Rotary Meeting May 12, 2020
President Craig called the virtual meeting to order shortly after noon.  Ellie Rebert led us in the Pledge and Prayer.
 25 people were in virtual attendance via video and/or audio means which includes our 2 guests - Jane Conover and John Anthony, and our speaker Aaron Jacobs.
President Craig inducted Mary Kay Bernosky into Club membership.  Mary Kay, formerly a member of the Pottsville Rotary Club in Schuylkill Co., is currently the VP of Development for the York Co Foundation.
Welcome to our Club Mary Kay!  We look forward to getting to know you better once we meet in person again.
PROGRAM Aaron Jacobs, The Kiwanis Lake Project,
Aaron is a member of the Rotary Club of York and is Chairman of Preserve Planet Earth, PPE.
Kiwanis Lake is a 3 acre Lake and stream located in the NW section of York City.  It was originally part of a farm near the Fireside section which is adjacent to the RT 30 bypass.  It was given as a gift to the City and planning started as far back as 1911. Construction for the existing lake began in 1937 and completed in 1938.  
Over the years the property in the NW section of York developed greatly both commercially and residentially.  These developed areas drain into the lake and it has become a collection basin for pollution from runoff waters.  There is a terrible scum problem, pollution problem, attracted too many geese, and the floodgates no longer work. Recently social media has deplored the condition of the lake and people have been calling for action.
The City does not have the money to fix the problems and this is where the Rotary Clubs comes in.   It is a natural fit for Rotary because of the focus on water projects; Rotary and PPE are known for addressing city environmental issues; and it is a large scale project that demonstrates the power of Rotary to the community.
The issues specifically are:
Safety -  flooding in the area after major storms
Health -  wildlife waste, especially from geese, is a hazard
Beauty - scum called hydrilla gives the appearance of heavy pollution
Sustainability - actively measuring the health of the lake to be more proactive in addressing the issues, rather than reactive
5 Step Plan to resurrect the lake:
Wildlife Management - partner with the State to to employ methods to discourage the geese from living there - about a 2 year process
Aeration and Sediment Reduction  - to introduce dissolved oxygen to breakdown organic matter; introduce product to accelerate the decomposition process
Floodgate Repair - repair/replace/relocate the existing structural components so it operates efficiently - controls, electric service, hydraulics
Fountain & Light Installation - replace existing equipment
Smart Lake Technology - add sensors to the lake to regulate and manage the quality of the lake water.  It will be transparent so that the public can "see" the conditions on-line and can be used as an educational tool for local schools.
The goal is to raise $125,000 to implement the Plan.  Through the generosity of many local companies much of the money has been raised through monetary and in-kind contributions.  The work is expected to begin this summer and last over the next 2 years.
Congratulations to the York Club for spearheading this worthwhile Project to benefit the York Community!
NEXT WEEK"S PROGRAM -  Juliet Sharrow, Thrive Ministry