(reprinted from the District 7390 Newsletter Rotary Reporter 12/4/2020)


On Wednesday, December 9, Rotary Means Business District 7390 will host a virtual Zoom meeting from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. The event is FREE so bring your favorite drink and hors d’oeuvres and let’s get RMB going again.  

Zoom Meeting information: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84051123625?pwd=WDgxZVBQakdqdHBnRnl0T2Q3SUtKUT09

Meeting ID: 840 5112 3625 & Passcode: 901152

Once registered, you will be given a meeting ID and password and the link to join.  Also, as you may know, you can go to Zoom.com and click on the “Join the meeting” link and put in the meeting ID and password. See you there!