Dear Groups A-C Club Presidents,
RMB Returns to Action on June 29 in a virtual format using zoom.  Please prominently promote the event in all your meetings this month.  Here are the key facts:
- Hosted by Rotary Means Business District 7390
-DATE/TIME -  Monday, June 29 from 5:30 to 7:00 pm
-PLACE -  Online (Virtual Zoom Meeting)
- Speaker - Gordon Denlinger, Director of the National Foundation of Independent Businesses and state representative, who will be speaking about the business situation in Southcentral PA in the time of COVID-19
-  This will be followed by a Virtual Circle wherein participants will have the chance to talk about their businesses and how they have been affected by COVID-19 and what they have done to survive
RSVP NOW at  (once registered you will be given the link to the Zoom meeting and the meeting ID and  password)
Only the first 50 RSVPs will be able to join the meeting
Thank you and Rotary regards,