President Brandon opened the meeting at 12:25 and Liz Johnides led the Pledge and Prayer.
ATTTENDANCE: 28 members were in attendance which is 36.36% of our membership.  Guests included Mark Albright, Rotarian transferring his membership from his Club in Brazil; Kasey King, prospective member; 8 students of the Month.
Deb Stambaugh - Polio fundraiser - Pints for Polio had a small turnout last weekend but everyone had fun.  If you still have any money to donate, please get it to Rick McKee.
Dale Brubaker - Service Project - please consider helping to decorate the gazebo at Wirt Park on Nov 20th at 8:00 am
Barb Rupp - Santa's Cabin will be open this yearn the weeks prior to Christmas.  They are looking for volunteers to greet/manage the visitors.  You can sign up on the borough website.  There will be a separate mailing coming out to you on this.  There will be a Santa's parade this year.
INDUCTION: Brandon Inducted Shanna Hollich into membership.  Shanna is the Director of the Guthrie Memorial Library and her sponsor is Chris Neri.
STUDENTS OF THE MONTH - each of the 8 students gave us their impression of their month with us.
PROGRAM: Shanna Hollich - Guthrie Memorial Library 
Shanna has now been at her new position as Director for about 2 months.  Instead of focusing on data about the library like the fact that it is the 2nd largest library in York Co., she wanted to talk about the "people aspect" of what the library offers.  The library is so much more than just books.  It connects people with information and resources.
She shared some of the stories about those that are using the library which is a cross-section of our Community - young and old, wealthy and poor, leisure readers and researchers.  She gathered the stories as she walks around the library and people ask her - "Do you work here?"  
Some of the things the library offers that we may not know about include: a lending collection of board and video games; Book Club and writing workshops; Robotics; partnering with Community organizations; sensory story times; Project with Codorus Park; Career development; small business how-to start-up.
She demonstrated the advantages of using the library rather than just a straight an internet search.
On Nov 8 & 9 Shanna will conduct Community its Interest Forums at the library to gain customer insight into where the library should go from here.  Currently they are having a fundraising raffle of a quilt.  You must enter by Friday to have a chance of winning it.
Thank you Shanna for sharing the "human side" of the library.