Hello everyone,
I am sending you another collage of 8 patients representing patients # 89 - 96. Dr. Jonas has been very busy these past few days doing a marathon of transcatheter repairs. We are way beyond our goal of 86 patients. In fact, Dr. Jonas recently informed me that he just repaired another patient, bringing our total to 99 patients repaired. He promised me that he will do another patient before the end of the year to round off our numbers to 100. And this is just for Operation Braveheart II. Our grand total now is 140 patients. My Rotary partners in the Philippines reported to me that we still have leftover funds to cover a few more patients. So, Operation Braveheart II will definitely change the lives of more than 100 patients. Thank you once again for everyone's support.
Some more good news to share. Dr. Jonas del Rosario has accepted our invitation to come to Baltimore and be our guest speaker for the APPM-UPMASA conference on March 21, 2020. I will also take him to Hanover to spend some time with my Rotary Club. Everyone here knows his name. They will be delighted to meet him face to face.
Finally, one of our Club members is making a trip to the Philippines at the end of January to see the project, meet our Rotary partners and Jonas; and witness a transcatheter repair. This is not an inspection trip like the recent one, it's a friendly visit.
I hope this email and the attached collage bring more Christmas and holiday joy to everyone.
Sincerely, Jess Socrates