Jess Shared the following story and pictures regarding the Street Children's Village in the Philippines.
As a review, the two-fold plan is as follows:
- Build a piggery where we will raise native pigs. The meat will be more than enough to supply the continuous demand for pork. The excess will be sold to pay for other food items (fish, chicken, veggies, fruit, etc.)
- Cultivate the fertile land in the 11 hectare property for rice production. Part of the grant fund will be used to purchase a hand truck.
We have at last started the construction of the piggery. There was plenty of delay on account of Covid and weather but we have finally started. The attached pictures were submitted in a comprehensive initial report that was put together by one of the street children who is now 18 years old and who will soon complete his course in landscape architecture. The project also benefits some local construction workers who were hired instead of paying a contractor to do the job.
Pictured below are 7 erect columns for the construction. For more Pictures visit the Photo Gallery on our website - Street Children's Village Project