At our regular meeting on Tuesday the following Rotarians were recognized for their years of service to our Club.  Peg Sennett shares the following information:


Since 2001, Hanover Rotary has been awarding anniversary clocks to its members. After five years a member receives a mantle clock displaying a plaque recognizing years of Rotary service. The plaque is updated every five years. At our Dec. 6th meeting, the following Rotarians were recognized:

Clocks were awarded to the following Rotarians for five years of membership:

  • Laura Becker
  • Deena Brant
  • Dale Brubaker
  • David Erlemeler
  • Christopher Helt
  • Rhonda Ramos

Several members received updated plaques for ten years of membership:

  • Cindy Fremont
  • Sharon Kebil-Whisler
  • Scott Kurz
  • Justine Tucksess

Additonal recognitions:

  • Kim Hacket, 15 years
  • Gary Laird, 20 years
  • Ken Wenger, 25 years
  • Wendell Mulder, 25 years
  • Terry Gingrow, 30 years
  • Warren Miller, 45 years
  • Bert Elsner received a standing ovation for his 50 years as a Hanover Rotarian.


These 17 Rotarians have given a total of 280 years of time and talent to the Hanover community and to the world at large. 

Top   L to R    Warren Miller, Wendell Mulder, Ken Wenger, Terry Gingrow                                           Lower                 L to R Justine Trucksess,  Sharon Kebil-Whisler

Top    L to R Barb Rupp, Peg Sennett                                                                  Lower     L  to R    Dale Brubaker, Barb Rupp, Peg Sennett


L to R Chris Helt, Dale Brubaker, Kim Hackett