51 of 85 members were in attendance which is 60% of our membership!
There were also 8 Students of the Month in attendance as guests.
- Brent Toomey Retirement Party Thurs 2/6/20 YWCA 4:30 - 6:30
- Children's Aid Society 29th Annual Auction, Lehman Center, 4/28 2020 (contact Brandon Gething)
- Need volunteers at New Hope Ministries, 6:00 - 7:00 pm, 1/21/20  (contact Peg Sennett)
- Tickets on sale now for Tastfest, and we need some new vendors (contact Kelly Rebert)
- Hanover Has Talent event, 1/25/20  contact (Ken Wenger)
- Rotary Means Business, Gettysburg HACC (contact John Bailey)
- Rotary Leadership Institute - Rotary Listens - 6 Club members are going & we need 4 more,  2/15/20 Messiah College 7:30 am - 1:30pm (contact Craig Aiello)
ALPHA - Alliance for Low Income Personal Care Advancement   Dianna Benaknin  717-779-7762
Dianne explained that there is a growing gap in our system for long term care and support for low income individuals in need of care - housing, services and socialization outside of a nursing facility.  Currently Personal Care Homes, like Harmony Personal Care Home in Hanover, are trying to fill this gap but funding has not kept pace.
Personal Care Homes in PA support residents in the communities where they live and are the most affordable link i PA's long term care system.
The PA PCHSupplement provides "gap funding" to very low income persons.  The combined Fed/State payment provides only $37 per day for that care & there has been no increase since 2006!  The # of PCHomes in PA has declined by 44% between 2008 to 2019. 
ALPHA is a collaborative community organization that promotes the sustainability of low-income PCHomes through volunteerism, advocacy, and business mentoring.
NEXT WEEK"S PROGRAM - Catherine "Rina" Houck,  Rotary Classification Talk