Rotary  meeting-    12/14/21


         Members - 36 members were in attendance which represents 44.56% of our membership.

         Guests included 6 students of the month for Dec.; Amanda Steininger, guest of Jessica Waltersdorff


Barb Rupp made an announcement about needing additional volunteers at Santa’s Cabin.  If anyone is interested in helping contact Barb Rupp.

Chris Neri announced that she was asked about the number of books that we have donated to the children’s library.  We started in July 2007 under the presidency of Jim Balthaser and have to date donated approximately 675 children’s books!

Bob Miller announced that the Gettysburg Times will be starting a weekly Hanover Times initially as a free paper. They are looking for freelance writers.  More details to follow.

Brandon opened today’s meeting as a Business Meeting:

He mentioned that 5 new members have joined our club in the last 6 months.

Also the Fund Raising meeting that was held after last week’s meeting was productive. A suggestion was made to possibly hold a dinner as a fund raiser for our club to offset community requests that come in to our club. Any additional ideas are welcome and appreciated.

Kathy Fuhrman presenting the slate of officers for the upcoming year of 7/1/22-6/30/23. Approved as submitted.

     President                                                 Kathi Fuhrman
     President Elect                                        Jessica Waltersdorff
     Treasurer                                                 Terry Gingrow
     Secretary                                                 Kelly Rebert
     Vice President                                         Vacant
     Immediate Past President                        Brandon Gething
    Board/ Lane Chair New Generations       Mary Kay Bernosky
    Board/Lane Chair - Club Service             Warren Risk
    Board/Lane Chair Community Svc          Christy Lucas
    Board/Lane Chair Int'l Service                 Paul Berg
    Board/Lane Chair Vocational Service      Jessica Waltersdorff



Terry Gingrow, Treasurer presented the budget for 7/1/21-6/30/22 which was approved by the Board at their last meeting.  If you would like a copy of the budget, please contact Terry directly.

NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM - HOLIDAY PROGRAM AND MUSIC PROVIDED BY THE MUSIC DEPT OF SOUTHWESTERN SCHOOL DISTRICT.  Please let us know if you are going to bring a guest to this meeting.