President Chris opened the meeting at 12:07 and Tammy Miller led us in Pledge and Prayer.
ATTENDANCE - 25 members attended the virtual meeting.  We had one guest, Nan Dunford Hanover Borough Manager, and our speaker today.
- Walt announced that his wife had passed away after a long battle with cancer.
- Warren R. announced that a very brief survey would be sent out later today to gauge our members' feelings about starting the process to return to in-person Rotary meetings.  
   Meetings would be both virtual and in-person simultaneously.
- Jess told us that his son Ryan has been diagnosed with a very rare form of cancer.  He started undergoing treatment today in Pittsburgh.  Jess and his wife are going out to be with him ow.  Jess still wants to stay involved in our virtual meetings.
-Chris reminded us that District Governor John Anthony will be our guest at our September 29 Meeting so please try to attend that day so we have a good showing for him.
PROGRAM - Nan Dunford, Hanover Borough Manager
Some of the topics discussed and questions asked by our members included:
          - she has lived and served in civic gov't in 8 locations prior to coming here
          - she sees many positive things here in Hanover like the infrastructure, history, finance director, governance.  This community has much potential and many possibilities
          - The Borough hired a Director of Planning and Engineering which consolidated several related operations under one supervisor
          - she hopes the surrounding townships also recognize the value of redeveloping Hanover
          - she encourages Borough residents to run for office or council to get involved and bring fresh ideas
          - Two major issues she sees are Re-development and financial sustainability
          - Road improvement - we are following Columbia Gas plan for replacement
          - Old Theatre Plan - it has been purchased and the new owner is looking to renovate to bring a venue for meetings; a theatre; weddings; proms; and concerts.  
          - Will there be a place for Rotary to meet ?   - there will be a restaurant in the old McAlister building run by Handsome Cab but she isn't sure if there will be a large
             meeting space.  The Theatre may be a possibility.
         - there are no current plans to replace the facade of the old Bon Ton building.
         - A Capital Projects committee has been established and the library is central to that.  An engineering study is underway.
         - small bride on Eisenhower Dr needs to be renovated
         - the problem of deer in the Borough is being evaluated and will involve the State and the Game Commission
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM - Erin DeWald, last year's exchange student will speak about her year in Austria.