President Chris called the meeting to order at 12:05 and Ralph Jodice led us in the Pledge and Prayer.
Chris Helt - please give program ideas to Ellie Rebert and the Program Committee
Chris Helt - Our Dec 22nd meeting will be holiday music provided by SouthWestern music Dept.  Don’t forget to wear your holiday clothes/colors.
Jess Socrates - hopefully his son will be discharged from the hospital soon after very successful surgery.
Rhonda Ramos - congratulations to Rhonda who will be taking a new position with OSS Health.
ROTARY MINUTE:  Kathi Fuhrman
PROGRAM: Bryan Blair- CEO York Fairgrounds/Expo Center
Things we heard from Bryan included:
- most of the effects of covid restrictions as reported by mainstream media have centered on the devastation to bars, restaurants, local specialty shops, etc.  But another industry that has suffered as well is the event center, convention center, and entertainment venues.
- the first cancellation for the Fairgrounds was the special Olympics in March.  They didn’t think it was a big deal at the time, but then the cancellations began rolling in for the Spring, summer, fall and now winter.
- non-fair events are a big money maker for York Fairgrounds and Expo center.
- they did all sorts of cost saving measures like laying off all parttime employees, which left a team of 11 on the payroll.
- they got some life-saving revenue from WellSpan for the drive up covid testing operation for 90 days; Weis mkts went ahead with sponsoring one of the main arenas/ convention centers for 3 yrs; and they got a $2 million grant from the Co commissioners because of the importance of the fairgrounds venue to the businesses in the county.  These plus more cost-saving measures kept them barely afloat.
- they added touch less doors and toilets, ventilation systems with virus killing apparatus, and hydrostatic cleaning systems (from John Bailey) to prepare when the times comes when they can re-open facilities.
- they are planning for the 2021 Fair in the summer
-they ran 2 food truck festivals in the fall, limited to 250 people, which were successful fundraisers and the public appeared to be happy to support the effort.