Posted by Warren Risk on Nov 26, 2019
39 members, 44.83% were in attendance.
There were 2 guests, one Rotarian from the York Club, Jeff Smith; and a guest of Kathi Fuhrman, Janise Bankard from The Eichelberger Performing Arts Center.
Carrie Nace gave her classification speech.  Among the many things we learned about Carrie are the following: she has a husband and two children and they live in New Oxford; grew up in State College; went to Juniata; developed an interest in politics aided by a godfather who was in the secret service; she went to Bangladesh twice and spent time working for the British Embassy in Hong Kong; she worked for Sam Smith in the Pa House, then Kate Klunk, and current works as a lobbyist/Issue Advocacy.  Her advice is to use networking because the important thing is Who You Know.
NEXT WEEK’S PROGRAM - PA State Representative Kate Klunk