Fellow Rotarians, I hope you are well. During these unprecedented times we would like to continue providing value and engaging our members. To this end, we have decided to hold Hanover’s first virtual club meeting on Tuesday, March 31 at noon. The login information is provided below and will be posted on our website and Facebook along with instructions on how to join. More information to follow. For now, please mark your calendar for this event. Note: Members will not lose attendance for not attending Topic: Hanover Rotary Virtual Meeting & How business are responding Time: Mar 31, 2020 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Duration: 30 minutes Moderator: Craig Aiello Join Zoom Meeting by clicking here 5 mins prior to the meeting Meeting ID: 285 674 470 Password: 031596 Call in: (415) 762-9988 or (646) 568-7788. and follow the verbal instructions. |
First time for Zoom meeting check out this how to join. https://www.youtube.com/embed/hIkCmbvAHQQ?rel=0&autoplay=1&cc_load_policy=1
Virtual Meeting Etiquette
• Check that the computer you are using has collaboration software installed
• Ensure you have the correct dial-in number and meeting access code
• Log on before the start of the meeting (late arrivals break the flow of discussions)
• Be aware of background noise at your location that could intrude
• State your name whenever you speak
• Concentrate on meeting content and avoid distractions around you
• Take notes to help you summarize your thoughts and make succinct comments
• Speak clearly at a measured pace
• Avoid speaking over the top of other participants
• Follow the guidance of the meeting moderator and be respectful of others
• Ensure you have the correct dial-in number and meeting access code
• Log on before the start of the meeting (late arrivals break the flow of discussions)
• Be aware of background noise at your location that could intrude
• State your name whenever you speak
• Concentrate on meeting content and avoid distractions around you
• Take notes to help you summarize your thoughts and make succinct comments
• Speak clearly at a measured pace
• Avoid speaking over the top of other participants
• Follow the guidance of the meeting moderator and be respectful of others
• Use the chat feature for asking questions
• Send announcements in advance to the moderator
• Send announcements in advance to the moderator