elimination of straight party voting
Torren ended by saying that this has been a great experience for him.  He enjoys talking to people, listening to their perspectives, he tries to be non-partisan and listen with an open mind, and being able to help people. 
Torren then did a nice job answering the questions from various members.
Rotary Meeting June 2, 2020 Warren Risk 2020-06-03 04:00:00Z 0
Rotary 2020 Virtual Convention Warren Risk 2020-05-30 04:00:00Z 0

RI and District 7390 Renewed Effort to Eradicate Polio

Kim Hackett has us to share this message in behalf of the District : (emphasis added)
To all club Presidents in District 7390,
While our efforts have been concentrated over the past few weeks and months on the novel coronavirus and the problems it has wrought within our communities, the issue of polio and its ongoing fight by Rotary to help eliminate this disease has continued. Our vaccination programs have in many areas been brought to a standstill since larger gatherings or house to house visitation to vaccinate children has had to be suspended. The fear is that, once we have dealt with the coronavirus, we may well see a resurgence of polio cases throughout the world, which would be a setback to our efforts over these past few years.
To help ensure that this does not happen, we in Rotary need to be ready and that means we have to support our commitment to this fight with some much needed resources. Indeed we now know that giving to Polio Plus over these last few months has decreased as resources have been channeled more into the fight against COVID and the personal ability of some Rotarians to give generously has been impacted by the economic situation.
To help fight this situation Rotary is asking that we use the week of June 10 to make a concerted effort to bring the issue of Polio back to the forefront of our thinking and make a commitment to join in the effort described below.
In this brief presentation we will hear from both Mike McGovern, who is our Rotary International Polio chair and Trustee Julia Phelps from the Rotary Foundation. And the aim, as you can see is to get at least 50% of Rotarians to give the amount that they would have paid for lunch that day, to the Polio Plus fund. We believe that this can be done in District 7390 which would mean some 1,100 members giving to this important work.
So I would ask you to publicize this effort. Encourage your members to participate. Stress the importance of our work in this area and show how, through this effort, Rotary will also continue to Connect the World.
Thank you,
DG Paddy Rooney
RI and District 7390 Renewed Effort to Eradicate Polio Kimberly Hackett 2020-05-30 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting May 26, 2020

President Craig called the meeting to order shortly after noon with Rick McKee leading us in pledge and prayer.  
ATTENDANCE -  28 members were in virtual video and/or audio attendance.  We had 2 guests, our speaker J T Hand, and Molly Norton from York Water Co.  
ANNOUNCEMENTS - Craig informed us that he purchased the comprehensive version of Zoom which extends our on-line minutes.  This allows members to sign in a few minutes prior to our meetings and we will not be held to just 40 minutes for our meetings.
Christy Lucas - to Ralph & Judy Jodice, and Terry Gingrow for $$ donations to Roots For Boots and in-kind service.
Ralph Jodice - Rotary tablecloth has finally been located (in his home) and are available for Rotary events you may be sponsoring.
Terry Gingrow - for Paul Berg's safe return after his whirlwind tour around the country.
PROGRAM - J.T. Hand,  President  & CEO of York Water Co.  
JT is a member of the Rotary Club of York, and has been President & CEO of York Water Co since March 1, 2020, just prior to the pandemic shutdown in the country.
Some things we learned:
- The York Water Co is in it's 204th year of continuous operation, having been initiated in Feb, 1816. 
-  JT is the 22nd President of the Company
- York Water Co is the oldest investor-owned utility in the country and is traded on NASDAQ under the call name YORW
- The Co has not missed paying out a dividend since it's inception!  Think of the issues the country has lived through since that time - 2 World Wars; Great Depression; civil upheaval; pandemics; several recessions, etc.
- The Co has 106 employees of whom they are very proud and consider as family.  In an effort to be as efficient as possible, they have used technology and training to keep the number of employees at a minimum no.
- The Co serves 39 municipalities in York Co and 9 in Adams Co.  Over the years they have maintained an average 3% growth annually.  Recent acquisitions include Felton and Jacobus.  Amblebrook and West Mannheim Twp will added soon.
- Their average rate per customer with 4000 gal/mo usage is $510 per yr.  This rate compares very favorably with almost any other water co.
- They are very proud that their legitimate complaints per 1000 customers is 0%
- For 2019 their Operating revenues totaled $51.6 million and their net income was $14.4 million
- Their efficiency ratio is 27.9
- In 2020 their construction expenditures are $29.5 M.  They undergo construction on parts of the system annually.  They replace 50,000 ft per yr of water mains.
  During construction in downtown York they unearthed a section of wooden piping that was likely some of the original "piping" used in 1816.  A piece is on display in their lobby.
JT is a wonderful spokesperson/cheerleader for the Co.  He emphasized the continuous Co support of their employees, and the community.
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM - State Rep Torren Ecker - State Legislative Priorities after COVID 19
Rotary Meeting May 26, 2020 Warren Risk 2020-05-30 04:00:00Z 0

Ruth's Harvest Commitment - Time Change

As most of you know our Club has made a monthly commitment to Ruth's Harvest to assist in packing meal bags.  We have recently found out that they have changed the time for this activity.  Please note the new time below and the date that they need volunteers.  We will be sending you a sign-up email prior to the June event.
Thank you to ALL who have been showing up to help in the past months, especially the most recent turnout of 10 members!  We apologize for the inconvenience when you showed up only to find that the time had changed!
June will be the last packing date until the school year resumes in the Fall!
The following is from Alicia Bowman:
Ruth's Harvest is in need of volunteers for their last packing of the school year. Please note that the time has changed to Thursday morning at 9am. Click on Sign Up to view available slots and book yourself directly online.

Event:    Ruth's Harvest Packing Meal Bags - June 11, 2020
Date:    June 11, 2020 9:00am - June 11, 2020 10:30am
Chair:    Alicia Bowman 717-771-3810
Location: First United Methodist Church
200 E Middle St
Hanover, PA United States of America
Ruth's Harvest Commitment - Time Change Alicia Bowman 2020-05-22 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting May 19, 2020

President Craig called the virtual meeting to order shortly after noon.  Ken Wenger led us in the Pledge and Prayer.



 28 members were in virtual attendance.  No guests.



--Ralph Jodice-  provided an update from the Scholarship Committee-applications have been received from students from the 4 schools( Delone, Hanover, Southwestern, and Spring Grove) .  The committee members have submitted their recommendations to the chair to be tallied.  Will communicate the recipients once they have been determined.


--Ralph on behalf of Alicia- Ruth’s Harvest has changed to packing during the day.  We were unaware and went at our usual time. Will notify Club once the new time has been determined.


--Craig provided an update from the virtual board meeting this morning:

        -in the process of making preparations for the change in officers etc for new Rotary year beginning July 1st.  There are 3 open positions- Treasurer, President Elect and Board Member for the Club Service Lane.

       -Please notify Craig if you would interested in chairing or joining a committee to discuss how we prepare to have Rotary meetings in person once restrictions are lifted.



Program- Juliet Sharrow, Thrive Ministry


Juliet is the founder and executive director of Thrive Ministry -she is a survivor herself of domestic violence and founded the ministry to provide services to victims of domestic violence.


1 billion people worldwide have or are experiencing domestic violence. 1 out of every 4 women or 1 out of every 7 men will be victims. It is the best kept secret- no one wants to admit that they are a victim and don’t want that label.  The mission of the ministry is to move beyond surviving to THRIVING. They work in conjunction with 19 agencies across 4 counties to bridge the gap between what services are offered elsewhere. For example, they help to provide furniture and move their clients to an apartment…..sadly, many children in our communities do not have a bed to sleep in.  At times they will provide financial need as appropriate.  They work with clients to meet monthly goals and provide mentors who have been victims of domestic violence themselves. 


They build a relationship of trust with their clients not just providing services but want to provide the support of family. So far this year they have helped 65 clients and 216 pick up of donations of furniture.  They want these women and children to be safe and to change their circumstances.


The ministry has 5 locations where they store furniture and are looking to build a large facility that a builder has donated their time.  They have 50 volunteers and 9 Board members with varied backgrounds with 5 former victims on their board.  


They are always looking for volunteers and furniture donations and also take gift cards for groceries, gas cards etc.  and are a 501(c) 3. For more information go to or call 717-640-2951.



Rotary Meeting May 19, 2020 Chris Neri 2020-05-20 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting May 12, 2020

Rotary Meeting May 12, 2020
President Craig called the virtual meeting to order shortly after noon.  Ellie Rebert led us in the Pledge and Prayer.
 25 people were in virtual attendance via video and/or audio means which includes our 2 guests - Jane Conover and John Anthony, and our speaker Aaron Jacobs.
President Craig inducted Mary Kay Bernosky into Club membership.  Mary Kay, formerly a member of the Pottsville Rotary Club in Schuylkill Co., is currently the VP of Development for the York Co Foundation.
Welcome to our Club Mary Kay!  We look forward to getting to know you better once we meet in person again.
PROGRAM Aaron Jacobs, The Kiwanis Lake Project,
Aaron is a member of the Rotary Club of York and is Chairman of Preserve Planet Earth, PPE.
Kiwanis Lake is a 3 acre Lake and stream located in the NW section of York City.  It was originally part of a farm near the Fireside section which is adjacent to the RT 30 bypass.  It was given as a gift to the City and planning started as far back as 1911. Construction for the existing lake began in 1937 and completed in 1938.  
Over the years the property in the NW section of York developed greatly both commercially and residentially.  These developed areas drain into the lake and it has become a collection basin for pollution from runoff waters.  There is a terrible scum problem, pollution problem, attracted too many geese, and the floodgates no longer work. Recently social media has deplored the condition of the lake and people have been calling for action.
The City does not have the money to fix the problems and this is where the Rotary Clubs comes in.   It is a natural fit for Rotary because of the focus on water projects; Rotary and PPE are known for addressing city environmental issues; and it is a large scale project that demonstrates the power of Rotary to the community.
The issues specifically are:
Safety -  flooding in the area after major storms
Health -  wildlife waste, especially from geese, is a hazard
Beauty - scum called hydrilla gives the appearance of heavy pollution
Sustainability - actively measuring the health of the lake to be more proactive in addressing the issues, rather than reactive
5 Step Plan to resurrect the lake:
Wildlife Management - partner with the State to to employ methods to discourage the geese from living there - about a 2 year process
Aeration and Sediment Reduction  - to introduce dissolved oxygen to breakdown organic matter; introduce product to accelerate the decomposition process
Floodgate Repair - repair/replace/relocate the existing structural components so it operates efficiently - controls, electric service, hydraulics
Fountain & Light Installation - replace existing equipment
Smart Lake Technology - add sensors to the lake to regulate and manage the quality of the lake water.  It will be transparent so that the public can "see" the conditions on-line and can be used as an educational tool for local schools.
The goal is to raise $125,000 to implement the Plan.  Through the generosity of many local companies much of the money has been raised through monetary and in-kind contributions.  The work is expected to begin this summer and last over the next 2 years.
Congratulations to the York Club for spearheading this worthwhile Project to benefit the York Community!
NEXT WEEK"S PROGRAM -  Juliet Sharrow, Thrive Ministry
Rotary Meeting May 12, 2020 Warren Risk 2020-05-14 04:00:00Z 0

Update on Exchange Student, Erin Dewald

Erin provides this brief update and photo through Kim:
Warren, I hope you are doing well and please include this short update and photo in your next Rotary member update.  Thank you.
Erin is doing well in Austria and is relieved that school begins again ( in person ) on June 3rd.  Restrictions there are lifting including restaurants, shops, and outdoor facilities.  Keep Erin in your thoughts as she finishes up a great year.
Update on Exchange Student, Erin Dewald Kimberly Hackett 2020-05-14 04:00:00Z 0

Polio:If Only It Was A Thing Of The Past

Deb Stambaugh via Kim Hackett shared this article that was published in the York Co Medical Society Magazine:
Warren, good afternoon!  Deb sent this link for an article in the York County Medical Society Magazine.
Thank you,
Kudos to Deb and her organization for the article being published!!  PLEASE CLICK ON THE LINK ABOVE TO ACCESS THE COMPLETE ARTICLE.
Polio:If Only It Was A Thing Of The Past Deborah Stambaugh 2020-05-06 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting May 5, 2020

Rotary Meeting May 5, 2020
President Craig called the virtual meeting to order shortly after 12:00 pm with Terry Gingrow leading us in Pledge and Prayer.
ATTENDANCE:  30 members were in virtual attendance along with two guests - our speaker, Wade Markel, and Lisa Duffy.  
(If you have any Announcements to share at virtual meetings, please email Craig ahead of time, OR use the CHAT button at the bottom of your screen at the beginning of the meeting)
Wade Markel, Development Director at the American Heart Association
Some of the items Wade shared with us include but are not limited to the following:
Their Mission is to be a relentless force for a world of longer, healthier lives.  Specific goal is to increase life expectancy from 66 to 68 in 10 years.
They pivoted to address the current Covid 19 situation through initiatives such as -
     - Supporting accelerated research on the impact of the virus on the heart
     - Provide training to ICU personnel to safely serve Covid19 patients
     - Provide training on how to safely and effectively do CPR on possibly infected patients
     - Advocate policies to get health care to all
     - Provide guidelines for employers on how to help employees stay active, especially in their private lives through recipes for healthy nutrition and staying active.
     - operate kids heart challenge - activities to give to kids while they are at home - exercises for body and brain called "Kick Cabin Fever To The Curb"
Other on-going events are Get with Guideline - procedures for Stroke and Heart Attack; Go Red For Women luncheons focusing on women's health issues; Workplace Solutions.
Major Fundraisers include Heart Walk, Sat Sept 12, 2020 in New Oxford chaired by Mike Hockenberry; Heart Ball, May 30 will be virtual.
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM: The Kiwanis Lake Clean Water Project from the Rotary Club of York
Rotary Meeting May 5, 2020 Warren Risk 2020-05-06 04:00:00Z 0

October  2020 Students of the Month

Please welcome the following students for the Month of October 2020:
Delone Catholic H.S.
Abbi Fields
Activities: National Honor Society, National Spanish Honor Society, Interact Club, Field Hockey, Track and Field, Peer Ministry, Student Council (Executive Secretary), Alter Serving at Immaculate Conception Church, Mu Alpha Theta, and Babysitting.
Future Plans: To attend a 4-year college to study environmental science to become a fish and game warden and being a wildlife rehabilitator on the side.
Austin Stiles
Activities: Marching Band, Jazz Band, Concert Band, Chorus, Fall Plays, Spring Musicals, Interact Club, National Honor Society, National English Honors Society, Mu Alpha Theta, Tri M Music Society, St. Francis Xavier Youth Ministry.
Future Plans: To attend college and major in theater design and production.
Hanover H.S.
Toby Groft
Activities: Drama Night, Homecoming Float Committee, Key Club, Soccer, Madrigals, Fall Play, Spring Musical, Chamber Choir, Concert Choir, and Varsity Track & Field, Golf.
Regin Smith
Activities: Student Council, Mini-THON Participant, Varsity Volleyball, Varsity Basketball Cheer, Link Crew, Homecoming Float Committee, St. Matthew's Lutheran Church Youth Group, St. Matthew's Spirit Singers, and Mini-THON Executive Board.
Future Plans: To attend Penn State Main Campus and major in communication science and disorders. Then continue her education by getting a master's degree in speech pathology.
South Western H.S.
Summer Eaton
Activities: Theatre, Orchestra, Chorus, National Honor Society, National Art Honor Society, Marching Band, and Working at WalMart & Subway.
Future Plans: To be a translator for a government agency.
John Vonnes
Activities: Orchestra, Work at Bay City Restaurant, Local Clothing Bank Volunteer, and Member of Church Finance Committee.
Future Plans: Plans to attend a 4 year college, go on to graduate school, and pursue a career in government or law.
Spring Grove H.S.
Breanna Kaltreider
Activities: Science Olympiad, National Honor Society, and Taekwondo.
Future Plans: To attend college, major in biology, continue on to dental school and do an orthodontic residency.
Will Cummings
Activities: Tennis Team (made varsity in 11th grade), History Club Officer, Film Club, and Winter Downhill Skiing.
Future plans: To attend college and major in film and television production.
October 2020 Students of the Month Kathi Fuhrman 2020-05-01 04:00:00Z 0

May  2020 Students of the Month

Please welcome the following students for the Month of May 2020:
Delone Catholic H.S.
Abigail Smith
Activities: National Honor Society, National Spanish Honor Society President, Interact Club Treasurer, Volleyball, Mini-THON Committee Co-Chair, and Peer Ministry.
Future Plans: Plans to attend Duquesne University in the fall to study nursing, graduate in 4 years,specialize in labor and delivery, and raise a family.
Kylie Funkhouser
Activities: Softball, Travel Softball Player for SW York Lady Outlaws,  CYO Basketball, Interact Club, National English Honors Society, Mu Alpha Theta, Vacation Bible School Group Leader, and helped run multiple indoor softball tournaments for the Lady Outlaws organization.
Future Plans: Plans to attend West Chester University in the fall to study Nursing and later pursue higher education in medical school.
South Western H.S.
Garrett Barter
Activities: Mr. Mini-thon, Marching Band, Band, Orchestra, Church Volunteer - Tech Assistant & Assistant Teacher.
Future plans: Plans to attend the University of Pittsburgh, major in Computer Science and eventually own his own business.
Isabella Lang
Activities: Women's Chorus, Concert Choir, National Honor Society - Secretary, National Art Honor Society - Historian, Dance - Ballet & Pointe, Hostess at Red Lobster.
Future plans: Plans to attend either Lebanon Valley College or University of Delaware and receive at least a Masters in Psychology.
Spring Grove H.S.
Abby Lecrone
Activities: Class President for 10th, 11th, and 12th grade, National Honors Society - Secretary, Interact Club - Secretary, Spanish National Honors Society, Link Crew, Track and Field for 4 years in hurdle and high jump, Competitive Horseback Riding, 2019 Rotary Youth Leadership Awards conferee.
Future Plans: To attend Wake Forest University with a major in biology and a minor in Spanish.
Nichlas Guaragno
Activities: National Honors Society, Lacrosse, Climate Change Club, Peer Mentoring Club, Fishing, Weightlifting, Member of a Roman Catholic Church, Club Lacrosse.
Future plans: Planning to attend a 4 year biomedical engineering program and then continue his studies by getting a master's degree.
May 2020 Students of the Month Kathi Fuhrman 2020-05-01 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting April 28, 2020

Rotary Meeting April 28, 2020
President Craig Aiello opened the virtual meeting shortly after noon with Terry Gingrow leading us in the pledge and prayer.
There were 22 members in attendance virtually by video and or audio means.
Craig (and Christy Lucas) - Roots For Boots is still in need of money and food stuffs for the Military Share food bank.  See more information on our website.
Craig - Give Local, York campaign is underway.  Please consider supporting the effort if you can this Friday May 1, 2020.
Craig (and Deb Stambaugh) - Pa Polio is supported in part by Give Local York.
      - Pa Polio is published in Pa Medical Magazine.  Congrats to Deb and her organization.
Bob Miller - we are very close to our annual goal of giving at least $25 per member to the Rotary Foundation.  If you haven’t yet given to the Foundation, please consider doing so if you can.
       - RI has announced this week as World Immunization Week.
PROGRAM - Gary Laird,  President of the Chamber of Commerce
The Chamber’s purpose has always been to support local economic initiatives and provide a vehicle vehicle for businesses to communicate and network.
The Chamber has been meeting virtually with local governmental entities, the PA Chamber, and the US Chamber.
UPMC reports that we have relatively good community health during this epidemic but we remain unsure about what this means in the broader sense of economic recovery.
Businesses are moving through 3 phases economically as we try to deal with this crisis:
  1. Initial Shutdown - trying to understand what are essential services and businesses; how to apply for waivers to stay open.
  2. Securing financial aid - how to apply for assistance, how do the programs like PPP work.  A second round just opened.
  3. Actual opening up once given the authority to do so - figuring out the State and Fed guidelines
The Chamber has started a Business Forum/survey where local businesses log in and provide data on various aspects of their business.  The Chamber collects data and reports feedback on a number of issues such as:  are they fully open, open with limited service, or closed; are you having supply chain issues; what is the extent of employee layoffs; do they expect layoffs to be temporary or long term; etc. 
The survey results are varied but while there is some level of uncertainty about the future short term, there is also a high level of optimism for the long term.
Finally Gary announced that there is a virtual Town Hall meeting Thursday night with UPMC.  You can register by visiting the the Chamber website.
Many thanks to Gary for keeping his pulse on the economic health of the community and for sharing his perspectives with us.
NEXT WEEK’S PROGRAM - Wade Markel - American Heart Association Local Activities for 2020
Rotary Meeting April 28, 2020 Warren Risk 2020-04-30 04:00:00Z 0

Exchange Student Updates

The following email from Kim Hackett provides an update on our upcoming Inbound and Outbound Youth Exchange Programs and our current Exchange Student to Austria, Erin Dewald:
Good afternoon.  You will not be surprised that I received an email regarding the Inbound and Outbound Youth Exchange programs. Due to the COVID pandemic and possible interruptions of future outbreaks, the program is cancelled for this school year.  Our student, Gustav, was notified as well as the other 3 students for 7390.  Needless to say this is a sad announcement but the decision was not made lightly.  Thank you for your support of this program and hopefully this can be reviewed again for the next school year.
Erin DeWald remains in Austria and is actually one of the few students from our District still in her exchange. 
Thank you,
Exchange Student Updates Kimberly Hackett 2020-04-24 04:00:00Z 0

Sharing Happy Dollars and Announcements at Virtual Meetings

A suggestion was raised to include Happy Dollars in our virtual meetings on Tuesdays.  In the interest of keeping our meetings brief the Board decided that up to 5 items could be shared at our meetings.  The associated monetary donations can either be saved until we begin meeting in-person or sent to our treasurer, Brandon Gething.  Please contact Craig Aiello prior to the meetings to request to share happy dollars -; 717-451-0568.
If you have an Announcement to share with the Club during our virtual meetings,  just click on the "chat" button at the bottom of your screen, enter it and that will let Craig know to share it.
Sharing Happy Dollars and Announcements at Virtual Meetings Warren Risk 2020-04-23 04:00:00Z 0

Military Share - Request for Donations

Christy Lucas informs that Military Share is in need of donations of food stuffs for the pantry.  This provides food for area veterans and their who are in dire need.  
We all can help:
1) Considering donating food stuffs by contacting Christy Lucas directly at 717-316-0155.  She can arrange for pick up from your porch or you can deliver to hers.  See the list of items needed below
2) Consider donating Money in one of 2 ways:
- Write a check made out to - ROOTS FOR BOOTS - MILITARY SHARE.  Send to ROOTS FOR BOOTS P.O. Box 213 New Oxford, PA 17350
- Credit card - credit cards can be used on my website by hitting the donate button.
Military Share - Request for Donations Christy Lucas 2020-04-22 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting April 14, 2020

Rotary Meeting Tuesday April 14, 2020
The Club met virtually via Zoom at our regular meeting time - 12:00 noon.  President Craig called the meeting to order shortly after 12:00 and Karen Nelson led us in the pledge and prayer. 
There were a total of 36 persons in virtual attendance.  Our guests included our speaker Courtney Bailey and John Bailey's wife, Jane.
PROGRAM - Courtney Bailey of Bailey Bus Company - Effects of Covid-19 on their business and how they have diversified to adapt
Business Affected - Covid-19 and the resultant governmental response had a major impact on their business.  75% of their business is on the Bus side and 25% is private.  Literally overnight on March 15, 2020 they were effectively shut down by State and Federal regulations, losing $500,000 in trip cancellations.  On 3/17/20 they were forced to lay off 51 of 57 employees. The travel industry in the U.S. and the world has been greatly affected by governmental bans on travel to curb the spread of the disease.
Diversification - In past years they had been regularly using electrostatic fogger machines to cleanse and sanitize their busses.  This a process whereby an electronic charge attaches water vapor to a non-toxic disinfectant then sprayed on surfaces. They realized there would be a need for this application in businesses to protect workers & customers from the virus.  But they needed more machines, solution, training etc before a business could be set up.
     Steps they had to undertake to turn this into a business:
             1. Can you operate during the shutdown - i.e. would this be considered an "essential business" by the State?
             2. Educate themselves about the sanitizing process especially on a large scale - the solution used, proper mixing for large scale operations, purchase and maintenance
                of machines
             3. Create efficiencies - how to change from small application - busses - to large ones - buildings.  How to move about large areas carrying a 12 lb machine, plus
                 solution, plus maintaining power supply to the machines.  Issues had to be resolved such as transporting the machines and solution, utilizing generators for power,
                 buying solution in bulk and storage.
             4. Set up procedures to operate - safety, training, proper payment of employees, identifying potential customers
             5. Marketing - kept it simple, using mailing to customer base, & social media 
Week 1 - cleaned 72 areas, 672,000 sq ft and 3 employees.  
Week 2 added 2 employees; week 3 added 2 more; then 4 more until now they are up to 16 total people.
They have been able to pay 100% of the health costs of their employees.  Their customers include banks, convenience stores, manuf plants.  They are also offering to clean vehicles of first responder agencies for FREE at their location twp fire, police ambulance and can do 55 vehicles per day.
They have now become an area distributor of the solution for the manufacturer - storing and delivering it to customers.
Additional Diversification - They believe that diversification is a key to remaining a vibrant business.  Other examples include:
 - They are expanding the use of their existing garage and mechanics to service vehicles for the public in addition to their own company vehicles.
- They have partnered with a Spanish Bus manufacturer, Irizar, to become an East Coast dealership.
- They now Reposition Repossessed Vehicles by prepping them and delivering them for re-sale.
Rotary Meeting April 14, 2020 Warren Risk 2020-04-15 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Raffle Reminder

Posted from Merle Zehr:
Dear Hanover Rotarian Members.  This is a reminder to members to make sure you are returning the money to the individuals that purchased raffle tickets and let those individuals know the funds are being returned because we have decided to cancel the raffle due to the Pandemic and the requirement of social distancing.  In addition, the raffle committee felt it was not an appropriate time to be soliciting individuals for money when so many people are being laid off from their work.
Please make sure you are completing this task within the next two weeks if you have not already done so.
Rotary Raffle Reminder Merle Zehr 2020-04-15 04:00:00Z 0

Weekly Virtual Meetings

The Rotary Club of Hanover, Pa  will continue to meet virtually every Tuesday at noon.  Every attempt will be made to keep the meeting brief and on-topic.
Due to confidentiality/privacy issues and to minimize "Zoom Hacking" we will no longer post directions for logging onto the virtual meetings on our website.  We will send out an email to all members prior to the meeting with the sign-up information.
Please consider joining us to stay connected to your fellow rotarians!  
And most of all STAY SAFE AND WELL!
Weekly Virtual Meetings Warren Risk 2020-04-08 04:00:00Z 0

April 2020 Students of the Month

Please welcome the following students for the Month of April 2020:
Delone Catholic H.S.
Katie Ernst
Activities: National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta, National English Honor Society, National Spanish Honor Society, Mini-THON Committee, Interact Club, Peer Ministry, Varsity Softball Team and Captain, Frederick Heartbreakers Travel Softball Team and Captain (18 u Gold), CYO Basketball, Tutor to an 8th Grade Student
Future Plans: Plan to attend Frostburg State University to study Elementary and Middle School Education, playing softball for Frostburg State University, and teach after college and start a family.
Katelyn Kohler
Activities: National Honors Society, Interact Club (Secretary), National Spanish Honor Society (Historian), Mini-THON Committee, Peer Ministry, Delone Catholic Volleyball Team, Squire Ambassadors, CYO Basketball (Saint Joseph of Hanover), sales associate at Carter's and Osh Kosh B'gosh, Babysitting.
Future Plans: Plan to attend West Chester University to study Special Education for elementary education.
Hanover H.S.
Griffin Kuhn
Activities: Concert Band, Marching Band, Percussion Captain, Jazz Band, Penn State Men of Song, Mini-THON Participant, Concert Choir, Musicals/Plays, Volunteer Firefighter, works at Bay City.
Future Plans: Plans to attend Liberty University double majoring in Criminal Justice - Homeland Security - National Security. Upon graduation, he hopes to secure a position working for the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security or the U.S. Dept. of Defense.
Michelle McDaniel
Activities: Varsity Tennis, Powderpuff Football, Link Crew, National Honors Society, Chamber Choir, Dimensions, Art Camp, Down Syndrome Camp, Hawk Hustle, Tutor Room, Pet Sitting, Babysitting/Child Care.
Future Plans: Plans to West Chester University to receive a degree in PreK - 4th Grade Elementary Education.
South Western H.S.
Thomas Morris
Activities: Football, Marching Band, National Honors Society - President, Wrestling - Captain, Volunteer Ref for Flag Football
Future plans: Plans to pursue a degree in Music Education at either West Chester University or Messiah College.
Katherine Study
Activities: Field Hockey, Lacrosse, Key Club, Varsity Club, National Honor Society, Club Field Hockey, involved with the Arthritis Foundation.
Future plans: To attend Franklin and Marshall College to major in biology and continue to play field hockey on the Franklin and Marshall team.
Spring Grove H.S.
Regina Walton
Activities: National Honor Society, Friends and Fun Club, President of Big Buddy Club, Level 10 Competitive Gymnast at Skyline Gymnastics in York, Gymnastics coach for younger athletes.
Future Plans: Planning to major in Nutritional Sciences in college and continuing her athletic career.
Jonathan Wyrick
Activities: Cross Country, Track and Field, National Honor Society, Academic Team, Physics Olympics, Boy Scouts (earned Eagle Scout), Youth Group.
Future plans: Plans to attend college and earn a Bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering.
April 2020 Students of the Month Kathi Fuhrman 2020-04-01 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meeting March 31, 2020

On Tuesday, March 31, the Rotary Club of Hanover, Pa conducted their first virtual Club Meeting on-line.  It is the intent of the President and Board to maintain communication and support to our membership throughout the current Coronavirus situation in our community.  A brief meeting summary follows.
President Craig called the meeting to order shortly after 12:00 pm with Chris Helt leading us with the prayer and pledge.  
ATTENDANCE - Within a few minutes we had 28 members and 2 guests signed into the on-line meeting.  Juliet Altenburg and John Anthony, two Rotarians from District Clubs, joined us.
Craig - the Methodist Men's Group donated $100 to the Club 
Craig (via Kim Hackett) - Our outbound exchange student, Erin, continued to stay in Austria and will finish out her final try-mester with a new family.   The Short Term Exchange Program has been cancelled for the summer - the Inbound Program is on a "watch" mode with the four applications that have been sent to the District still "active" but no other students are being assigned at this time.  Kim H. will provide updates as they are received. 
Rhonda Ramos - spoke about "Artwork for Healthcare Project.
Tammy Gobrecht - hospice is in need of N95 masks.  If anyone has N95 masks and would like to donate them they can contact me at  Hospice & Community Care. Tammy Gobrecht at or (717) 524-7188
Tammy Miller - Windy Hill Senior Center is providing meals to those 60 yrs old and older, and those of any age who are in desperate need, during this crisis, on Mon, Tues, and Wed 11:00 - 12:00noon.  If you know anyone in need, have them contact Tammy.
Christy Lucas - Military Share is in need of food goods for veterans.  Please contact Christy at Roots for Boots.
Jess Socrates - The Philippines is in major crisis now due to the pandemic.  15 doctors have died from the virus and another 15 have tested positive.  He asked if there was anything the Club could do.  Craig has received his request for help.
Bob Miller - HOBY Program has been cancelled for this year.
Warren Risk - The RYLA Program has been cancelled for this year.
Craig moderated the Program - How Local Companies Are Responding To This Crisis.
Craig has been in regular contact with several local businesses since the beginning of the pandemic.  He reports that it is encouraging to see many businesses helping each other with resources to get everyone through this crisis.  Some are sharing or providing respirators and other personal care equipment and supplies.
Most companies are actively following CDC guidelines to employees, clients and the comment safe - maintaining social distances while in the workplace, reducing staff in the workplace,  regular cleaning and sanitizing, rotating hours to reduce the # of employees in the workplace at one time.  Some companies and businesses have had to furlough employees.  Companies expect to be running light at least through April if not longer and will plan a gradual return to normal operation as soon as they can.
An example of a local company adapting is Bailey Coach.  John Bailey explained that his transportation business is shut down and buses are parked.  For many years he has been disinfecting his vehicles with electrostatic sprayers.  He now has 3 crews working full time to use this process to disinfect buildings and offices in industries like manufacturing, trucking, defense, etc.  He can fully disinfect a building like the Markets on Broadway in a couple of hours.  Contact him if you are interested in this service for your company.
Rotary Meeting March 31, 2020 2020-03-31 04:00:00Z 0


The following update is from Kim Hackett:
Please send the following update out regarding our outbound student Erin:
She has recently moved to her final host family but is still in the same area of Inzing.  The schools have started online classes.  Erin likes her new family and for the first time in her exchange has a younger brother in the household.  The restrictions in Austria due to the coronavirus are much more stringent than the States so it has been a very long and tiresome experience for her but she is taking up some new hobbies.
Please keep her in your thoughts.
EXCHANGE STUDENT ERIN Kim Hackett 2020-03-31 04:00:00Z 0


The following is submitted by Ellie Rebert on behalf of the Program Committee:
We are in need of suggestions for programs for upcoming meetings?  Anyone with ideas or suggestions should respond to Ellie or Ken Wenger or Tammy Miller.
PROGRAM IDEAS NEEDED Ellie Rebert 2020-03-31 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Board Meets Virtually

Due to these extreme circumstances in our communities right now, the Board met virtually.  Items discussed are as follows:
- Confirmed that we would follow State and Federal guidelines and continue to suspend Club meetings until further notice.
- Recognized that in the meantime it is vital to keep communication with our members flowing.   To that end we -
  a) will continue sending Newsletters weekly
  b) will hold virtual Club meetings on-line at our usual time, Tuesdays at noon beginning on March 31, 2020.  Further instruction from Craig will be forthcoming.
- Recognized that we have members with families who are being hit particularly hard by this Coronavirus outbreak.  It can be an emotional,  medical, and fiscal hardship for many of our members.  Consequently Craig and the Board want to reiterate the following actions -
  a) we have suspended the meal portion of every members' dues until further notice
  b) our physical meeting cancellation will not reflect negatively on anyone's attendance for the duration of this community social isolation
  c) we need to provide assistance to our members if we can (see below)
- Historically our Club has given generously in time and resources to our community, RI, and numerous national and international projects.  Perhaps now we need to focus on assisting our members where we can.  To that end -
   We are asking any member who is experiencing hardships during this extraordinary time to contact President Craig to discuss their need.  Maybe there is some
   way that we can harness our collective energy to support our members in need.  ALL CONTACTS WILL BE KEPT IN STRICTEST CONFIDENCE.
  - Perhaps we have members who are housebound for a variety of reasons.  Can we help by picking up and delivering needed prescriptions or emergency supplies?
  - Do we have members who feel isolated from friends and family that could use a phone call or virtual chat?
  - Do we have members who are running out of ideas of what to do with their kids while schools are shut down; or who are having to care for their aging parents?  
    Perhaps we have have members with knowledge and creative ideas that we could draw on to share with others.
These are just a few examples of support that we might be able to provide.  So if you have needs where Rotary might be able to help in some way, or if you have ideas how Rotary could help others,  please contact President Craig at; 717-451-0568.
Rotary Board Meets Virtually Warren Risk 2020-03-27 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club to Meet Virtually

Fellow Rotarians,
I hope you are well. During these unprecedented times we would like to continue providing value and engaging our members. To this end, we have decided to hold Hanover’s first virtual club meeting on Tuesday, March 31 at noon. The login information is provided below and will be posted on our website and Facebook along with instructions on how to join. More information to follow.  For now, please mark your calendar for this event.
Note: Members will not lose attendance for not attending
Topic: Hanover Rotary Virtual Meeting & How business are responding
Time: Mar 31, 2020 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Duration: 30 minutes
Moderator: Craig Aiello
Join Zoom Meeting by clicking here 5 mins prior to the meeting
Meeting ID: 285 674 470
Password: 031596
Call in: (415) 762-9988 or (646) 568-7788. and follow the verbal instructions.
First time for Zoom meeting check out this how to join.
Virtual Meeting Etiquette
• Check that the computer you are using has collaboration software installed
• Ensure you have the correct dial-in number and meeting access code
• Log on before the start of the meeting (late arrivals break the flow of discussions)
• Be aware of background noise at your location that could intrude
• State your name whenever you speak
• Concentrate on meeting content and avoid distractions around you
• Take notes to help you summarize your thoughts and make succinct comments
• Speak clearly at a measured pace
• Avoid speaking over the top of other participants
• Follow the guidance of the meeting moderator and be respectful of others
• Use the chat feature for asking questions
• Send announcements in advance to the moderator
Rotary Club to Meet Virtually Craig Aiello 2020-03-27 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Raffle Update

The following is posted on behalf of Merle Zehr regarding our Raffle Fundraiser:
The Rotary Raffle Committee has decided to cancel the current Raffle Fundraiser. The Covid-19 Pandemic is limiting our ability to sell raffle tickets, so we have decided to discontinue the raffle at this time.  Once things return to normal, the Committee will meet and determine when we can have another raffle. 
                If you have already sold tickets, then you will need to refund the money to the individual(s) who purchased them.   I have attached a copy of this letter to provide to the person you are refunding, should you choose to do so. 
                If you have already turned in the funds to Grant Holub, then we will be mailing a refund to those individuals along with a copy of this letter.  Please call me if you have any questions.
               We apologize for the inconvenience.  If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (717) 339-5182 or Grant Holub at (717) 339-5140.
                Please note if you have any unsold  Raffle Tickets, just hang onto them for now.  Once things get back to normal and our membership is able to hold our regular 
                lunch meetings, then bring them to the meetings and turn them into Grant or myself at that time.
       Thank you!
Be safe!   I pray and trust that God will guide us during these tough times.
Rotary Raffle Update Merle Zehr 2020-03-23 04:00:00Z 0

Message from Club President Craig Aiello

This message is posted on behalf of Club President Craig Aiello:
From: Craig Aiello <
Sent: Sunday, March 22, 2020 4:13 PM
Subject: Hanover Club meetings, Dues, & Attendance
Dear Hanover Rotarians, 
As the Coronavirus pandemic evolves, our Hanover Rotary Club meetings and events are suspended.  To this end, Hanover Rotary Club meetings are canceled through April.  Hanover Rotary Club members will not be charged for meals or lose attendance status for our meetings which are canceled.
Our priority remains the safety and health of all our members.  We will continue to follow the guidance from our government, health officials and our District 7390 leadership.  
For those affected, you are in our hearts and prayers.
Stay safe.
Yours in Rotary Service,
Message from Club President Craig Aiello Craig Aiello 2020-03-23 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Board Meeting Cancelled

From President Craig:
The Rotary Board Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, March 17, 2020 at 8:30 am has been cancelled in an effort to comply with recommendations to limit face-to-face meetings where possible.
Rotary Board Meeting Cancelled 2020-03-16 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club Meeting Cancellations

This post is from our Club President, Craig Aiello:
Dear Warren,
Please be advised that club meetings for both Tuesday, 3/17 and 3/24 are canceled.
By now you have heard plenty about COVID-19 (coronavirus). We are reaching out to assure you that the safety and well-being of our club members remains our highest priority.
According to the most recent information from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), for most people, the immediate risk of being exposed to the virus that causes COVID-19 is thought to be low. This is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation and we are making decisions to protect everyone to the best of our ability.
Here is the link to the Johns Hopkins University and Medicine interactive real-time map so you can get up-to-date information by location.
We will keep you updated throughout this dynamic situation and will use the advice of governments, public health authorities, and medical professional to guide our decisions. Thank you for your support, cooperation, and commitment to ensuring our collective health and well-being.
Craig Aiello
Rotary Club Meeting Cancellations Craig Aiello 2020-03-16 04:00:00Z 0

Meeting March 10, 2020

Meeting Summary March 10, 2020
ATTENDANCE 39 of our 85 members were in attendance which represents 45.88% of our membership.  Guests/speakers included Dr Kurt Thomas DO,  Vice President Medical Affairs;  Dr. Brittany Barker, DO, Hospitalist and Program Medical Director; Jennifer Laughman, Infection Preventionist, Lisa Duffy, all from UPMC.  Also, 8 Students of the Month attended.
Grant Holub - Rotary Raffle Fundraiser is underway.  If you haven’t received your tickets to sell, or if you need more tickets, please contact Grant or Merle.
Craig Aiello - recognized Kelly Rebert and the entire Tastefest Committee for a job well done for a very successful event.  Many members stated how well the event went.  Nice job!
Craig (and Kim Hackett) - our incoming exchange student for the 2020/21 school year is Gustav Christianson from Denmark.  All accounts are that he is a bright young man, social, and athletic.  PLEASE HELP US TO FIND TWO MORE HOST FAMILIES TO PROVIDE HOUSING FOR THIS EXCEPTIONAL YOUNG MAN, PREFERABLY IN THE SOUTHWESTERN SCHOOL DISTRICT,  BUT OTHER LOCALES WILL BE CONSIDERED.  PUT THE WORD OUT TO YOUR SOCIAL CIRCLES, CHURCHES, SCHOOLS, ETC. TO FIND A HOST FAMILY.  This would only be a 3 month responsibility.
Paul Berg - Paul gave us a brief overview of his trip to the Philippines where he visited our two projects Braveheart and a school for “street children” and homeless children.  Paul was very impressed with both projects and the people who are involved with them.  Dr Jonas will visit us in two weeks.  Our Rotary friends and families of those who benefitted from the projects are extremely grateful for what you have helped provide.
PROGRAM - Dr Kurt Thomas, Dr Brittany Barker, Jennifer Laughman UPMC - CoronaVirus, COVID19
Due to the recent and growing concerns surrounding the spread of this virus, and media hype the program committee asked UPMC Hanover Hospital to provide us with current, accurate information.
- coronaviruses are not new.  The are in the class of illnesses like colds and flu. The thing that makes this different now is that as the virus spread between different animals in the “live markets” in China, and it then mutated into a different virus.  People bought these animals for consumption and ate uncooked meat containing the virus.  Thus it spread to humans.
- symptoms typically include high fever, cough, shortness of breath and other respiratory issues.
- very few kids have been infected but elderly people and people with underlying health issues - diabetes, COPD, heart problems, asthma etc - are most at risk.
- there are no cases at UPMC now but they are in various stages of making preparations in the event we are hit with COVID 19 here.  UPMC is in constant contact with the State Health Dept and the CDC because conditions, updates, and recommendations change almost hourly.
- Pa has 10 cases as of today but none are spread via community.  Each case was traced to an individual visiting an infected source outside the community and bringing it in.
- not everyone should be tested.  If you are exhibiting the symptoms and are extremely ill, go to your primary physician or the emergency room BUT call them first and tell them what you suspect.  That way they can prepare their facility and staff properly.
- this recommendations are don’t panic, wash hands in hot soapy water for 20 secs, cover your mouth when you cough, stay home when you are sick.  Also do what you can to enhance your immune system - get plenty of rest, drink lots of fluids, stay away from congested areas.
- you can feel free to go to to get current info and updates.
NEXT WEEK’S PROGRAM - Tammy Gobrecht - Classification Speech
Meeting March 10, 2020 Warren Risk 2020-03-10 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Supports JA at McSherrystown School

This story is posted below on behalf of Ralph Jodice and Junior Achievement :
Both of Sherry Chroniger’s 6th grade social studies classes at St. Teresa of Calcutta in McSherrystown completed the Junior Achievement program, Our Nation, taught by Hanover Rotarian, Ralph Jodice.  This 5 lesson program taught the 52 students about the free market economy, entrepreneurship and innovation, career clusters, getting and keeping the job, and global economic connections. 
Rotary Supports JA at McSherrystown School Ralph Jodice 2020-02-26 05:00:00Z 0

Meeting February 25, 2020

Meeting February 25, 2020
ATTENDANCE - 41 of our 85 members were in attendance which is 48.24% of Membership
Also in attendance was Taylor Thomas, guest of Greg Staub and John Silcox, son of recently deceased    member Jack Silcox.  He was a guest of John Bailey.  6 students of the month also attended.
John Bailey - Peg Sennett left on Sunday leading a group from York area on a Rotary mission trip to New Bern, NC.  We pray for their success and safety.
Merle Zehr - announced the kick off to our Raffle fundraiser.  He handed out tickets to all members in attendance to sell.  Rankle will take place on 5/1 thru 5/31.  Tickets are $20 a piece.
Bob Miller - presented a Paul Harris Award to Greg Staub (multiple)
Craig Aiello - addressed a question about Interact Clubs and Rotaract Clubs.
PROGRAM - Tara Kauffman - Classification Speech
Tara’s presentation centered around the importance of the following phrase to her. “ Those who are happiest are those that do the most for others”
She was born in Indiana, went to Illinois State Univ. studying to be an English teacher. Illinois State was known as The Green Wave and we found out why.  She eventually changed her major to an English degree at Towson State and earned an MS degree at Johns Hopkins.  She has 2 children, Christopher and Kayla.  She now works at the YMCA as the Financial Development Director.  Her parents were both Special Education teachers and did much volunteering.  Tara spoke about the Y’s mission and scholarship programs for child care.
NEXT WEEK’S PROGRAM - James(Brady) Slater.  UPMC Hanover Medical Fitness Center
Meeting February 25, 2020 Warren Risk 2020-02-25 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Sponsors Mission Trip to NC

A group sponsored by the Hanover rotary club departed today for new Bern NC to assist with rebuilding hurricane flooded homes. This is the 2nd trip for the group in July 2019 they travelled to new Bern to assist in rebuilding 2 homes. The group is led by Rotarian Peg Sennett 
Please keep them in your prayers for a safe trip down and back.
We wish them well and want to hear all accounts of their trip when they return.
Rotary Sponsors Mission Trip to NC John Bailey 2020-02-23 05:00:00Z 0

Junior Achievement Needs Volunteers Immediately

Fellow Rotarians
Please see the below from Allison Kierce at JA.  If you are interested and can support, please contact Allison directly at JA.  Her contact info is at the end of the note.  Thank you...Ralph 
Good Morning!
Thank you for your past support of our Junior Achievement programs in the South Western School District.  Due to cancellations, we are in URGENT need of 3 volunteers for Wednesday’s STEM Summit.
All 332 9th graders will spend the day learning more about Science, Technology, Engineering and Math and the opportunities that STEM careers can provide.
If you are already signed up to participate in this STEM Summit, THANK YOU and please consider asking a friend or colleague to join you.  If you are not signed up, I hope you will consider supporting the students of South Western High School and sharing this opportunity.
Our volunteers are our best advocates and we cannot do this without you!  All training is provided the morning of the event and a light breakfast and lunch will be provided by SWHS.
Because of our volunteers like you, JA is on track to inspire over 100,000 students again this school year.  We are so grateful to you for all of the support that you provide for our programs and the students of South Central PA!
Happy Saturday!
Allison Kierce | Senior Vice President Operations
Junior Achievement of South Central PA 
717.843.8028  |
Junior Achievement Needs Volunteers Immediately Ralph Jodice 2020-02-23 05:00:00Z 0

Passing of Rotarian

Long time Rotarian and Honorary member, Jack Silcox, passed away this morning Feb 20, 2020.  


John VanKirk Silcox Jr. “Jack”, age 92, passed away, suddenly, at his home on February 20, 2020. He was the loving husband of Susanna (Judd) Silcox; together they shared over 66 years of marriage. 

Jack was born in Trenton NJ on January 23, 1928 and was the son of the late John VanKirk Silcox and Mae (Carnochan) Silcox. He proudly served his country in the US Air Force and was honorably discharged. He graduated from Rutgers University with a B.S. in Business and also attended the Harvard School of Business. He was the President of the Bank of Hanover for many years and retired in 1990. He was a longtime member of St. Paul Lutheran Church in Spring Grove, where he was very active and served on many committees. He was also a former Boy Scout Leader in Spring Grove and was a longtime member of the Hanover Rotary. 

In addition to his wife Susanna; he is survived by his son John V. Silcox III of Glen Alpine NC; his daughter Martha Silcox Gardner and her husband Greg of San Jose CA; his daughter in law Mary Ellen Lowry of Durham NC; his grandchildren Annie, Jim, Caroline, Rebecca, Joanna, Michael, Ruth and 11 great grandchildren. He was predeceased by his son James E. Silcox and his sister Muriel Schaffer. He is also survived by many nieces and nephews. 

A funeral service in celebration of his life will be held on Thursday, February 27, 2020 at 11:00AM at St. Paul Lutheran Church, 201 S. Main St., Spring Grove with Pastor Alison Bowlan officiating. He will be laid to rest following the service next to his son at Spring Grove Cemetery. A viewing will be held on Thursday from 10:00AM – 11:00AM at the church. Family services are under the direction of Beck Funeral Home & Cremation Service Inc., of Spring Grove. 

In lieu of flowers, contributions in his memory may be made to St. Paul Lutheran Church. 

Share condolences at

Click on the link below to see the Tribute page, funeral details, donation information, etc.


Passing of Rotarian John Bailey 2020-02-20 05:00:00Z 0

Meeting Summary Feb 18, 2020

Regular Club Meeting Feb 18, 2020
ATTENDANCE - 49 of our 85 members attended which is 57.65% of our membership.  Also in attendance were Anne Druck, Downtown York Club; Chris Zoller, wife of Darryl; and 6 students of the month.
Carol Connor - 3 items - diamond necklace, purse, briefcase - will be auctioned off at Tastefest.
Craig Aiello - the District Conference will be held on Friday May 1 & Saturday May 2 at The York History Center and Heritage Hills, York.  Register at District website.
Bob Miller -  Honorary Member Frank Bagot has been moved into Central Care at Homewood.  He would appreciate visitors.
- Paul Harris Fellowships were awarded to Darryl Zoller(1st), Terry Gingrow (multiple), Kim Hackett(multiple),
PROGRAM - ANNE DRUCK ,    "United Way of York County Update; Donor Trends; ALICE Program
Some of the things Anne shared with us include:
- John Bailey significantly increased the United Way donorship in his company and Utz also showed a positive increase.
- Lessons Learned for UW are investing in CRM - Customer Related Management - in the organization so they can now help donors bundle ALL their Community giving; and they received a Stabler Grant to purchase a van.
- Challenges for UW are the fact that donorship across the country and locally have decreased by 45%. Recognizing that the Donor Landscape has changed and the need to model things that are working for Lehigh Valley and Berks  Co. Additionally the UW building needs a new roof and AC system
- ALICE Asset LimitedIncome Constrained Employed - 32% of the population fits into this category.  These folks are living paycheck to paycheck and are one medical or financial emergency away from disaster.  Chief causes are Housing, healthcare, and transportation expenses.
Anne threw out a challenge to Rotary - We give “educational scholarships” to students for college, so why not offer a program to provide “childcare scholarships “?
 These 3 elements are indicitive of strong. Communities - Chamber of Commerce - Community Foundation - United Way!
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM FEB 25, 2020 -  Tara Kauffman   "Rotary Classification Speech"
Meeting Summary Feb 18, 2020 Warren Risk 2020-02-19 05:00:00Z 0


ATTENDANCE -39 members were in attendance which is 45.88% of our membership.  The were also 8 Students of the Month in attendance as our guests.
- Chris Neri - was distributing Tastefest tickets to those who purchased them.
- Bob Miller - reminder that bus trip to Pentagon on April 15 is filling up.  If you plan to go you must contact Bob today or ASAP.
- Craig Aiello -we need a counselor for an inbound exchange student for next year and we need host
                        - raffle tickets will be going on sale at the end of February.
                        - 7 members will be attending the Rotary Leadership Institute
- Melissa Plitt - shared “A Foundation Minute” .  Gates Foundation has renewed their pledge to match
  each dollar given 2:1; and she related projects from around the world funded with RF money.
PROGRAM - Jennifer Holcomb “How To Talk To Your Aging Parents”
Some things that we learned:
- Remove emotion from the discussion and stick to facts
- Don’t avoid or delay having these conversations. talk about the issues briefly and often.
- When we meet with resistance we do one of two things - go silent or get violent
- Goal is to get to a point of Shared Meaning where it is safe and factual.
- Make sure you give honest respect to the elder person, and give them some power and control.
- Don’t expect immediate resolution
- Engage in empathetic listening - listening with the heart
- Control your emotions and don’t react or overact, but do respond.
- Create a contract w/ the older adult 
NEXT WEEK’S PROGRAM 2/18/20 Anne Druck “United Way of York Co. Update, Donor Trends, ALICE Program
MEETING FEBRUARY 11, 2020 Warren Risk 2020-02-11 05:00:00Z 0


 41 of our 85 members were in attendance which is 48.24 % of membership
We also had Bert Elsner's wife, daughter and son-in-law Leslie & Robert, and care-giver Dian Stahl; Wendall's son Kyle;Frank Herrun from Red Lion/Dllstwn; and Kim Bailey from Gettysburg; and 7 students of the month.
Kelly R. - Tastiest Tickets are on sale to the Club and will now go out to the public
Paul  S. - Winterfest at Codorus is this Saturday and we could use some volunteers anytime between 9:30am- 1:00pm
Peg S. - Volunteer at New Hope tonight beginning at 6:00
Craig - Ways and Means will be reporting on suggestions for new fundraisers
          - 7 Club members will be going to Rotary Leadership Institute, contact him ASAP if you want to go
          - Rotary Means Business will be held in Gettysburg - check District website
Frank Herron, RedLion/Dllstwn Club shared their fundraiser - York Area KeyWay to Dining - $40.00
Bob Miller - Presented a Paul Harris Award to Bert Elsner who dedicated it to his daughter, Leslie
                  - Presented a first Paul Harris to Rick McKee
PROGRAM - Catherine "Rene" Hock, Classification 
Highlights of her presentation included:
- Her inspiration was her grandfather who came here from Sicily with humble beginnings and fulfilled the "American Dream".
- Her grandfather and father both served in the U.S. Army
- Two lesson she learned from her father 1) Life is not always fair - you get what you earn  2) When you are down, get back into the game
- Her sister passed away at an early age and she is helping w/ raising her nieces
- Parents emphasized EDUCATION so she dedicated her life to it.  She taught 3rd grade for 15 yrs, did Professional Dev at LIU , then Principal at Hanover H.S. for last 7 yrs
- She credits Dr. Barb Rupp and Dr John Scola with much of her professional success.
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM - Jeri Jones - "Backyard Geology"
MEETING JANUARY 21 Warren Risk 2020-01-22 05:00:00Z 0

Meeting JANUARY 14, 2020

51 of 85 members were in attendance which is 60% of our membership!
There were also 8 Students of the Month in attendance as guests.
- Brent Toomey Retirement Party Thurs 2/6/20 YWCA 4:30 - 6:30
- Children's Aid Society 29th Annual Auction, Lehman Center, 4/28 2020 (contact Brandon Gething)
- Need volunteers at New Hope Ministries, 6:00 - 7:00 pm, 1/21/20  (contact Peg Sennett)
- Tickets on sale now for Tastfest, and we need some new vendors (contact Kelly Rebert)
- Hanover Has Talent event, 1/25/20  contact (Ken Wenger)
- Rotary Means Business, Gettysburg HACC (contact John Bailey)
- Rotary Leadership Institute - Rotary Listens - 6 Club members are going & we need 4 more,  2/15/20 Messiah College 7:30 am - 1:30pm (contact Craig Aiello)
ALPHA - Alliance for Low Income Personal Care Advancement   Dianna Benaknin  717-779-7762
Dianne explained that there is a growing gap in our system for long term care and support for low income individuals in need of care - housing, services and socialization outside of a nursing facility.  Currently Personal Care Homes, like Harmony Personal Care Home in Hanover, are trying to fill this gap but funding has not kept pace.
Personal Care Homes in PA support residents in the communities where they live and are the most affordable link i PA's long term care system.
The PA PCHSupplement provides "gap funding" to very low income persons.  The combined Fed/State payment provides only $37 per day for that care & there has been no increase since 2006!  The # of PCHomes in PA has declined by 44% between 2008 to 2019. 
ALPHA is a collaborative community organization that promotes the sustainability of low-income PCHomes through volunteerism, advocacy, and business mentoring.
NEXT WEEK"S PROGRAM - Catherine "Rina" Houck,  Rotary Classification Talk
Meeting JANUARY 14, 2020 Warren Risk 2020-01-15 05:00:00Z 0

Rotarians Assist with Ruth's Harvest

Ralph Jodice is sharing this project information:
Hanover Rotarians recently packed food bags for Ruth’s Harvest.  Ruth’s Harvest ensures grammar school students in need of food go home on Fridays with enough meals to make it through the weekend.  Ruth’s Harvest is one of the primary recipients for funds from The Rotary Club of Hanover’s largest fund raiser called Tastefest.  Over the last 5 years, Tastefest has netted over $30,000 per year which the club pushes back out to the local community.  Pictured here from left to right are Ralph Jodice, Rick McKee (holding the Rotary Coin). Judy Jodice and Tammy Miller.
Rotarians Assist with Ruth's Harvest Ralph Jodice 2020-01-13 05:00:00Z 0

Meeting January 7, 2020

Regular Club Meeting January 7, 2020
42 members attended which is 49.41% of our members.  We also had 8 students of the month attend as well as 2 Rotarians from the North York Club and 1 from the Dallastown Club.
- Kelly Rebert - Tastiest Tickets go on sale today.  A sign-up sheet was sent around.
- Kim Hackett - Our exchange student is doing well.  She wants to go on a ski trip in Austria.  If you are so inclined to donate $ to her so she can go on the trip, please contact Kim.
- Peg Sennett - we need volunteers to work at New Hope Ministries to stock shelves and wait on clients - January 21, 2020 at 6:00 pm please contact Peg
- Paul Stevenson - Friends of Codorus are looking for volunteers from Rotary on Saturday 1/25/20 to direct traffic.  Contact Paul if you can do it.
- Craig Aiello - Rotary Means Business will meet at Gettysburg HACC on 1/16/20 , all are invited;   Rotary Leadership Conference "Rotary Listens" will be held at Messiah College on 1/15/20.  Craig would like to see 10 Hanover Rotarians attend.  The Club will pay your conference fee.  Please contact Craig.
Program: Ralph Jodice presented the Rotary Club of Hanover Charitable Fund
Charitable Fund Club handout.pdf
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM - Dianna Benaknin - The Alpha Project
Meeting January 7, 2020 Warren Risk 2020-01-07 05:00:00Z 0

Scale Operational at New Hope Ministries

Peg Sennett shares the following update on the donation our Club made to New Hope Ministries to enable them to purchase a scale:


Our Club provided New Hope Ministries with a $5,000.00 floor scale and food container s through a Rotary Club Grant. The scale has been installed and is in use. As part of the Grant, Rotarians must participate in the project. Consequently we have scheduled TUESDAY JANUARY 21ST, 6:00-7:00PM as a time to meet at New Hope Ministries on Baltimore Street to help stock shelves and assist clients. Please mark your calendars. See you there. 

Peg Sennett, Chair Humanitarian Committee

Scale Operational at New Hope Ministries Peg Sennett 2020-01-04 05:00:00Z 0

January 2020 Students of the Month

Please welcome the following students for the Month of January 2020:
Delone Catholic H.S.
Madison Sieg
Activities: Volleyball, Interact club, track & field, basketball, National Honor Society, Peer Ministry, Squire Ambassadors, Math Honor Society, community service.
Future Plans: Plans to major in elementary and special education.
Ryan Overdorff
Activities: Football, Peer Ministry, Interact Club, National Honor Society, Spanish National Honor Society, Respect Life Club, works at Genovas To-Go, dog sitter.
Future Plans: Plans to pursue medical studies with the goal of becoming a physician's assistant.
Hanover H.S.
Owen Smith
Activities: National Honor Society, Tri-M Music Honors Society, Student Council, Homecoming Float Committee, National Art Honors Society, prom committee, band, steel drums, Madrigals, tennis, Brainbusters, Spring musical.
Future Plans: Plans to pursue a 4-year degree in art history with the goal of becoming a curator for a gallery or museum.
Isabelle Oropeza
Activities: Student Council, Mini-THON participant, volleyball, link crew, drama night, Treble Makers, women's chorus, Prom Committee, Homecoming Float Committee, Diversity Alliance, community service.
Future Plans: Plans to attend a 4-year college to pursue a BFA in Musical Theatre with a minor in Business/Economics with the goal of appearing on Broadway or opening a nonprofit performing arts company to help young performers achieve their true potential.
South Western H.S.
Victoria Keefauver
Activities: Tri-M Music Honor Society, SW Mini-THON Chair, Marching Band Drum Major, National Honors Society,
violin, clarinet, voice, piano, church choir.
Future plans: Plans to attend a four-year college to pursue a BA Neuroscience followed by a Ph.D. with the plans to become a professor.
Evelyn Bankert
Activities: AP classes, National Honors Society, Independent Study, babysitting, YYSO, volunteer at the library.
Future plans: To become a theoretical physics professor with research exploring the nature of conciousness on the side.
Spring Grove H.S.
Sydney Stump
Activities: National Honors Society, Link Crew leader, International Thespian Society, Tri-M, drama club, symphonic band, full orchestra, indoor percussion, key club vice president, peer mentoring secretary, works at Crabb's Tropical Treat.
Future Plans: Plans to pursue a BSN with a minor in Spanish.
Wesley Taylor
Activities: Science Olympiad, Team America Rocketry Challenge, NASA student launch, drama troupe, International Thespian Society, student council secretary, National Honor Society, gaming club, bowling, tap dancing, church youth tech.
Future plans: Plans to pursue a degree in meteorology with the goal of becoming a research meteorologist.
January 2020 Students of the Month Kathi Fuhrman 2020-01-01 05:00:00Z 0