President-Elect Brandon Gething called the meeting to order shortly after noon and Ralph Jodice led in pledge and prayer.
ATTENDANCE: 11 members attended in person and 24 virtually on-line including 7 students of the month and one of the speakers Carol Ferguson.
- Brandon - we need volunteers for the Pledge and Prayer. Please contact Rick McKee.
- Brandon - Ellie, Tammy and the rest of the Program Committee are doing yeoman's work in arranging presenters for our weekly programs. However they need suggestions and leads for upcoming programs. Please contact Ken Wenger or Tammy Miller with your recommendations.
- Brandon - Look for an email regarding the Ways and Means Committee coming soon.
- Ralph - this Thursday at 10:00 am the winner of The Most Remarkable Woman In Central PA will be announced on ABC channel 27. Rotary's own Christy Lucas is one of 4 finalists. No matter what the outcome we are very proud of Christy and the work she has done for veterans through Roots for Boots.
STUDENTS OF THE MONTH: The students who were present each shared what they learned about Rotary during the month.
PROGRAM: Deb Stambaugh and Carol Ferguson
NOTE: The full presentation can be viewed at :
Deb's summary follows:
1. Rotary International has asked us to Bring the Focus of Disease Prevention and Treatment to light in our own communities.
2. Quote: Bill Nye Rotary Video: " We need to Build Bridges with Parents in Our Communities."
3. As published by our District 7390 - The Rotary Call to Action Regarding Vaccines.
1. We ask you to encourage your clubs to: Utilize Rotary's knowledge of vaccine safety and efficacy based on our polio eradication experience to conduct vaccination education and communication outreach in your communities. This will need to be tailored to local contexts to address unique cultural and regional needs.
Rotary Members have demonstrated what we can accomplish to raise awareness, deliver critical personal protection
equipment, and provide support for frontline health workers.
We have one final call to action:
Help us combat the powerful, growing force of vaccine resistance and misinformation.
Our advocacy in our communities will be critical - we need to spread the message about the power of vaccines to save lives.
We do this for ourselves and for future generations.
2. This project with the York/Adams Immunization Coalition is one way to fulfill this Call to Action.
4. Our primary reason for the presentation is to eblighten your Club regarding a project that can have a direct inpact on this Call to Action.
1. The New Mothers Packet project with York/Adams Immunization Coalition will include the Vaccine information Cards that focus on Rotary's message ALONG with numerous pieces of information from the PA DOH and the CDC as determined by the York/ Adams Coalition.
5. Our secondary reason is to offer the opportunity for donations (in any amount) to support this effort.
Our follow up plan: York/Adams Immunization Coalition is gathering information for packets to be disstributed to Health Agencies, Hospitals,ect, that care for New Mothers & Children, to educate them on the importance of Vaccinations and answer their questions. As Rotarians and Immunation Coalitions work together, we are the Bridge that Bill Nye talks about in his video on our presentation.
The YAIC are ordering the materials, shipping them to me, I will be puting them together in 10 bags to be put together in packets.
Rotarians will be able to pick up at 847 East Walnut St. Hanover and have a week end to pack all items in individual bags and return to that same porch. We are planning to put together 1000 packets. They will be returned to the YAIC and they will distribute them. As soon as I have the shipment I will be back in touch with you, Warren.
The Coalition is planning within the next 2 weeks.
Thank You
Deb Stambaugh
No One Should Suffer from a Vaccine Preventable Disease.
The Pain and Disability Can Last a Lifetime.
Check us out on the web -
(We are a registered 501C3 Organization)
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM: York County Waste Management - "What Happens to Our Gargage"