(reprinted from the District Newsletter Rotary Reported 12/4/20)
D7390 Safety Committee Tips for Safe Gatherings
As COVID-19 hospitalizations surge locally and nationally, the Centers for Disease Control and our local healthcare providers urge us to approach holiday gatherings in a different way this year. The greatest risk for contracting COVID-19 are indoor gatherings with anyone that is not part of your immediate household.  “Immediate” is defined as those who routinely live together.  For more details visit: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/daily-life-coping/holidays.html   Another great local resource is a recorded webinar hosted by Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center on the state of COVID-19 in our area and how to be safe during the holidays.  Go here to listen: https://youtu.be/DLTAxu73kUk.   Need a resource specifically designed for Rotary Clubs?  Go to the D7390 website https://www.rotary7390.org/ and click on the red COVID banner for resources developed by the D7390 Safety Committee.  Let’s keep the holidays happy by being safe!
D7390 Safety Committee Featured in the Zone Newsletter
District 7390 is proud to announce the efforts of our district’s safety committee got published in the December Zone 28/32 newsletter! Sincere thanks is extended to RI Director Valarie Wafer who when she heard of our efforts, wholeheartedly not only published the article we submitted but also asked Rotarians everywhere to heed the advice of public health officials this holiday season by celebrating cautiously.