President Brandon called the meeting to order at 12:25 pm.


Pledge and Prayer by Ralph Jodice

Rotarians with February Birthdays were called forward and spun the wheel


               37 Members were present which is 46.25% of our membership.

               Guests included 4 students of the month; Matt Connors, guest of Mike Hockenberry and prospective member; Patty Hegberg, guest of Tammy Miller



HAPPY DOLLARS :  Christy was happy to see her former student Chase Hoffman who is now at Delone

                          Ralph announced that his grandson won the pinewood derby

PROGRAM:   Our own Greg Staub, District Governor was our speaker

He remarked that he doesn’t usually get a standing ovation before he’s even said anything!!

Greg stated that this Rotary year has been challenging but asked us to focus on the positives and the “why” of Rotary, leveraging the resources of all Rotarians

Also focusing on our local clubs and fellow Rotarians. 

He discussed the Rotary Foundation that returns 50% of the contributions made back to the donor clubs for district grants. 

Also as we emerge from the pandemic, we must position rotary as a way for business and community leaders to restart their public lives as we restart our economy.

Rotary International President Shankar Mehta has asked us to-

“Each One Bring One”.  Each Rotarian should make an effort to introduce Rotary to a friend.

In our District 7390 our biggest challenge is to develop a new generation of leaders. The new Mentorship Committee will identify those young leaders and make them aware of the opportunities that Rotary offers. Greg has asked that our club identify and send at least one or more young Rotary Leaders to our District conference in May. (5/6 and 5/7/22). The theme will be “The Future of Rotary” and the leadership team from our club should also attend as our club’s voice. 

Finally, Greg asked that we support Polio Plus by joining the Polio Plus Society, participating in events like Pints for Polio and the Ride to Eradicate Polio or create our own Polio Plus fundraiser. 

He also thanked his fellow Rotarians for all they do for Rotary.