President Chris opened the virtual meeting at 12:04 pm and Rick McKee led us in the pledge and prayer.
ATTENDANCE: a total of 29 members were in attendance virtually by audio and/or video means. We had two guests, Judy Jodice; and Shaun.
Chris H. - If you have any suggestions for speakers and/or programs that you would like to hear, please share them with Ellie Rebert or Ken Wenger.
PROGRAM: Justine Trucksess - Update on Main Street Hanover
Justine last gave us an update on changes to Downtown Hanover in November, 2019. Much has happened since then.
Justine provided information on the status of several properties:
McAllister Hotel and 40 N Broadway (formerly The Sandy Woods) - Regular PLCB liquor licenses are expensive ($400,000) and very difficult to obtain. A joint effort was initiated to obtain a liquor license through the Economic Development process which is less costly ($50,000). Local entities had to show how crucial these liquor licenses were to the economic development of downtown Hanover. After a very lengthy process including municipal presentations, PLCB interviews, PLCB hearings, the PLCB approved both licenses 2 weeks ago!! These were the first 2 of this kind in York Co.
40 N. Broadway - front of the building will be a restaurant. The back of the building will be a micro-brew.
State Theatre - currently under contract. Plans are to restore much of the charm of the original theatre and turn it into a multi-purpose venue.
Montgomery Ward Building, 34 Frederick St - construction is underway. The street level floor will contain retail, ommercial businesses and perhaps a restaurant while the upper floors will be apartments. Alley will become pedestrian space hopefully supporting small retail shops.
48 E Chestnut St (behind Royal Farms) - developers are looking at it.
Downtown Plans -
New Benches and matching trash cans have been purchased and are being placed downtown. New street light poles and flower boxes will also be installed. The Rotary benches have been removed and are in temporary storage until they can be placed in the community.
Gazebo - the Rotary gazebo containing plaques telling the early history of Hanover needs maintenance. Additionally thought is being given to reclaim that space on the square and a determination needs to made as to what to do with the gazebo. The plan is for collective discussions to be had involving the Borough, business owners, and Rotary regarding the fate of the gazebo.
Events - upcoming downtown events are listed on the Main Street website.