ATTENDANCE -39 members were in attendance which is 45.88% of our membership.  The were also 8 Students of the Month in attendance as our guests.
- Chris Neri - was distributing Tastefest tickets to those who purchased them.
- Bob Miller - reminder that bus trip to Pentagon on April 15 is filling up.  If you plan to go you must contact Bob today or ASAP.
- Craig Aiello -we need a counselor for an inbound exchange student for next year and we need host
                        - raffle tickets will be going on sale at the end of February.
                        - 7 members will be attending the Rotary Leadership Institute
- Melissa Plitt - shared “A Foundation Minute” .  Gates Foundation has renewed their pledge to match
  each dollar given 2:1; and she related projects from around the world funded with RF money.
PROGRAM - Jennifer Holcomb “How To Talk To Your Aging Parents”
Some things that we learned:
- Remove emotion from the discussion and stick to facts
- Don’t avoid or delay having these conversations. talk about the issues briefly and often.
- When we meet with resistance we do one of two things - go silent or get violent
- Goal is to get to a point of Shared Meaning where it is safe and factual.
- Make sure you give honest respect to the elder person, and give them some power and control.
- Don’t expect immediate resolution
- Engage in empathetic listening - listening with the heart
- Control your emotions and don’t react or overact, but do respond.
- Create a contract w/ the older adult 
NEXT WEEK’S PROGRAM 2/18/20 Anne Druck “United Way of York Co. Update, Donor Trends, ALICE Program