The following is posted on behalf of Merle Zehr regarding our Raffle Fundraiser:
The Rotary Raffle Committee has decided to cancel the current Raffle Fundraiser. The Covid-19 Pandemic is limiting our ability to sell raffle tickets, so we have decided to discontinue the raffle at this time.  Once things return to normal, the Committee will meet and determine when we can have another raffle. 
                If you have already sold tickets, then you will need to refund the money to the individual(s) who purchased them.   I have attached a copy of this letter to provide to the person you are refunding, should you choose to do so. 
                If you have already turned in the funds to Grant Holub, then we will be mailing a refund to those individuals along with a copy of this letter.  Please call me if you have any questions.
               We apologize for the inconvenience.  If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (717) 339-5182 or Grant Holub at (717) 339-5140.
                Please note if you have any unsold  Raffle Tickets, just hang onto them for now.  Once things get back to normal and our membership is able to hold our regular 
                lunch meetings, then bring them to the meetings and turn them into Grant or myself at that time.
       Thank you!
Be safe!   I pray and trust that God will guide us during these tough times.